!r *!l '. '*,'ra.&""**. _ ,,.-+.T,E{.-f'- +:B@n..: -tu""_ *++:*1,..!P'ei a€.li-.'.:,-e,r;l1.'.':,.: . . t.lia.i $.]&- i i Student Book Lesson I Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Alphabet and Numbers 06 a/an + Noun 10 Pronouns 18 Lesson I Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Pronoun + Be 24 Pronoun+Be+Not Am/Arel|s...? 28 What + Be...? 36 This/That 42 These/Those 46 Using MyNour/HerlHis 50 Progress Test 55 Lesson I Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Noun + -sl-es 14 1 32 Lesson I a/an/the + Noun Lesson 2 Be+Preposition+Noun Lesson 3 Be+Adjective+Noun Lesson 4 Noun/Pronoun + Be 60 Lesscn I Have/Has Lesson 2 Don't/Doesn't + Have Lesson 3 Do/Does + Have...? Lesson 4 Using MyNour/Her/His 78 64 6B 72 82 86 90 Lessen I CanlCan't tssscn 2 Can...? i-*sson 3 What/How + Be...? 100 l-esson 4 $srogress Test 2 109 96 104 & -ffi. TO TI.IX THASHHR I i My First Grammar is a fun and easy grammar book series designed for young English learners. The grammar concepts and activities in this series are designed for the needs of elementary school students from the second to fourth grade. My First Grammar uses a spiral approach in presenting essential grammar points. This allows students to study from any book in the series without missing important grammar points. My First Grammar provides various learner-centered activities that encourage active learning. My First Grammar's main concern is nurturing a feeling of success while students learn grammar. By providing age-appropriate grammar structures, sentences and activities, this grammar series helps students maintain the feeling of success and interest. Constant linking and cumulative reviews ensure that students reuse the grammar concepts and retain them. organieation of the Student Book ===1=i* ===:5:' Q Link and Review at the beginning of each lesson can be used as a cumulative review or a tool for assessment. ln each lesson, teachers can use this section to monitor students' language development and identify areas of weakness in need of review. ; Look and Learn sections introduce new grammar concepts in a fun, easy, and uncluttered manner. They offer a resource for students to refer to while practicing the grammar concepts that are newly introduced. These sections also provide a concise grammar summary that can be revisited in later lessons for review. Q Look and Say activities allow students a step-by-step approach to using the grammar in context. These activities provide illustrations and examples of how the target grammar is used. Teachers can rely on these activities to ease students into a feeling of comfort in learning the grammar. I Look and Practice activities provide a variety of methods for students to use and practice the material they are learning. They are designed to give students a sense of understanding and success in mastering English. Some activities allow students an open ended response giving them greater control over their personal learning experience. Furthermore, colorful illustrations and real photos aid students to use their visualization in learning process. | lnteractive games or entertaining comics are provided in Lesson 4 of Units 1, 2, 4 and 5 and Lesson 3 of Units 3 and 6. These additional activities are used to wrap up the units. Students will consolidate the English grammar concepts taught in each unit, while enjoying the activities. I ProgressTests are grovided in Lesson 4 of unit 3 and Lesson 4 of unit 6. These tests are to be used to assess *,rdents' development. ., ,::. :ir . ',r. . ;+lta -B-i:i-, ,a.:6i:9, . r-....;,wl . :-,, .,1L...-''r Nouns and Pronouns Lesson Alphabet and Numbers 06 Lesson 2 alan + Noun 10 Lesson 3 Noun*-s/-es 14 Lesson 4 Pronouns 18 1 @MffiwmMs ffi Lw*k mr:d Lemnrx A. Capital Letters and Small Letters a- 6'---\, W Bb rctuCc ,:-\ lf#'X Atfr-'l W7 ,. ti Hh' ffi {3 %ffi\ Dd Ff Ee ffifu* #ih--- t rudr LI ffi FL---6 ^rrrPfh /rffi&$1\ t $IF'trl \sINl/7 \&siir,, [4.9]. Nn d6wlx*) YT{ruI Tt KH w), @ d Uu (/ Rr Qq . -IrF dm w\ 'V M 4&*,,/) /- -\K/ \>.Jl )-' -'t{:,::y Ww ffi# E[A Zz AB C D E F G H JKLMNOPOR STUVWXYZ 6 I a bc d e jklmn st u v w f g hi opqr xyz Xx B. Consonants and Vowels '###ffiffi :': a:e; 'ffi#=ffiffiffi 'ffi-=ffiffiffi --.*-i ____-; - *u, C. Numbers ( \", \n\ \\\,\ \\ t.i*a? /! 1 one b 2 3 two three 7 6 4 q ro four 5 firre six Seven eight nine ten II 12 13 t4 l5 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen tb sixteen 17 seventeen *r**=Vwffi 16 eighteen @ p nineteen 20 twenty :"" .@ Look and Practice A. Count and circle. 1 Count capital letters. eight 2 Count small letters. sixteen seventeen eighteen 3 Count vowels. three 4 Count consonants. eighteen seventeen twenty i --.-,,,,.. -,--.i B. Color the vowels. m m Mmruffi @ ruffiruffiru rerereffire 4 ,-l-ll:;-- mruffiffiffiffirurerumuru 8 rumrumffiffirure : 3h 3r 3n 4 3l 3g 3d 3q D. Circle the vowels. r s MOL 2a p 3C 6 o 4p K p E. Circle the consonants. ,MM Affiffi 3E 2p 4n G T e alan+Ilfoun @ t-ir"lk and Review }} Write the correct beginning letters. Alphabet @ Aa Bb Jj Kk Ss Tt Bb Cc Lr Uu Dd Ee Mm Nn Vv Ww 2 3 5 6 Ff Gg Oo Pp Hh eq Xx Yy Zz tu 4 & F!"{ hJ {-d }} Circle the consonants or vowels. a, j 7 t 8f Y @ 9 e I g fo, Teachers: This page is a cumulative 10 tii s pan zeb quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. ri Rr @ t-ook and Learn ) a/an + Noun @ t-ook and Say A. Nouns boy @w $ f school B. a/an % a fish park book &,tr a hat a pen an egg %m a king a zebra ,& a ^- an apple penci! an igloo an octopus an umbrella 1r,i'' @ X-ook amd Fractice \-i A. lvtatch and write. ,\+' . e"p f,k HbW+ # qfr a #+ \w \ io -- t"l.a '"6 f,ffi p kS* k* .ii..