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Community Issues: China's One-Child Policy, Violence, and More

The community they want you to see
By Anna Kaunda
The community that we are supposed to be giving back to, is the same community that just stood by
as China enforced a one child per family rule, in which every Chinese netizen could eligibly only have
one child in their family. This is the same community that allows girls to get rapped and molested,
and just silently watches. This is the same community that allows ghost marriages to happen for
“religious reasons.” The same community that allows incest relationships, and pedophiles to walk
around freely. The same society that allows killers to roam about freely. That community? Well in this
article I will explain all the reasons why you should lower your values for your community and just
give up.
Firstly, though the one child ban in China is no longer legal it doesn’t mean that the effects will not
forever haunt China for a very long time. The one child ban started on September 25 in 1980 due to
over population rates in China, the government thought it would be a good idea the implicate a one
child ban in China. Which did stop the problem temporally but most chines netizens decided that it
would be better to have a male son only, to continue the family lineage. But due to such drastic
decisions -though the ban got terminated in 2016 (about 9 years ago)- the male population is higher
than the female population. Families only having male children was not the only reason that China
decided to change the one child ban, the other causes were: most Chinese females would be either
aborted, or left in orphanages, when it was time to marry there was a lack in female population,
there was an increase in senior citizens, and the fear of having to take care of 2 children was costly.
Eventually in may 2021 to august 2021 the Chinese government decided sent out a new policy where
each family could now have 3 children.
Secondly, the murder case of Junko Furuta would be a good place to start my topic on how women
or girls get sexually rapped and most people just decide to turn a blind eye and say its normal. Junko
Futura was born in Misato, Saitama, Japan in 1971, and was seventeen when it all started. On
November 1988 Hiroshi Miyano and two of his other friends kidnaped Junko mainly because she
rejected Hiroshi is love confession. After kidnapping her they used her as a ‘sex slave’ for 44 days.
The parents even noticed that Junko was at there house a little too much but decided to turn the
blind eye on the matter. On the 45 day -January 4 1989- when the finally ended her misery and killed
her. During the 44-day period she was rapped over 400 time but not only Hiroshi Miyano and his
friends and other men and boys that the main four new. This is a perfect example of how women can
get rapped and most people in the community would turn the other check.
Before I even talked about ghost marriages, I need to give you a quick briefing and explanation. This
are usually when you marry of two dead people so that in there after life, they may be happy. This
was once a Chinese tradition that has been taking place for over 3000 years. At first glance it seems
normal but when you look more closely you notice that this is just another form of human trafficking
especially if the marriage is not consensual from one of the participants. The main issue is that
people make a living by planning ghost marriages and since the job is not well know it pays a lot
more than a normal job especially in China. The down side is that the way most of them are
planned is that the planner will most likely take an unsuspecting person, kill them, and then put a
price on there dead body. Ghost marriages are not the only way to make money of a dead human
body, if you go on the dark web, you could also sell body parts, organisms or limbs for a hefty price.
May I also state that it is mostly women that are being killed for these weddings. The same
community that you want us to give back to is the same community that continues ghost marriages
because of religious reasons and even though they know the consequences that most of the bodies
could have been ruthlessly killed, the still proceed.
One of the biggest issues I have with ‘this community’ is when they give psychotic serial killers, that
are out to kill us, unreally cool, and catchy name for absolutely no reasons. A good example would be
Jake the ripper who was a serial killer in 1888. He allegedly killed 5 women after mutilated their
bodies. Ironic thing is that till this day the police still don’t know who he might have been they only
have one suspect that is Aaron Kosminski a polish barber. He is still an unidentified killer and one of
the greatest at that. The second serial killer mostly known for his popular Netflix show would be
Jeffery Dahmer. The reason am saying his name is because once his show was realized it got both
positive n negative feedback especially from the victims from his killing. He became a famous TikTok
meme, challenge and even dance. To the point that I think people even forgot he was a serial killer
because some netizens said that he is ‘Hot’. Some netizens claim that the reason that Jeffery Dahmer
was allowed to kill these young men was because they were young black or light brown skinned
people. This was mainly due to the large racism during his time period.
The final topic I would like to discuss would be a story about a Pedophiles. William James was a 64year-old man that drugged and abused hundreds of pupils at international schools around the world.
A Guardian investigation reveals that, despite numerous opportunities to stop him, nothing was
done. These are some of the notes by Robert Booth who was the reporter studying the case ‘A
thousand miles south, special agents at the FBI office in Houston were waiting for a search warrant
that would allow them to open a 16-gigabyte flash drive that had recently arrived from the US
embassy in Nicaragua. For the previous seven months, Vahey had been teaching history at the
American Nicaraguan School, one of 193 schools around the world supported by the US government
to promote US-style education. On 11 March, his housekeeper had shown up at the school gates, and
handed the flash drive in. It was part of a haul of computer kit that she had allegedly stolen from
Vahey’s villa a few months earlier. It later transpired that the drive contained photographs of at least
90 unconscious adolescent boys, naked and partially dressed. The images of abuse, which dated from
2008 to 2013, were neatly arranged into digital folders with titles such as “Panama Trip”, “Costa Rica
Trip” and “Basketball Trip”. Vahey had led these field excursions while teaching at two other private
international schools in Caracas and London.’ William also had a nasty personality which made his
work mates not like him. Though to his male students he was unruly kind and they liked him. He
eventually tried to commit suicide when he found out that the FBI was after him, which was the
reason why he never actually got the punishment he deserved.
These are the bare minimum of what’s wrong with the community that you wanted me to give back
to. When all they ever do is look away when a serious matter appears. They could have saved Junko
if the parents had not decided to turn a blind eye, the black men that were murdered by Jeffery
could have been saved if the community wasn’t so racist and still is, those boys who William killed
would have been alive if the schools’ teachers – also known as the school’s community- had voiced
their concerns. All am saying is before I can find value in this community it must find value in caring
and taking action when they see that something wrong is happening.