KF University of Petroleum and Minerals Electrical Engineering Department EE 390-Assignment (3) 1) Write a program segment to convert the packed BCD number in AL to unpacked numbers in AX. (For example, if AL=37 then the program will make AL=07 and AH=03). 2) Write a program that checks for negative numbers in an array of 100 bytes. The array starts at 0A000 H. The program should take the absolute value of the negative numbers and store them in memory starting at 0B000 H. The original locations of these negative numbers should be cleared. 3) What is the content of AX after the execution of each of the following segments? In all parts assume AX is initialized to zero and DS=A000 H. MOV BX, 3300H XCHG AX, BX MOV DH, 44H MOV AL, 28H ADD AL, DH DAA MOV BX, 3300H MOV [3300H], 22H MOV [3301H], 33H XLAT MOV AH, A2H NEG AX All programs should be documented.