1 .1, . Write down the following in km: 2000 ? tsr 400 hr 15 D t^ vl" x 10am s, 14 hr 2Q nrin Write down fhe vqlue of: o) 1564 rnm in rn b) LTDO g in kg d) ?4 hr in s e) 3.65 x l0ag in kg g)4.8kging j) 33 fi? in cm2 4. nrin 2 m Wrife down the follotaring i* 1L 3, rn h)?Tgcffiinm . k) aOoo cma in me whct nre the 5r unif of len$th, meosures 3 m by zm, calculote units in your calculation. 7. t in kg f) 6.15x10-7rn in nnm i) 45 km in cill l) 19000C cffie !n rna mass ond tirne? The 5oo pnges of c book hqve s mcss of Z.5A eqch poge a) in kg b) in rng? 6. rf a rectqngle c)26 kg. kVhat is the rnass of its area, and includethe Work out the oreq of a (rectongulor) povement thot is 21 m long ond 70 cm wide. 8. An empty gloss hos o moss of 70g. whenfilled to the brim with wotar, its moss is 2359. whot is the rnoss of the water in the glass2 9. During an experiment lhe moss of on u^pty beoker wos found to be 1109. when it wos tilled with petrol. the new rnoss wos found to be zrog. s. what instrument wos used to find the moss of the *,at<er? b. Whot is the moss of the petrol in the *,al<er? 10. The mqss of an empty measurilng cylinder when filled with petrol is 2859. when the measuring cflinder uvcs empq/ it had a mass if 169, whot was the moss of petrol in the meosuring cylinder? 11. A can hod a moss of lbg whenempty. when f illed wifh tomoto juice its moss rnqs found to be 4809. what wos the moss of the tomqfo juica in the cqn? t?.I\e of an empt meosuring cyrinder isl5g. when it is filled with petrol it hos o moss of 3@g. whot is the mass of petrol in the moss meosuring cylinder? r Ho,^J ov* l. *) Mg^a Lr\,,t-@p-,\*s t) Z L,^.^. -) sotsoos z. -) 316oos U) ?aos 3. *-) b) I.?s b l.56+,.,1 A) I ttoc $ s +soc, j) 33rr, +. *) o66 -. -2' zo Lc^ a) t2oos "-) *) 3ts,= t) h) 2' 7$."r t) o.z ,",2- b)4 n4 ZLooo vs o a.rc]6{6 rvj i) 4r€ o gc) c> (3 €-*..r, [) 11 ,-,L -)s t) sooo ns S. *) o.c.orb 6, .-) c;,.ZL*" L,nz 7. l+.+ ,^' B. 1. l({J o) o. l6tb or *rr * ?cr<Y.\ b-L^c-e* l(). z()?J o( ()'2o? 4 lt. +3tJ e( o'+3S t.5 lL. .Lt o( c>, z2-t b t) lLo, or* o. t6 Ls BEMBEBEBMEEts&BEBBft ffi &ME6BtsEG&ts8tsts&MA&M@BGBM6&BBM@&ts@B&ts8@ @ g E /\'Y I rVolurno BB ffi * I %'eg"bayrd '/-=- /a '/'--;-\ ' H s Nwry{ar @$oos B m s m m ffi m ffi ffi B Solve ffi ffi fhe following pnoblems. B & ffi m B I m ffi m m m ffi 89cm3 water. The waier rises stone and wood? m ffi ffi B ffi ffi ffi .\ J. B m ffi m 4. PEr w H ffi ffi A piece of aluminium is placed in a measuring cylinder containing sorne water The reading of the water level increases from 50cm3 to lzscr' - what is the volume of aluminium? 2. A stone attached to a piece of wood is put into a measuring cylinder containing m m to the liZcm3 mark. What is the volume of the A rneasuring cylinder contains z9cm3 of water. A nail is put in the measuring cylinder and the new water level is 48cm3 What is the volurne of the nait? m 6 EB ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi m & m 7 EB ffi m ffi ffi m m ffi m ffi ut ffi ffi ffi & m A paperweight is put into a measuring cylinder, which contains 34 cm3 of water. The water rises to the 46 cm3 mark. a. What is the volume of the paperweight? b. A cork is attached to the paperweight and is iowered into the same measuring cylinder. The water now rises to the 5l cm3 mark. What is the volume of the cork? 8 A pebble sinker with a cork attached to it is put into a