Uploaded by Imran Shamim

Roof Repair Project Management Plan

Phases/ Areas
Project Boundaries
Summary of Requirements
Project Charter
What is to be done:
The battery limits of tank repair works is replacement
of complete roof with primary & secondary seals,
associated appurtenances, complete sandblasting and
Dyke wall works for access to tank, Cleaning and waste
disposal to provide safe work environment for
construction works, timely procurement and
prefabrication works at yard, onsite erection works,
seal installation, sandblasting and painting works at
tank site.
Development of Project Charter highlighting:
SMART Objectives with KPIs, milestone schedule, highlevel budget, risks, constraint, basis and assumptions
(phase-wise), list of major deliverables, nominating
project lead along with project management team
from finance, commercial, operations, process and
advisory deptt and their level of authority, approval of
Create main phases of project. Project team to hold
kick off meeting.
Scope split defined.
OMS defined their work requirements
and integrity issued a detailed report.
Nomination of Imran Shamim being PM,
funding and resource provision.
Cleaning, HP Jetting, Prefabrication,
Diamntling, Reconstruction, Sandblasting
and Painting phases are devloped with
high level budget and timeline.
FEED, Detailed Engineering 80 % engineering information is to be generated out of Not performed, tank already designed by
FEED package for early start of purchase phase. Rest of Petrochem. Only size of deck plate is to
the 20% information is to be finalised once HAZOP of be modified.
work packages are completed and IFC of P&IDs are
Estimation of works
Develop MTOs for starting procurement. All
procurement is to be initiated by byco PT based on IFC
Field and design team to work together for preparing
cost estimates of reconstruction works.
Collection of requirement
and scope development
Collect requirements and develop acceptance criteria
which is meeting all respective specifications against
attached data sheet.
Create detailed statement of works.
Create scope and break them up to manageable work
packages against which individual team could be held
Mark exclusions. No fabrication works on shell and
bottom excluding first course.
A detailed estimate (including
contingency) of PKR 262 Mn will be
closely tracked so that additional funding
could be in place subject to any change
or evolution of scope to meet the timely
completion of this business critical
The detailed inspection report as of
29.Nov.17 from Integrity department is
the basis of scope of works. All
requirements to manage the work
execution will be taken from this
The initial work sequence of M/S ATL will
be thoroughly reviewed prior to freezing
performance baseline of 4.5 months
Development of overall project construction
methodology in the form of plan. Refer previous
practices/lesson learned.
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Unknowns (*)
Identify risks by inviting all possible stakeholders and Risk register developed.
develop risk register through formalized risk
Rerun the schedule sequence and create best vs worst
scenarios leading to respective completion times.
Address alternative methodologies as well and invite
professional counterparts to comment.
Specifications of Work
Process specifications: As per GA drawings of
Work quality specifications: As per integrity
recommendations. Document attached.
API-650 will be followed for managing
and controlling execution of works. API653 will be followed for any change of
agreed work scope.
Shipment & Transportation L/C based long lead items are to be procured on
priority so that construction works .
Byco to lift material from Ex works locations, arrange
preshipment inspection, FoB and CIF, custom
clearance and transportation to refinery site.
New deck plates from China and local
plates from Karachi are to be purchased
way ahead of erection phase so that
prefabrication at yard could be started.
Primary and secondary seals are to be
lined up from CTS Netherlands, its
delivery at MKS site will be supplier's
Dismantling of old Roof(*)
The dismantling scope comprises of the
1) Removal in slices is to be done.
Describe HOW dismantling is to be done.
2) Safe removal of complete items .
Major items include but not limited to
roof, pontoons, platforms and I&C
hardware. After removal tank allied site
shall be leveled off and all debris will be
removed and disposed of as per detailed
byco requirements.
3) Provision of all direct or indirect items
will include but not be limited to cranes,
trailers, consumables, respective
hardware, PPEs, paramedics under
turnkey basis so that overall dismantling
activity must be completed within 30
Reconstruction (*)
Develop philosphy how to do the construction.
Outsource all heavy lift and execution
Perform works as per schedule and
comply site EHS standards.
Maintain DPR as per format.
Keep an eye on quality of work and
productivity of contractor.
Validate scope and conduct package wise
box up inspection so as to save time
during trailing end of job.
Issue change request (CR) and perform
process from CR to Change Order (CO).
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LEL to be checked in every shift and
subject to need.
If level of CO gets less than 5ppm,
ventilation to be immediately enhanced
till the point of restoring safe working
Tool box talk, assembly points and
readiness of workers to be gauged on
regular basis.
Oxyacetylene direct flame will not be
used unless all safety precautions are
taken and permit to work has been
sanction by byco EHS.