@' a I , a 'i+,, boy king a school park beach lake pen apple .; ": e*% # B. Circle the correct word. 1 ffi 2 ffiran e dos a I an apple a I an king *j,v- ffi #r ?tan ffi alan igloo ::& alan N alan zebra M a k a I an frsn M.' I an aI octopus an C. Choose and write. e ans ;a; 1 d- book 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 egg lion umbrella Noun**s/*6 @ Uink and Review l} Look and write a or an. d- book dog 4 6 5 7 hat $ Circle the correct number. 1 20 I I twelve 12 20 fifteen 5 15 10 thirteen 13 Y 3 fo, Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. @ t-ook and Learn )) Noun * -sl-€s @ t-ook and Slv r Em E : =* $ ffi# a bo# a an ring igloo t an egg three rings a five eggs two buses Nqq watch three watches @ @mm four igloos o'f, bus- $@ a L E dish four dishes *ff& L- .'i."' W Look and Practice A. Circle the pictures and write the words. w*&@& w w d wwd wtr@ww q3, d w@tr€w e d w&&tr6 w "@ d WM O^ "E-Ad- E'-:fl (lr\ ffir5 o^ o*.r14" [dflt e3,5 w@w@tr & &&&&G & 16 ry w ffi ,lG,$ ,.. r,"S 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six w 6 7 I I two 10 six three four five "'@-- brrS€S B. write the correct word. 1 adog r-rffi two Ac,3s 6 an egg 2 a dish r:s* four 7 a 3 an igloo , -.. two a 4 an apple * five a ring 5 a watch ==:* two 10 a bus C. Look and write. 2 six 4 bool<s panda box lEl":*ti;tr" ten '.'-'--"'.' two :". four "'"'.'j" fr*:siFF three r:Ti,,+jif" tWO M @ ufmk amd Keview sw 3b Look and write. 1ryk two books three 3wW @ @wffi @ Rg l'":-&.,1 four three three $ Look and write a or an. 6 7 octopus I I 10 igloo Y po, Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. Unit-Lesson i @ Uoo$q and Learn )h Pronouns I .' You , She You . He They They * Pronouns are short words that take the place of nouns. @ Uoo$q amd Say She is a singer. He is a singer. They are singers. il ,r $'-{}*K mm$ YfffiSY,$S* A. Write the correct pronoun under the picture. 1-Prpilun"l 20 Hrtrffiffiwrffitrffi B. Match and write. 3.*-"- 1 o 2 \\ \ *^ w ffi. @ 3 \ \-{ h ry l.-,1 €3 16& '$$r\e,, 3 tu h\- 4 5 3&_lsaque-en, j A*'j\Y.'iq .&{ j *. "t# J 3il-isayo-yo. 3 3e-isaboy. -42 6 *" 7 *r" I i lhey,o 3 ,W,- 3 q 3 " l- 3 @. 3 3i 7f ; .$ ap.banaEg-,i ; C. Let's have fun! -isagirl. )} Go to page 22.Find the hidden pictures. Count and write the words. U €t 4p ant 3 E lion G @ egg bus v DOX se\€n eqqs \ umbrella t\-L - -T __IJt W,J'Y .,,!glgo,, r# .ilo watch zeora ry ,,,.,lll.. , 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 aeven I eight I nine 10 ten @ -w d6 @ 0 & [l& ^Lt n u\] w u ffi tu% %-- Be-Verbs r* amlarc/is Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Pronoun + Be 24 Pronoun+Be+Not Am/Are/ls"'? What + 8e...? 28 32 36 W+&e @ t-lnk and Flevlew $ Look and write. It is a- 3 book. are boys. is a fish. 5 =-A- ffii A,M6, are girls. is a king. is a singer. 6 He is They are boy. I 10 They are They are MAs/ I For Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. @ Learr: )h Pronoun +Be uCIolq arnd :t:]]]'l,,llll],i i.6ne,@ am a student. You are a student. is a student. iHe 3 ,. she is a student. ,lt is a dog. ffi We are You are They are students. They are dogs. students. students. Uook and Say G @ ftu % a* V_=--'---- She is a cook. 6r-'=-.-.s, S" sFry He is a cook. They are cooks. -r11" -#$94' ,@ Look and Practice m:,, B. Complete the sentence. 1M king queen 3ffi ffii........,i"i]!.ii 46 igloo doctor @ buses ffiffi doctors 26 C. Look and write. lami=:l'm We/You/They are 5he : We're / You're / They're is a girl. She)s a cook. a girl. a cook. hats. a lion. hats. a lion. students. a desk. students. a desk. I 7 a singer. cooks. a singer. cooks. I 10 students. a student. students. a student. ffirerxw&xffi w &w w Ww$' F.'E r :*r. "1w ^-J Revlew 3li Look and write. 2 a girl. 3 rt^,' r[-"^ \zrr- #::? i'z' fthrll Cr 'Y-i {3r'#t= -.ffi\.c tF+it ffi a cook. 'djF v".\. l,--l _n.ja WY students. We 7 w , TWAn T{v-' She is lli A'!,I} \Y"Yll \E# / IEEIA. 1ffi-MH) w WB 6 a king. He @arr {1 You '',, doctor. I It is _ umbrella. It an album. I They are 10 They are Y . They are por Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. QuestionL234567&910 @ Uock emd Lemrxx 3b Pronoun +Be+Not 'r: : oo": @ am not are not 1 2 You She It @-K&,@ a teacher. We are not teachers. a teacher. You are not teachers. is not a teacher. is not a teacher. is not a cat. He go6,th2n.,one They are not teachers. They are not cats. ffi Umok and SaSr ,ffi Vrareasing*) -=--V- She is not a vet. She's a cook. It is not a cap. It's a hat. They are not vets. They're cooks. They are not socks. They're hats. ^6.. Qp Look and Practice A. Match. x, #rgqn WP (.t \qr!\ "t \ ---."--a e& @ry j' 'r :.)l'::'t'r: ' '::.. : : :' , teach*r. Tt ,g,d.ac&r. : ,,buses. '.w,w**l*ell# L g They are trucks. It Ts a banana. B. Read and write. I = is not i I amnot She/He/lt We/You/They are not i = i We/You/They aren't f)r". nof a teacher. 1 I am not a teacher. 2 You are not a dancer. a dancer. 3 She is not a cook. a cook. 4 They are not students. students. 5 It is not a book. a book. C. Look and write. $@ She is 2 ffinot a teacher. They She isrl+ a teacher. 3% It 5 dancers. 