measuring cylinder containing 83 cm3 of water The water rises to the level of the 94 c*' mark The pebble has a volume of 7 c.n' What is the volume of the cork? a. b- ffi m m ffi ffi m ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi & ffi B m ffi ffi B A metal block measures l0 cm x z cm x z cm m m m What is the volume of the metal box? How rnany blocks each 2 cm xZ cm xZ crn are there in it? ffi B m & 10 A box has an 8 cm square base and contains water to a height of 8cm ffi a. What is the volume of the water in the box? H b A stone is lowered into the water The water rises to a height of 9 cm m What is the volume of the stone? ffi ffi A measurin g jar contains 29 cm3 of water A pebble is pr-rt into the ja, and the water rises to 53 cm3 What is the volume of the pebble? & ffi m ffi ffi m m ts 9 A compartment of a deep freeze measures 40 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm. ffi ffi a what is the volume of the compartment? H b. How rnany blocks of ice crearn, each 10 cm x 10 cm x 4 cm can be stored B the compartment? @ ffi ffi ffi ffi ts ffi ffi B ffi ffi m m m m A stone is placed in a measuring cylinder containing some water. The reading of the water level increases from 56 cm3 to 79 cm3 V,/hat is the voiume of the stone? w B ffi ffi Eh t'9 5 B m m &$ E.BB&B6EBBffi BB&6&BBffiSEEBE@&ts8&@BEB66&BB&BW&E@E6B&EMB m m & ffi in m m ffi ffi ffi m l-l { 2 .4-. 3. +. qnd ct r,f 7t c',*-,* !) ,?\J C-{^-,\* 2+ **-.. 3 1* 7. 3 ? llJ I I C-.r-a- (r. o) / 3 8E *-".-- .^ {r{,-Lfr,€- I 3 2 -^-.. C-r^-''g i\ 3 b J t,=r. ) 3 8. *-) 4ac-^..3 u) 5 q, IO, *) 3 32 , ocO tloc-L<^s *^*3 t) I r-: b lo d,{s n) siz*,^,.3 t) 6Q.--,3 t?,fi,^)"*,- *-A -{rrg{**r* c bl e-**s Brxslw volume ?. 3. 4. of A pie*e of steel hss q volume of b) kg/m'? Find the density of : l6cm3 ond o moss of 4og. whot is the density of gloss? 12cm3 ond o moss of 969. calcurate its density in-o) g/cmr, (i) (ii) (iii) lvloss 1009 ond volume of l0cm3 Volume of 3m3 ond moss 9kg. Moss of 3200kg snd o volume of 400cm3. A stone of moss 309 is ploced in o measuring cylinder contoining some woter. The reoding of the water level increases from 50cm3 to 60cm3. Whot is the density of the stone? Colculote the density of o rectangulor block 3m by 2m by lm if its mqss is ?4OOkg? Colculote the mqss of o gold coin of volume 2.[cm3. The density of gold ig l9glcm1. Whd is the msss of 5m3 of cement of density 3000kg/m32 5. 6. 7. 8. If 9. the density of wood is 0.5glcm3, whot is the moss of; (i) 1cm3 (ii) 2crn3 (iii) 10crn3 A solid cube of steel hss o volume of 1000crn3. Find its moss if the density of rfeel is 6.5g/cm3. 10- Whsf is the moss of oir in o noom meosuring 10m by 5m by Zm,if the density of oir is l.3kg/m3? 11. A woter tonk meosures 2m by 4m by 5m. the density of woter is 1000kg/m3, whot mqss of woter will it contqin? L2- An enginecr needs to know the moss of a steel gieder, which is ZOm long,0.lm wide and 0.lm high. Density of steel = 80o0kg/m3. 13. A threqd of mercury hos o mqss of lO.2g. Colculote the omount of mercury given thot ff the density of mercury is 13.6glcm3. 14. whcrt is the volume of a piece of steelthst hos o mass of t30g (D= 6.5glcm3)? 15. A block of gold is 0.lm in length,0.08m in width ond 0.05m in thickness. a) Colculote the volume of the gold block. b) 6old hos o density of l8g/cm3. Calculote the moss of this block of gold. 16. The density of gold is l9g/cm3. Find the volume of (i) 38e (ii) 95e (iii) 150e L7- A piete of wood hos o density of O.6g/cm3 ond o volume of Z5cm3. Find the moss of the block. 