All instruments to be removed prior to
any hotwork and they will be reinstated
after compeltion of all hot works.
Reviews and Audits
Incident reporting to be critcially
For effective daily works, cutting
sequence to be developed and tracked
for progress assessment.
Quality inspection plan (QIP) and
Welding procedure specification (WPS)
to be developed well before start of
All platforms to be cleaned from any
debris or oil spill.
Inhouse team member to conduct audits and
Stage gate review for the current/actual
assessment on performace reviews at the end of each health and acceptability level of each
phase as well as at the end of deliverable completion. phase completion. This will be conducted
by Project Team, OMS, HSE and ERT.
Stage gate review will be conducted at
following phase ends:
1. Presuure Jetting, Cleaning of Tank.
2. Dismantling of Roof.
3. Onsite Erection of Roof.
4. Sandblasting and painting completion.
5. Seal Erection.
6. Oil-in
Management safety audits (MSA) are to
be conducted by field experts to assess
the compliance of EHS protocols and
highlighting areas of improvement
through MSA forms.
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Develop Procedures for
Configuration and Change
General Process Assests
especially lesson learned
MKP Site Culture and
Working Environment
Ensure configuration management plan is in place and
all stakeholders carry the right version of documents,
drawings and plans.
Prepare protocol of analyzing, approving, rejecting
deferring changes.
Periodic meetings especially weekly communication
and progress review meeting must be conducted. One
with internal team members and second with
job method statements should be kept as
Previous project lesson learned to be
knowledge base to be used on need cum basis.
taken as reference for a fresh start.
Template of dossiers, progress report, invoices should Dossiers developed, reports logged.
be made part of contract.
All schedules and plans need to be signed off by senior
management before considering them as road map to
SAP Project System module to be put in place.
Planning interface and construction team must work
together to achieve reconciliation conclusively.
Planning room must be given to effectively planout the
project with realistic estimates.
Byco site conditions regarding contractors' safety at
Engaging local laberers in project to
working site and residence needs to be under proper avoid all such happenings.
vigilance to avoid threats from locals. The kick backs
on day to day supply of material, upon mob/demob of
contractor and monthly invoicing have become a norm
that adds the overall estimate of contractors bid and
get compensated by byco.
Moral and Motivation
Develop team and maintain level of motivation by
Formal trainings and timeouts in
formal timeouts.
coordination with HR.
Recognition and rewards should be made regular part
of team development.
Job Description/Team Roles Each team member has to be issued job description
Formal project organogram.
& Responsibilities
which should be adpated as per nature of project.
Separate project-specific objectives should be issued
to individual team member identifying where one
team member's reponsibility ends and where next
member's responsibility starts.
Schedule & Updates of
Schedule (*)
Converting construction methodology after
P6 schedule.
contractor's buy-in in the form of realistic master
schedule covering FEED, detailed design, construction,
precommissioning, commissioning and GTR.
Highlight major actions like lining up expats for Cx,
getting right of ways.
Develop definitive estimates on level-1 schedules and
get the budgetary appropriations obtained from
Senior management, project manager and every single
stakeholder must own the logic of sequence of works.
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Once specifications, timelines, cost estimates and risks Contract document development.
are established, invite quotes/ float RFQ from
potential contractors for reconstruction.
Technical interfaces to take lead in negotiations of
every pre bid meeting which has to be logged by
archieve section.
Get the contracts developed and seek agreement on
price schedule and penalties.
Technical team is to finally decide the procurement
item (Service/Product) even if it is getting off from
being lowest by presenting a solid justification.
Raise respective flags to management regarding at
Progress reports preparation and
hand delays or potential delays that are likley to delay archiving.
project completion time and budgets.
Update schedules and budget and report performance
especially earned value.
Statistical Reports
Develop comparison of planned versus actual progress
on tabular as well as consolidated manner in the form
of S-curves.
Develop as-built schedules.
On the Go Risks
Capture emerging risks and keep evolving all project
documents especially risk registers and project
Communication/ Same Page Ensure that there are no communication gaps across
team members.
Resolve conflicts professionally by making it part of
Maintain minutes regularly and ensure that all
respective team member (internal/external) are
Partial Turnover (*)
Offer for punch list.
PreCx and testing
Precommission and perform tests. Maintain log.
Turnover the project by sign off protocol.
Update P6 scehdules and reconcile
Update risk register.
Conduct daily meeting as well as weekly
meetings and issue MoMs.
Correct deviations. Address as per
priority-A/B/C items.
Get the as-built drawings developed.
Assemble dossiers.
Horizontality is to be checked after oil-in
by OMS and respective measure taken.
Item Tech_2.6_Final Acceptance
Certificate is to be signed off by
customer, ie, OMS.
(*) shows gate reviews
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