4 ffi It They dancers. a zebra. a zebra. a vet. not a vet. &red-&red$w***P g ttt $" Nt' Y kDt in*< \lw t x:l pnrj ffi*view Ml !t Look and write. @ 2 He is a student. She is teacher. It 4 _ an egg. 5 E',QS a--" a#ffi .c Br3 ErftJ They tigers. They are 7, : . : doctors. They are nurses. They He is I I 10 l'm not a teacher. nof a dancer. a teacher. We aren't doctors. We lt isn't a camera. !t doctors. a camera. For Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. QuestionL2345678910 @ t-ook and Learn )) Am/Are/ls ... ? @ t-ook and Say = Ye+ lam. @: ls he a nurse? |}: No, he isn't. He's a vet. @: ls it a sock? |}:Yes, it is. @; Are they apples? |}: No, they aren't. They're oranges. ffi Look amd Fnaetf;ee A. Number and circle the correct answer. k ,*# 0 it? 25 I ? No, theY aren't. are. ? she teacher ls Yes, they a crayons No, it isn't. Are Yes,. they are. cook they ait lion ? they No, they aren't. 2ls he Yes, he is. 34 No, she isn't. Yes, she is. .*- ffi foxes they Yes, it is. ry pig No, it isn't. Yes, it is. ls b a 3t+ ls Are Yes, they are. No, he isn't. ? actors No, they aren't. B. Read and write Am,Is or Are, 1 Are you a doctor? 6 it an umbrella? 2 he a nurse ? 7 she a student? 3 they tigers ? I I you a teacher? she a teacher? you dancers? 5 c. I a cook? they hats? 10 Look and write. 2 1 Are they tigers? No, they arer{f They are cats. she a dancer? No, She's a cook. - VYhEtt+Bel* ? @ ulnk and Review )b Read and write the correct be-verb. 4re you students? Yes, we are. they hats? it an umbrella? Yes, it is. No, they aren't. Yes, you are. I a cook? you a doctor? No, l'm not. )} Look and write. @ 5 It is a- pencil. She _ It is _ orange. a student. He a vet. He is a teacher. They are We &ffi ffi# W /ry& ffi _ cooks. They singers. rhey are doctors. q*&lp i For Teachets: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. @ t-ook and Learn )) What + Be ... ? It,is a house. What is it? It's an igloo. What asks about things. They are houses. What are thby? They're churches. @ t-ook and Say '=;:l' r i.:{l ]E:=;::+:-dGG::::c-r-, '-?:-.\'ii i____-___.. <:_:..::"- _ =r* ,,.,,,ii::} i ji -*.=:.-.==__ j @: What is it? @: What is it? @: What is it? !: J: |}: lt's an album. lt's a flower. It's a bird. @: What are they? @: What are they? @: What are they? J: |}: They're flowers. ]: They're albums. They're birds. s*& rx l*^i, Ilx & w -y bvvt! ^ad Fractlcg Ata Ht i A. Circle the correct question and answer. It's a lion. It is a tiger. They are lions. 2" i What is it? What are they? It is a bird. 4m { \,|:,\iiii 'r;,,,,u a$i::. What is it? They're ants. It's a sock. What is it? What are they? It's an ant. .. ;,,& They are shoes. They are socks. It is a mouse. It's a cat. What are they? What is it? They are mice. They are gorillas. They are bears. What are they? What is it? It is a gorilla. It is a cap. They are jackets. What are they? What is it? What are they? 8. . 38 What is it? They're caps. It's an octopus. It's a fish. They are fish. It is a horse. It is a zebra. What are they? They are zebras. B. Match and write 1 6whel:Cre,]heV? 2 3 ,,,., ,Wnatlis it 6Wh,af are 4, ? They a-rQ , o *-*..--T- :. -# '€ 3;, flowers. 3 d:.', n{i:. what is it? e 5 6What are they ?;e 3 *' birds. :llil ..si' C. Look and write. 2 srs they ? TheV are hats. ii; ,: -l;S an umbrella.,,, - Whc,t g .,is? an album. €F, they?p watches. 2 apple. D. Let's have fun! )h Go to page 40. Follow the maze and make the sentences. ,l *r e{ :6 ke{- { ortlst ff. o lt ? l;\) e You '{de} ' ' ,r"", 1^\ Tt. + f:1'*\ m ,rt";- -\ Ts #9, L-g IS Yes \--_.*J You dos ?@J j \ ffi she Are -"r, x ) , l_n) ., she ,4-J}\ ,l t ? srudent a you /- - -\ ;,ln - book books l_yl am . 611^e 1 ' they They books Ts o not books? Whert *m.& W @l srnaer sTngers . ,r-f* rs aFe ,M #J*: I jk arn sTnger 5he 5. t'iffi nppe oY'r .m45TsTs hr \r4.J student We t, !q paTnter ,a o ,,,.,. ,/-::ot, doctor ,:-v- {tt -..: . , a . \:*J. artfst @ a (--,\-) i, books /=a &re -l a not cet ,i ,is 7 Na 't **" fA:llil!$'iFrii r'rn I ttil5l stsdent i a ? ' ': tl Ha-l -^ tr ,{W r rlor 7i \-+// ,,, -.? t{'\ ,, A rt I . Yes docto? no1tr Ts fsn't *n Ts 7 Whar 4,\ .1 -. t, A ;aa::r.-- - ) '--. I, . - ,--i., . &tr&S*'L' ' r' \' rt apple ?t 7t o This/That and TheeefThese Lesson This/That 42 Lesson 2 These/Those 46 Lesson 3 Using My/Your/ Her/ His 50 Lesson 4 Progress Test 55 1 '! IhislThat @ t-ink and Review Look and write the question. i+? ffi 1 3 It is a hat. They are birds. @, ry 4 ) They are books. & qfw, 2 It is an apple. It is an umbrella. Find the mistake and correct it. a-n -$ 3 Thev o He She XaPPre are dishs. @ am srnger. o @ aren't babv. o You @ isn't a o @ ita O 10 Am you a @ @ cook. @ Uook arrd X-earm 3-b This/That This e& This That That & @ This That is a pencil. . ls this that a oenci!? rsn't a pen. Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Uook and Say This isn't a book. This is an album. That isn't a fish. That is an octopus. @: ls this a window? $:Yes, it is. @: ls that a window? $: No, it isn't. lt's a door. 43 Look and Practice A. Read and draw. & ffi 3 fi This is an ant. That is a bird. This is a cat. That is a lion. This is a ring. That is a jet. This is a fish. That is a gorilla. 5 B. Number and write the answer. A? a ls house ;3r5, I + zebra *._":,__"_". tu ____ that 2 .. ,.,. ,::l l,,li],:,::,!* a C. Look and write This or That. 3 Tha.t is an album. is a pencil. is an umbrella. is a door. is a snake. D. took and write. 1 3 @B fs that a bus? No, it isrlt a cat? an octopus? No, It's a car. It's a tiger. - 4@ it i i i a pen? an orange? a hat? : No, _ It's a pencil. i No, _ It's a cap. 45 Theseffihose @ uink and Review X Read and write the question. &' :,*rg ypr" students? Yes, we are. 1 ? What a singer? 