18. A rectargulor concrete paving slob is 0.8m lorg, 0.6m wide ond 0.05m thick. Colcuhte its volume in (i) m3, (ii) cm3. The msss of the concrete stob is 60kg. cqlculde the dansity of the concr ete in kglrn3 19. Betry wonts to load some bricks into her van. There are l0o0 bricks ond when stocked rrcrtly they meosure Zm by lm by lm o) Wh6t is the volume of the stack? b) Whcrt is the volume of I brick? c) rf the density of brick is z50okg/m3, whot is the moss of the stock? d) Whot is the moss of I brick? e) rf Betty's von moximum load is 1oo0kg, how mony bricks con she lood.2 a ), tr? 20- A Perspex box hos o locm sguore bose ond contoins woter to o height of 10cm- A piere 0f rock of moss 6009 is lowered into the wqter ond the level rises to 12cm. a) Whot is the volume of the rock? b) Colculote the density of the rock. 2l- An ostronout on the moon is measuring the density of on irregulorly shoped rock. He f inds thct the volume of the rock is g x 10-bm3 ond the moss to be 0.44k9. Whst is the density of the rock? ??.The moss of on ampty measurirg rylinder is ?45g. A volume of z50cm3 of olcohol wos put in the meosuring cylinder and it now weighs 4459. o) What is the volume of olcohol in the measuring qlinder? b) wh6t is the moss of the olcohol rn the meosuring rylinder? c) Colculote the density of olcohol. d) If the density of wqter is 1glcm3. Do you think thot olcohol will be found in the surfoce or ot the bottom of a beoker f illed with woter? why? il ?3. A student plotted o groph of the moss of o given liquid A ,ogainst the volume of the same liquid, while another plotted o groph on the sorne sheet for o liquid B. o) which hos the grentzr rnoss, l0cm3 of liquid A or 10cm3 H of liquia b: b) Whot is the density of each liquid? c) Liguids A ond B do not mix ond they are poured in jo'. ,_, the utrrE'til- some beoker. Which of these two diogroms OiESm is correct? ?4- A lump of plosticine was weighedand found to hove o moss of 859. rt wos then lowered corefully into o measuring cylinder contoining some woter. The f igure shows the levels of the woter bef ore ond ofter fhe plosticine wos rowered into the ") Write down the reading on the meosuring cylinder i) Bef are ii) ofter b) Colculote: i) The volume of the plosticine, ii) The density of the plosticina ?5. Fill this tobla cyrinder. Object A Density iAoss b/n' Volunre Ks m3 40m 2 B BO00 C 2000 4 1000 D s) b) c) d) 2000 Which Which Which Which obj b.roc ert hos the grentest moss? hos the smollest volurne? objects ore mode of the some substonce? object would f lost on r{roter? 4 1, tt tt fsl 1,,,'t, t's, { *{ ', 'r;i, I I HtrHT? Z. o) SJ / .^*.3 t) ,scc:c b/,.^s 3. ;) I*J t,,J s b 1.,,,3 /**'--3 +. 33 l*.^^3 f, 4oo b /"-r3 Li ,,'i Enoo g/c-^-^.3 4. 3r.13 *t, lS, oc>CI b (;) ij 8. (;) o rS 1,,;) * ?. {r,5,:aJ Il. 4r;, 0 c:c) lL l,6o<: b b 13. *='*?f *r'^"3 J+. 7a r I 5 -*) t, [r] *-*-.,-3 CI. i;;,*4- 2...*..3 o',.3 ,\* t:J [, ,J 1, Za rJ s-*,^.^-3 L',i,J f 8? *3 t1 tSJ rg [) a-ozs.,^3 n 4 2,*.,3 [l) t) o.o*z^^3 20 *) Zoc.,,.-^.3 2l t SgaE= t 1'^ t t) *) { (i ii] ooc> "U soo k5 L-.3 sb 35 /*,^*.-j U) Cl 2s-c^3 (;i1 g $.: l-^*3 2ooo 3L,oo o o.S 5oe "-) B 2, 3 z+ ^) (it lt.-^^3 (i) 4(.^3 ZS. J+ , eoo *3 u) c "-) A ,^,t c- a) i> *) ioc tr,cks