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Assembly Language Exam Questions

1. Explain how the memory performs read and write operation using control signal.
2. Select an instruction for each of the following tasks:
(a) Move 123AH into AX
(b) Move 0CDH into CL
(c) Move 1000H into RAX
(d) Subtract the data stored 10 words after the location addressed by SI from DX
(e) Add the data addressed by SI to AL
3. Suppose that DS=1100H, BX=0200H, LIST=0250H and SI=0500H. Determine the address accessed
by each of the following instructions, assuming real mode operation:
(a) MOV [100H], DL
(b) MOV [SI+100H], EAX
(c) MOV CH, [BX+SI]
4. If a MOV SI, [BX+2] instruction appears in a program, what is its machine language equivalent?
5. What is the purpose of .MODEL directive? Explain its variations. What does the INT 21H
accomplish if AH contains 4CH?
6. Select an assembly language instruction that exchanges the contents of the EBX register with
the ESI register. Also develop a far procedure that copies contents of the word-sized memory
location CS: DATA4 into AX, BX, CX, DX, and SI.
7. Develop a short sequence of instructions that adds elements 3, 5 and 7 of an area of memory
called ARRAY.
8. Suppose, CX= 1111 0000 1100 0011. Develop a short sequence of instructions so that CX= 1011
0011 1100 0000.
9. If DL= F3H and BH= 71H, list the difference after BH is subtracted from DL and show the
contents of the each flag register bit.
10. Write an assembly language program to calculate the area of a triangle.