2 3 What They are dogs. Yes, she is. ? It's a nut. }} Look and write. € You He _ a nurse. orange. a cook. He is a doctor. They are TO is an umbrella. Y fot Teachers: This page is a cumulative is a bus. quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. @ Uook and l-earn )} These/Those These - && {.1 These Those Those Are these those ae @ These Those are oencils. pencirs? aren't pens. Yes, they are. No, they aren't. Uook and Say These are cars. Those are buses. trffi I These aren't chairs. These are benches. Those aren't birds. Those are kites. @: Are these flowers? @ : Are those alligators? $: $: Yes, they are. No, they aren't. They are snakes. I :.,;t l.;_iil,:* @ t-ook and Practice A. Point and say. ol @* a nose a mouth sqH o legs )} Write This is or These are. 1 This is a nose and fhese a.rQ ears. a mouth and eyes. hands and knees. legs and feet. B. took and circle, 1 2 ffiin,1 # M 48 M These Those ;* g islore;;' #E,. a tent. Ft- ../ : This That These Those -= is are This That These Those *A-,r-iF.E * + is ?re *s horses. ; * a cloud., C. Look and write lhese or lhose. 2 ThoSe are benches. are boxes. are Gaps. D. Look and write. 2 1 Are those bags? No, they arer{t No, They are boxes. They are socks. 3 alligators? birds? Yes, Yes, ; ';I 49 Asfing Wltfourf HerlHis W uin$q and Review 3b Read and write the question or the answer. S R"* lon students? Yes, we are. What ? They are elephants. What ? It's an alligator. dancers? 4 Are they bags? No, _ 5 ls she a painter? No, _ 3S Yes, you are. . They are boxes. . She is a cook. Look and write This, That,Ihese or Those. ,'@ 6 7 @#ffi These are pencils. are buses. is a flower. are toys. is a house. are trees. ".1-' for Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. Question72345678910 @ Uomk arxd Lemrrx $ Using My/Your/Her/His Vo'U. ffi my we your ,'you our your my book(s) our book(s) your book(s) your book(s) his her they their his her book(s) their book(s) its they their its bone(s) their bone(s) Uom$q mnrd Say That is your ball. ._,.!r.,,,:rila:i::::rr. ... This is her cat. That is his coat. This is their car. 51 ffi Umm*q emd Pnmm&&ee A. took, choose and write. our 1 It is their 2 It is his , her house. 3 They are house. 4 They are its their I socks. B. Look and write. 3 They aren't my dogs. They're her Aog-. . It isn't my car. They aren't my balls. It's They're C. Let's have fun! b;:,Go to pages 53 and 54. Enjoy reading the comics. 52 l ' . .:rt ) tt -:r .J ..'. t.i , j J 1;y Ffctures: Yejin Hxh Words: WonJ* Jeong No, thTs is my cr,lp halder. '*S$iT'j Jake{ Thet ts nat fi crrp holder. ThTs is D rs h?s D narne? He rs Brlly's doq -.S..!.l f -n: I?., C \I *ogs r-a*lt erlt choc*lates! These sr€ ryr;n€ t1Dwi. They are **wi 54 {cpyriEht G) ?**7 e-tuturs e*. Ltd" All rights reserved. *ogrwslltil, (1-31 Units Score: Date: { )x?=1 )1100 . Look and write. & I 2 3 ffiA@) rhev are b*gs ttis a. bag. ffi ltis-tiser. G O ';' ry F q WffiHrheyare ;;;; ltis-box. a, oo. toa Itrs-a,lgalor. e "" q lt is . ;# They are *g/ rheyare They are ' They are umbrella. 10 - B. Read and write. S,,,tt is not a dog. = tt isri+ 1I I am a student. 12 We are not singers. a student. We 13 He is a doctor. 14 She is not an artist. srngers. a doctor. She 15 They are teachers. 16 They are not dancers. a dog. an artist. teachers. They dancers. 55 C. Circle the correct answer. A I a student. Ois {@iam 17 He a teacher. @ am not o isn't pandas? @ she 18 Are ohe @ are @ aren't @ they . are vowels. 19 @ E: t: ' is a pencil. oHe @lt @ She 21 Are you a dancer? O Yes, I am. is o This 23 ls _ , ,hey 24 This is o she 25 o B,c,d 26 O @ Yes, I'm. it? lt's an octopus. @ What a church? Yes, it is. @ those desk. @ Your are consonants. @ l,e,u not an artist. We are @ You @ No, they arenl, @ Are @ that @an @ E,c,f o I',m l 56 jtr:-llY;+$w4r@@ j D. took and write. It isn't your pen It is pen 2trffi is a These aren't my books. They are books. 31 computer. ls No, it isn't: E. Look and write the sentence. a ball? are buses. ffi-ffiry.'t:r =*"' i:!' ,' llrr'ji*r' r " " ' F. flnd the mistake and correct it. ...' . ' l $@ it+!+j:i+.ii;!r',r!+r,.'r, 37 t L,, is ;.,,:1,i:1;1;1.,, " 38, 39' This Brel 0 ;.,. _a book. €t.@ @ r What are _tW @@ .O , You are camera. a @ doctor. _L o@ She E- a It's I are a @@ singers. Ni o @@ @ Are those pencils? Nq 41 That E_ o@ JL aren't. @@ she house. 42: @ o@@ We isn't dancers. 43 Are o nurse. @@ this _L pen? O @ Yes. it_ is. @@ G. Look and write the sentences. )} What is it? What are they? 58 s Itisa; tree. # bench. 45 gorillas. # birds. qt frog. It8 umbrella. 49 flowers. 50 snake. Mere en B*Verbs alanlthe + Noun 60 Lesson 2 Be+Preposition+Noun 64 Lesson 3 Be+Adjective+Noun 68 Lesson 4 Noun/Pronoun + Be 72 Lesson 1 A lo f srnb'- alanfthe+Illoun Gra r sdr -'f :-r. sr^,^J r! Revigw 'rr 3b Read and write the question or the answer. ? 