Project report on ALP printing Alphabate in color (16x16) SEMESTER : Fourth DEPARTMENT : COMPUTER Sumitted To, GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC NANDURBAR Subject Guide, M.M.Kedare Sir Lecturer In, Microprocessor (MIC ) – (22415) GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC NANDURBAR Name- Lalit Sunil Borse Enrollement-2014320099 Exam Seat No-335357 A MICRO PROJECT ON, ALP printing Alphabate in color (16x16) Sr no. 1 2 3 4 5 Roll No . Name of student Enrollment No. Seat No. Certificate This is certify that Mr. / Mrs. ………………………………………………………………………………… …… Roll No. ………………………. Second Semester of Dilploma in Computer Engineering of institute GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC , NANDURBAR has completed the Micro Project Satisfactorily in the Subject Microprocesssor (MIC) (22415) for the Academic Year 2021-2022 as prescribed in the curriculum. PLACE : ENROLLMENT NO : DATE : EXAM SEAT NO : Subject Guide Head Of The Department Principal Introduction The 8086 is a sixteen-bit microprocessor. The term sixteen-bit means that its arithmetic logic unit, its inner registers, and the maximum of its commands are meant to work with sixteen-bit binary statistics. The 8086 has a sixteen-bit statistics bus, so it may read data from or write data to memory and ports both sixteen bits or eight bits at a time. The 8086 has a 20 bit deal with bus, so it may deal with any one of 220, or 1,048,576 memory locations. 8086 CPU is split into 2 unbiased useful components to hurry up the processing specifically BIU (Bus interface unit) & EU (execution unit). Flowchart Start Set video mode Set cursor position Result in emulator screen Stop Instruction used in program 1. Mov – It set the value of the CS and IP register,it copy value of one segment register to onother register 2. Int – It generates a software interrupt , it takes the interrupt number formatted as a byte value 3. Jmp – It performs an unconditional jump, it transfer flow of execution by changing the program counter 4. Inc – It is used to increment the provided byte/word by 1, it works on a single operand that can be either in a register or in memory 5. Je – uses the zero flag to decide to jump or continue 6. Cmp – It can be used to compare two 8-bit or two 16-bit number 7. Hlt – It will stop fetching and executing instruction Program Code ; this sample prints 16x16 color map, ; it uses all possible colors. name "colors" org 10h ; set video mode: ; text mode. 80x25. 16 colors. 8 pages. mov int ax, 3 10h ; blinking disabled for compatibility with dos, ; emulator and windows prompt do not blink anyway. mov ax, 1003h mov bx, 0 int ; disable blinking. 10h mov dl, 0 ; current column. mov dh, 0 ; current row. mov bl, 0 ; current attributes. jmp next_charnext_row: inc cmp je mov dh dh, 16 stop_print dl, 0 next_char: ; set cursor position at (dl,dh): mov ah, 02h int 10h mov al, 'a' mov bh, 0 mov cx, 1 mov ah, 09h int 10h inc bl inc dl cmp je ; next attributes. dl, 16 next_row jmp next_char stop_print: ; set cursor position at (dl,dh): mov dl, 10 ; column. mov dh, 5 ; row. mov ah, 02h int 10h ; test of teletype output, ; it uses color attributes ; at current cursor position: mov al, 'x' mov ah, 0eh int 10h ; wait for any key press: mov ah, 0 nt 16 hlt Output Conclusion I have understood the concept on my project Apl of printing alphabate in color In this project various instruction are used the project is simple and hope it will be useful