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Radioactive Dating Lab: Half-Life Model with Pennies

Honors Chemistry – Unit 2
Name ____________________________________
Period ______ Date ________________________
Radioactive Dating of Human Bones
A Model of
Forensic scientists can use their knowledge of radioactive decay and half-lives to determine the age of many
things, including skeletal remains. One method used to determine the age of bones is the Carbon-14 method.
Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon that is found in all living things. Carbon-14 is absorbed by living
things when they are alive and although it decays over time, it is constantly replaced. When an organism dies,
the amount of C-14 begins to decay at a fixed rate determined by the half-life of the isotope. The amount of
time it takes for half of the C-14 atoms to decay is known as the half-life. Forensic scientists can measure the
amount of C-14 remaining in a skeleton to determine how long ago an individual died.
For this model, let’s assume that a penny represents another element found in human bones. We will call this
fictitious element “boneyum”. If the penny is tails is up, it represents an undecayed atom of a radioactive
isotope. If the penny is heads up, it represents a decayed atom (it has become another element). You will start
with 100 pennies to represent 100 “boneyum” atoms. Each time you pour out the cup of pennies, one half-life
has passed.
Using pennies, you will model the radioactive decay of a fictitious element “boneyum” found in human bones.
Prelab Practice
How much of a 100.0 g sample of 198Au is left after 8.10 days if it’s half-life is 2.70 days?
 100 pennies
 paper or plastic cup
1. Working with your lab groups, designate one classmate to be the coordinator, one to be the “counter,” and
one to be the recorder.
2. Place 100 pennies into a paper or plastic cup. The pennies will represent “boneyum” nuclei in this
experiment. Record the initial number of pennies in the zero half-life row of your data table.
3. Have the coordinator shake the cup of pennies and carefully empty them onto a flat surface. Have the
counter separate the pennies that are heads up from those that are tails up. The heads represent “boneyum”
nuclei that have decayed and the tails represent unchanged “boneyum” nuclei. This step represents one halflife, which we will say is ten years of time. Have the recorder note the number of “boneyum” nuclei
remaining (tails) after one half-life in the data table.
4. Push the decayed “boneyum” nuclei (heads) to the side. Return the unchanged nuclei (tails) to the cup.
Repeat step 3 five more times.
Data Table
0 (0 years)
1 (10 years)
2 (20 years)
3 (30 years)
4 (40 years)
5 (50 years)
6 (60 years)
Number of “boneyum” nuclei
full page
x-axis labeled
y-axis labeled
axes correct
points plotted
curve correct
ruler/neatness _____/1
Graph your results from your data table. Label your axis number of remaining “boneyum” nuclei vs half-life.
Refer to the graphing guide and rubric in your comp book for proper graphing procedures!
Using the graph above and the missing person’s report on the following page to answer the following
1. What is the half-life for “boneyum”? How do you know this?
2. Tests on the skeletal bones show that 10% of the “boneyum” remains. Determine how many years have gone
by if 10% of radioactive nuclei remain. Show all work.
3. Knowing that the case took place in 1998, around which year did this person die?
4. What is the name of the probable missing person? Explain how you determined this.
5. Do you think that after more half-lives you would eventually have no “boneyum” nuclei remaining?
Missing Person’s Report Data
The year was 1998. Some hikers stumbled across a suspicious looking mound of dirt in an area that would be
home to a future high school in Las Flores, California. Crime scene investigators were called to evaluate the
scene. After determining that this might be a grave, the investigators ask for help from some forensic
anthropologists. Working together, the site is carefully excavated. The skeletal remains of a human are found
in the grave.
The forensic anthropologists determine that the remains belong to a female, about age 16. She had been shot at
close range through the back of the head. X-rays are taken. Police records turn up missing person reports of ten
girls this age from all around the country. Anthropologists decide to narrow down the range of possibilities by
determining how long the young girl has been dead. To do this they must do radioactive dating of the fictitious
element “boneyum”.