1 What a 2 rabbit? They are umbrellas. Yes, it is. _ 4 Are you singers? No, _ 3 Are they 3S flowers? No, Look and write. s.r ,ffi This isn't my bone. lt is its 5 They aren't my boots. They are 6 This isn't my hat. lt is 7 This isn't my bag. lt is 3b Look and effi write This, That,Ihese or Those. bone. boots. hat. bag. ffi Uwmk arxd Lemrm b3 a/an/the + Noun Article alan Article + Noun tiger any one thing a king specific thing the king the one and only the sun a tiger an octopus the octopus the ffi the moon the sky Umok and Say : . @ v; r " He is a king. Look at the king. It is an octopus. Look at the octopus. , r ;@ fl It's the sun. It's the moon. It's the sky. 61 ,,..:, . , t|,*.:t: ;.r;.,ririllgi* .,.,,,*@ ffi X-wmk mmd Pnmm&&ee A. Look and complete the sentence(s) with a, an or the. oE o a T--[ i:, -i' a- 1 ltis 2He chair. # teacher. IS 3 ltis & 4 Oh, no! Look at banana teacher. banana. a 5 He is 6 lt is _ B Write a, an king. octopus. Wow! Look at Look at king. octopus. or the. 1 tiger elephant 62 earth watch moon C. Look, choose and write. P^S 2 3 KV It is Itis,-,*i: It is c,le,c,K. 6 4 l\-a 1A It is a an the e ; f sun orange I D. took and write at an or the. This is a- book. The book is fun. It is cloudy. Do you see m ffi @W #o"' W i It is _ moon. lt lives in _ I see desk and I see octopus It is _ sun? window. sky. chair. octopus has a hat. window is open. fu+frepesfifem+fife*m @ t-in[< and Review ),b Circle the correct answer. E#@e {- , 1 They tigers. They are lions. @ are not o !sn,t . am not sandwiches? Yes, they are. 2 O Are they 3 @ @ o What are it? are they @lsit lt's a panda. @.. ls @ What 1t It is an octopus. o Those oThat'..'.....'................@These are flowers. olt @ This is not my bag. o These That lt's bag. These are not my books. They are o 8 it @ their moon. @an I books. @ they @a car is black. @A r0 ......... @ Uook amd Leerr* >p Be + Preposition + Noun Look at the cat. It's in the box. ffi Look at the cat. It's on the box. Look at the cat. It's under the box. Uook and Say Look Look Look Look Look Look at at at at at at the the the the the the bear. lt's in the trash can. girl. She's on the gorilla. snakes. They are under the table. bike. lt's in the pond. ducks. They are on the bike. ants. They are on the table. @ Uook and Practice A. Choose a preposition and a number. Draw and write. A 4il,4- { <pBl lfira) tn ''j "- ,:4 !#w on : : : under eg< i ',6 F 'dJ @ A ffi iffi, cat girl ant boy snake frog tent tree house bag sock igloo i B*l ) i,"-"."*-..*; .,= C.i ] 1 :, iZ-,, {} lr rl ,i:i i1 I it ii Look at the c**, It's in the sock, I o.; . Look at They are Look at She is f***_+! ,-:-:"-1 {l i'"=,---,:i Er', ] _-__"_""J L} i, Ij , i ! I 1t ,t ir iI Look at 66 i *__***J _*,**--*_*"."_-J Look at Look at L .*! B. Look and write the correct preposition. Look at the bear. It is in the car. Look at the cat. It is _ the car. Look at the frogs. They are _ the tent. Look at the rabbit. It is the alligator. Look at the gorillas. They are _ the tent. C. Look and write. Look at the snakes. Are they on the table? No, @ Il @l they c.rer{t . They're Look at the spider. ls it under the cup? No, _ . lt's Look at the teddy bear. Is it on the chair? No, _ . lt's 67 . .-i , ,,;"'liiffi Be+Ad@irw+llfoun W uxmk amd Ker*&ew 3b Read and write the question or the answer. 1 What is it? lt is 2 What is that? lt is 3 What moon. They are rings. a doctor? 4 t earth. Yes, she is. Look and write. €'^ 6 Mt/, ,/? /) 7 is an igloo. are frogs. a fish. ffi6 -*4&,fu8: They aren't my books. They are _ books. The bird is the tent. 9 The cat *I is the table. The spiders are _ the wall. for Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. L23 ffi Uom&q mm* kemrrx $ Be + Adjective * Noun Color Shape Size blue It,s a ;:i,r* bird. lt's a round square rt's a 3ji",, house. It',s a short '?n' snake. clock. green .Adjectives tell about color, shape and size of a noun. ffi Look and Say mrc It's a green crayon. They are red apples. It's a square box. It's a small kitten. It's a yellow paint. It's a square clock. It's a big gorilla. It's a long tail. 69 :: ,,: :.r:llrirr:.irBl ..;,,itrl$Hiffi ffi Umok end Fnac&&ee A. Circle and write. f! lt's a fi! 6rEO":- zffirtr\ L*i 3 a .w (:>-1177 a 4 ,/a\ € tt's a 6 70 blar.k backpack. backpack. @ lt's a dress. S dress. lt's a !:l:::::,:i :::ir .,, ':'i'a i @: llike dress. $ lt's a cake. lf,| lt's a cake. !: ltike $ They are $ They are $: llike 5 pink :-, cake. socks. socks. socks. @ lt's a cat. Sp tt's a cat. @: llike cat. @ lt's a watch. Sp lt's a watch. @: I li[e watch. $ They are oranges. $! They are @: llike oranges. oranges. B. Write the sentence in the right order. Draw the picture. a . 1 ,,, plate ,r lt :r is square : short They c. pencils are Look and write. a3r 1 ls it a big cat? No, it isrl+ It is a srna-ll cat. Are they green caps? No, Are they long socks? _ They are They - ls it a round table? =-.----- Are they small balls? 6(n ls it a green snake? : I -t -t Nounffuunorun+Ee @ x-;nk end Kev,*ew 3b Look and write. GG ,/ They aren't square tables. This isn't my coat. It is They are coat. tables. t J Itisa Itisa candle. are oranges. is an umbrella. 8 It is a dog dog is small. The rabbit is the basket. 10 The watch is -1- the chair. ? lt's a lion. For Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. Question123456'789x0 @ t-ook and Learn )) Noun/Pronoun+Be @ t-ook and Say The girl is in her room. She The bee It is on the nose. The children are under the table. They The bov # The clock It is.in the pond. is on the wall. The socks are under the sofa. They @ Look and Practice A. took and write. 33 g + rhe the tree. apptes giraffe IS on the elephant. 