e^tcutus R.rr'eu t o( [\Iaximum mark: /(r) : 5] ffi e3'. The line .L is the tangent to the curve of .f at Find tlre equation of -L in the form A : mx: + c. Let Tk, s l- (0, 1) 2. fl\Iaximum mark: Let /(r) : (u) Sho'w 6] ffi kt:3. that the point P(2,84) lies on the crrrve of At P, the normal to the curve is parallel to (b) / [1] y:l*. 6 Fincl the va,lue of k. l5l 3 6] ffi Consicler the curve A : h,:r [\,Iaxirnuni rnark: e IR.. c I -1 da (u) Fincl (b) Determine the equation of the normal to the crtrve at the point P(-2.4). t21 dc [4] 4 [I\,Iaximurn mark: 6] ffi Let/(r) -pr3-qr. Ltr:0,thegladientof find the vaiue ofp and thecurveof /is2. Giventhat .f-1(12)--2, q. 5 fNlaxirnum mark: Let /(r) : 6] ffi ix2e'and 9(r) -- 4r - t:2. (u) Find //(o). t3l (b) Find the n-coordiuate where the tangents of J@) and 9(r) are parallei. t3l 6 [N,laxirnurn rnalk: 7] ffi :6, :2, s'(3):4 and h'(3) : Find tlre equatiorr of the norrnal to the graph ol f af, :r :3. Let f 7. (r): s(r)h(t). where e(3) h(3) 1 6] ffi Consicler the curve y::-+ 5-r fNilaximurn rnark: -4. r- I Find thc r-coordinates of the points on the curve where the gradient is zero. 8. H ESt flllaximum mark: 7j Tlre values of the functions the following table. r Lcth(c;) / and g and their derivatives for .f (r) 3 3 7 5 s@) 6 r :3 and f'(r) s'@) -8 2 1 D r: 7 arc shown in :f(r)s@). (u) Find h(3). (b) Find the equation of the norrnal to h when tel L4l r : 7 t5l 9. [lVlaxirnurn mark: 15] Lct f(r) , : l:-2 -:-*3. for r > 2. (u) Write down the equatiot of the horizontal asvmptote of (b) Fincl //(r). : ae-r Let lz(r) /. t2l l3l t b. The graph of f and h. have the same horizontal asl'6ptre6". (") \Vrite down the value of b. (d) Given that ht (2) : '-2e-2, firrd the valne of ci. (") There is a value of r for which the graphs of / Find tliis gradient. l2l t4l ancl h have the sanre graclient. l4l