5 IS U E & 74 the alligator. the dog. a-rQ ffi w s the tree. the cat. the turtle. elephant alligator is the mouse. the dog. B. Choose and write. Draw the picture. I The ttar"tle is 2 is 3 are 4 are 5 are in in on *M the oond. I the tree. .E under i I snakes c. Look and write. ls the baby in the bed? Are the shoes under the bed? No, she isn't. 5h€ is in the dog houtsr,, ls the dog in the dog house? No, D. Let's have fun ! )) Go to page 76.Play the board game. 4 Is the sock on the bed? No, , q* ' *.,, are in the waten is in the flower. , is under the book" rc .':,i. , & qa-". %-. Look at !-ucky you! small kitten! It's a tail. Sorry! It's a tail. How lucky you are! It's ti; 11' /..'. t-:?r: .t 'a i, : It's a tabie. :a finger. . They are _ It is _ the Toss the coin. Move your counter. : Head: spaces 2 Tail: ,. 1 space . ,-:,ft,: the nest" -,* {irrf5:, a It's a fish tish Have/Has Lesson Have/ Has 78 82 Lesson 3 Don't/Doesn't + Have Do/Does + Have...? Lesson 4 Using My/Your/Her/His 90 1 Lesson 2 86 HerseFHes @ Uln$q and Review Look and write. is my computer. 1 are rocks. 3 This isn't my dog. lt is 4 What is it? lt's dog. sun. The mouse is the hat. They aren't blue birds. They are Itisa 7 birds. pencil. What is on the wall? 8 is on the wall. What is in the basket? I are in the basket. What is under the chair? is under the chair. IO i'.!SiJ-}' i For Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. QuestionL234567a9Lo ffi'B i AAl, A6J iw' I ^^-* 3F Have/ Has Have l/We You have a cookie. They The ants have a cookie. Has She He has a cookie. It The ant has a cookie. &1SSPW LLJLrn 6ta tL, \)clV - *-J 1 2 3 He has bananas. lt has a plate. They have melons. 4 The girl has a camera. E The dog has apples. 6 The ants have a cracker. Xr Talk more about the picture. 79 '',:::l',, ..,,.:liliii:liiiili .. ..li:a:r.:a.a::ilii:::a* , .,.r.i:rri.tiit::::iiii:aliitix @ loofq and Practice A. lvtatch and write ilffi nx m w ffi trilc ;1i &e .sF-'i \ '' \ ..\ ffi" F *€ d \ -q..,, has .5*-*'----,u&" Oi9 wl1gl*X & # € has ;e ** o long neck. * & *€ .,s € has ec e. brown hair. * * € 3 € has Sc €:. & black hair. ,aiu F %. nave ** long ears. ,** Yes six legs. small ears. big wings. long arms. short tails, a very big mouth. a great smile. a good class. t&m 80 @& uw "d No ,;* C. Look and write. \./ ./ --_*-i----?4, {I The .| a. ? J girl ha-s long brown hair. _ The dog The girl short black hair. a blue jacket. a green scarf. 4 ) The snowman 6 The children a sled. yellow mittens. 7 I a red hat. We an umbrella. She ha-. black boots. a yellow sweater. a tail. a brown jacket. a red and green scarf. a dog. a wooly hat. boots. 81 ,: ,.llll,l::l: . : : t:, t: :' : a::, :aa,::a,,,:,,a :,,,:a. .,.,1:,,,1:il:irliail:i:l,allaill::liilaiiaiiaiii; DomftlEloesn'f +Haye W Umk axnd Keview ,ffi $ Look and write. are stars. It isn't their computer. lt is 3 tffi whatisit? tt's-moon. Your book is the desk. It isn't a round clock. lt is a 6 r-g) hE***ffi What is on the table? is on the table. * What is under the tree? are under the tree. EU "l** ffiry*. @ ,rffi The giraffe The boys 10 ffiffi,ffi I computer. clock. a long neck. Santa hats. many friends. For Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. QuestionL23rt567B910 @ Umok mrxd Leanm 3b Don't/Doesn't * Have Don't Have Doesntt Have I/We She You don't have a ball. They He doesn't have a ball. Annie and Sam don't have a ball. Annie doesn't have a ball. It * don't = do not / doesn't = does not ffi Uook and Say }} What's missing in the picture? #", c " hd' o//d ,,Htt ) She doesn't have a coat. The clock doesn't have hands. The cake doesn't have candles. They don't have a ball. Annie and Sam don't have an umbrella. ffi-E IL{"rlJh ^nAl Cl*^^ti^^ rr i,uUUe & sy ^^l/ i*!!u A. Look and compare. Circle the correct verb. Things for the Camping Trip u4} backpack tent They have... % ,ffi @%ffi 1 She 2 She 3 She 4 She 5 She has have doesn't have don't have boots. has have doesn't have don't have a sleeping bag. has have doesn't have don't have a backpack. has have doesn't have don't have a hat. has have doesn't have don't have a tent. have have have have have doesn't have don't have boots. doesn't have don't have sleeping bags. doesn't have don't have backpacks. doesn't have don't have hats. doesn't have don't have a tent. 6 They has 7 They has 8 They has I They has 10 They has X, How about you? Write the correct verbs. boots. a 84 tent. I a sleeping bag. I a backpack. B. Look and write daesn't have or don't have. 1 The table doesrlt ha-r€ one leg. The house 3 The nainbows C. Write the sentence in the right order. Draw the picture. dog The . doesn't , have a ,, tail The Aoq doesrit hc'w, c.. tc.il, "*l 2 doesn't The . clock plate , have : hands The have . food 3 . : ',, don't The ' buses have I windows Do/Does +Have...f @ Ulnk and Review $ Look and write. ::::a:it: ffi ..- -.i i r!t, i:, t.1 7, i*.l.,.r. @ It isn't my iguana. lt is What is it? lt's & ls the frog rguana. earth. the leaf? Yes, it is. :x:: 4x: It is not a yellow flower. Itisa flower. :.:::::l What is in the dog house? are in the dog house. )b Choose and write. has doesn't have don't have 6 o We many cookies. 7 o She a brother. I I X Rabbits long tails. X My dad a bike. 10 X My school a pool. Y po, Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. Questionaz34E67B910 @ Uook and Learn ) Do/Does * Have...? ', ,.,':.' l vou ' have...? we they Yes, have.-.? WE do WE they she she Yes, he- No, he it @ You they she Does he l vou ' -t it : don't. doesn't. it Uook and Say @: Does she have a computer? @: Does it have a bone? |: No, she doesn't. She has a book. |}: Yes, it does. @: Do they have long tails? @: Do they have apples? ]: No, they don't. They have bananas. 'irli*i!t,i @ t-ook and Fractice A. Number and write the answer. tail a Do have Does it ? 5 + x 3 , 2 6 i+ legs Do have Does ? they 2 #p 3 4 ffi g Wtr Do ? Does bike she have .-,.. a : . . .. .-.__,...-....,+::,:r-j:::r.:r+:-:-j:::=: i::.j:::.j::.;+..::r.a..j-..::.i: dog he Does they , ::i::::r:r Do ::::.:::::,-:::::r:::--.::j:..;..:.:-::.:r.:-.,:::.:ll:.-i:i.i::t::i::i:li::: have ? Does have balloons Do ? a. 5 ? Do it wings Does have 6 .:..1i:i,r-.:,,.r.+.,.,:ii:i.i.":.li.:;.til.:.i: a 7 88 helmet ,i.,:,.'... have ? ::.i:+.-,r.]:'r:.1::.::.ll:r:ij''idjs:-r:,.::jr: .., :. Do Does you B. took and write. 1 she a ball? he a candy? i No, she She has a balloon. No, he He has ice cream. i ffiffi they They have books? they a dog? rrn:._== C. Read and answer. t Do snakes have legs? 2 Does a frog have big eyes? 3 Do rabbits hdve Iong tails? 4 Does a plane have wings? 5 Do you have long hair? 6 Do you have a cat? No, +hey dod+, E .t ..; ,#i ,3+ $ "iF .:,' # MylYourlHelHis Using @ t-ink and Review )} Look and write. the cage? ls the bird Yes,.it is. ls it a red bus? No, it isn't. lt's a 2 What is in the box? 3 )) is in the box. Choose and write. have Ward Bank 4X 50 6X * bus. has doesn't have don't have i I an iguana. They A rabbit a short tail. a cameia. John Read and write the question form. # rc, have a pencil. S Do .lo,* hc.vP- a. ?erc"il? 7 She has long hair. I They have sandwiches. * I She is a student. ffi 10 He has many friends. *l- ffi For Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. 1234s6789X0 Questiont2345678910 t $ e*ta ""'atrH I X.:*fm S ) e*\"9{JY\ {3$ & w ur, q6s r s b..,, Using My/Your/Her/His Have/ Has My/Your/ Her/ His My Our I We you have a dog. They She / Marv He/John ft your dog is black. Their has a dog' has a bone. Her His dog is small. Its bone is big. :'. ,, k*S${ &rx# Snii 1 She has a turtle. Her turtle is green. 2 He has a dog. His dog is brown. 3 They have a snake. 4 5 6 Their snake is long. Mary has a rabbit. Her rabbit is pink. John has a cat. His cat is big. Jerry and Perry have hamsters. Their hamsters are white. b,:, Talk more about the picture. 91 @ Uook and Fractlce A. Spin and say. Look and write. A .6Lhx' ffi'ffi .I His 2 3 glasses are wings are body is Sqwo-r? F its his their her __ . . . ,,. . "._. _ ,* 92 mouth is very 5 hair is 6 hat is 7 cap is I tails are Li big long round green i I i j _.__._-..,., .. _-.i /4, 4 1a small short square orange l B. Read and write. 1 I have a red bag. = 2 You have long hair. 3 She has a blue coat. 4 lt has a short tail. 5 They have a big house. 6 We have round tables. MY bag is red. hair is long. is blue. is short. is big. are round. C. Let's have fun! 3& Go to page 94. Which Santa is it? Play a guessing game with a friend. db'lLfu& $: Does he have a sled? @: Yes, he does. {l: ts he Santa 14? @: No, he isn't. |}: Does he have a reindeer? @ : No, he doesn't. |}: ls he Santa 13? @ : Yes, he is. Good job! j ...==:r****rr**o*****#i 3b How to play: Student A chooses a picture of a Santa. Student B takes a guess by asking questions: Does he have a...? ieihdeer rM sled I <:::';-:.: I \ Helping Verbs and Questions Lesson :3'F .": =1,.u r{t 't r; ,l 1 CanlCan't 96 Lesson 2 Can .. .? 100 Lesson 3 What/How + Be...? 104 Lesson 4 Progress Test 2 109 Cenf6*rrnf W UXmk mmd ffien*r&ew 3F Circle the correct answer. 1 the ls the bag o under Yes, it is. o black 2 ltisa @ big omy crayon. @ not @ green O The cookies is on the table. o The candle @ Long candle 3 4 Elephants tails. @ has, Our tails are short. @ have, Their a backpack. @ has, The backpack is gray. @ have, A O have, lts 5l o have, My long hair. @ have, lts Mary O has, His 7 She O don't have They O doesn't have a sandwich. @ has sleeping bags. @ don't have books? they 9 10 bed? Do, have hair is brown. @ has, Her @ have @ has Yes, they do. @ Do, has O Does, have @ she O Does, have a dress? No, she doesn't. @ Do, has @ Do, have "i". for Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. OuestionL234557II10 QuestionL234557I9 ffi,"r ffi Look and Learn 3b Can/Can't ceaft Can It I She / He A rabbit The kangaroos can Jump. They A turtle The birds can't jump. *can't ffi = cannot Umok and Salr Can't Can It A rabbit Jl:v The birds They The children can JumP' can ny. can run. It A turtle ,. can t JumP' r Shecan t flv. ,. A girl He The baby can't run. A. took, compare and say. climb read 98 dance sing flv stand paint walk play the guitar play the piano B. Look, compare and write. )b Look at the pictures on page 98. Write the matching letter and complete the sentences. ln the Morning At Night 1 She .€tv The lady doll It 2 The robot a the piano. the piano. The spider the guitar. 4 The cowboy ** He 5 They They 6 The dog It 7 The bear It I I The cards They The pigs They wc.lk 10 The pens They C. Read and circle about you. She can play the piano. can / can't play the piano. I He can ride a bike. a o:n" can / can 1de I @"ox t He can play basketball. can / can't p ay bast<etOal! e* I ................'...'......... w cc..'{+ {ly :. He can climb a tree. can I can't climb a tree. :I : the guitar. W Unrnk amd Rev&ew >p I Look and write. w !)o Birds fly. Kangaroos Horses flv. run fast. 4 Itisa 5 What's on the desk? are on the desk. balloon. lt isn't red. She brown hair. * rSa,A *gJo Sam have a car. they have a tent? Yes, they s ffi 10 g, ln"' have sreen eyes. eyes are green. has a red pen. pen is red. ""* Fo, Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. @ Uook amd Learr* you Gan P Mary I swim? tigers Yes, n." sne they can. @ Uook and Say )h Look at the pictures. PIay a guessing game. Sandy {}: Can they fly? @: No, they can't. $: Can they run? @ : Yes, they can. $: Are they horses? @: Yes, they are. |}: Can she paint? @: No, she can't. {}: Can she play the piano? @: Yes, she can. $: ls she Sandy? @: Yes, she is. w,*t& A. took and write the question. play soccer 1 Ca-n play the violin they I she ? he 4 it ?lc-,| ride a horse Soccer ? ? ? ? SWIM Yes, they can. Yes, she can. Yes, he can. Yes, it can. B. Look and write the answer. & T w Can a parrot talk? Can a bird fly? Yes" it Can a bear swim? c&n, 4 6 5 Can dolphins talk? 7ffiffi Can tigers fly? 102 3 Can seals walk? I Can kangaroos jump? Can a snake swim? C. Look and write. Ca.n she dance? __Ygs_, he paint? they jump? they fly? it swim? ,,+g- a*_, it run? -l D. Choose and write about you. 1 I cc"t\ 5 f 2 6 3 7 4 8 ca-rl+ ]lthqtlHow+Be**-? W ulnk avld Review )S Read and write the question or the answer. 1 Can they jump? Yes, 2 Can you dance? No, 3 swim? 4 she have a sister? Yes, she can. Yes, she does. $ Look and write. F) 5 {*':--..-,@ ,l]$ry She speak English. An ostrich run fast. What's in the basket? 7 are in the basket. I Ben I We a big house. a dog. We have a cat. She has square glasses. glasses are square. 10 Y for Teachers: This page is a cumulative quiz. The chart below shows which lesson each question is from. Question723458?8910 @ Uook amd Learn $ What/How + Be...? Question What What color ,.; is it? How old @ It's a panda. black and white. great. two. Uook and Say What are they? $: They are zebras. @ : What color are they? $: They are black and white. @: @: $: @: !: How is Mary? She is happy. How old is she? She's ten. @: How are they? @: What is this? lt's a backpack. What color is it? $: It's green. $: @: $: $: @: They are great. How old are they? They are nine. @ Uook and Practice A. Color and write the question. It's a coat. ? It's yellow and blue. 2 They are socks. ? They are pink and green. 2 They are pants. 2 They are orange and black. @S@S.#Sdss$#SS i yellow blue green orange black gray purple white B. Write the answers about you. 1 How are you? 2 How old are you? 3 What color is your hair? 4 What color are your eyes? 5 What color is your backpack? 6 What color are your shoes? 106 C. Let's have fun! )} Go to pages 107 and 1 08. Enjoy reading the comics. brown FTctures: yejTn Huh Words: WonJa Seang {*n he 4o *ny t?;t*s?. ,fu[- &*ess where the coTn Tsl uo ',iL '' It's 108 on the ground. eopyright O 2007 e-future Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. PrryressTestz Units (1-6) Name: Date: )x2*( S,co,ie:.:{' )/t,oo, A. Look and write. ltis c' @# ffirt's I 2 _d ffi# lli-l (/^)\ 3 !E 4 IU s@ bag 6ffi They're fish. lt's the desk. 7 tt's moon. 8&.. the tree. It's _ earth. It's _ the wall. I : rhey're the box. r:Y€ ,) KIV .U L>rf,T3 9 They are HI \5, album. It's Look at 10 '- _ sky. --=--'#Tqq. B. choose and write. 11 12 I a sister. kite is in the tree. She play the piano. 14 he have big eyes? 15 They have a ball. 13 : Do 16 they have long legs? 17 It I8 That is a 19 She 20 wings. snake! have blue eyes. are my books. has These don't have i C. Circle the correct answer. table. !t' SA o square @ round o Does Amy O has O Can long The @ Ois square @ big is under the chair. @ Watch watch a sister? @is @ have you climb a tree? @ Does @ Are @ are they? @am What long bears. They are O @ @ An watch .................................... These are OA a church? @ these ls O she . -.. -. -. -..:. -.. -. -.. -. shoes. @ their @ that @ aren @ has -.............. They odont My friends O don't have English books. @ doesn't computers. @ have t ; -.,,.t-:r:rf, :'s.€4+trtp.rr57+*1Va/; j@t< lto Itrtr?f T.?Zijl6.?€,;<'4@ 4: D. Look and write. :32 31 she run? Does he have a dog? No, she can't. ;; ffiffi they long hair? ls it a blue crayon? No, they don't. No, E. Look and write the sentence. 35 The pa-nda- is in the tent 37 ? They are black and white. ? She is 11 years old. F. find the mistake and correct it. Its \t,-, ..{},, @@ @ What 38 is tail O@ ls /m o soccer? @ @ a @ @ 43 We The doesn't o G. write the answers about you. 45 How are you? 6 How old are you? 47 What color are your eyes? 48 What do you have in your bag? 49 What can you do? 50 How old is your dad? @ books. a sun? @ @ have a @ boy can't swims. @@@ @ @ see @ great. @ @@ Can you She's mouse? she are 42 ut 112 plays they These 41 mom? your is Can he o@ :il) long. ball. @ is a new series for young English learners. Using a fun and easy approach to grammar, My Firxt &rsmri:ar strives to build a solid foundation for English language learning. Students studying with My First Granrrr*r will be presented with a guided set of tools to achieve their own mastery of English grammar. Providing easy to understand lessons and enjoyable activities, My $3!rst &ram*:*r enables students to maintain a teeling of success from beginning to end. @ Y ,. Arerican English + Six Units of Easy and Concise Grammar Targets * Spiral Syllabus * Learner-Centered Activities * lllustrations and Real Photos to Help Learners Use Visualization Skills * * Games, Fun Activities or Comics at the End of Each Unit u" Two Sets of Complete Progress Tests Cumulative Quizzes at the Beginning of Each Lesson @ t *StudentBookl23 *Workbook123 ,i % Also Available For upper elementary school learners, be sure to pick up My Next Grammar! a Teacher's Manual 1 2 3 tsBN 978-89-5635-1 29-2