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Lesson Plan Template for Teachers

Lesson Topic/Title:
Class Profile
Generating Curiosity
Target Being Worked On: Have you considered how a key target will be addressed in this plan?
WAG/L Range
Prior Learning
NC/Spec Criteria
How are you going to engage the pupils with the
lesson? Are there ‘big questions’ that can be asked?
Can it be connected to current events? Can you
create a sense of wonder?
Apart from key words, what are you are you doing to develop literacy (reading, writing, developing
arguments etc.)?
What are you doing to develop pupils’ numeracy skills (data analysis, calculations, scaling, estimating,
measuring etc.)?
Objectives/We Are Learning To… (WALT)
Outcomes/What I’m Looking For… (WILF)
See separate guidance on this.
Do the activities allow the content to be covered?
Do the activities allow students to LEARN the
content? Do the activities give pupils the
opportunity to provide what the WILFs ask for?
See separate guidance on this.
Have you used pupil data to help
you plan this lesson?
What will students have done
previously that will be built
upon in this lesson?
Have you looked at the programme
of study or specification before
planning the lesson?
Literacy (including Key Words) and Numeracy
Differentiation Methods ()
Differentiation – Who? What? When?
Organisation of Learning /Learning Environment
Have you considered all learners? Have you indicated any special
arrangements? Have you given a brief summary of how you will provide all
learners with opportunities to progress?
Will students be working as individuals, pairs or
groups? How will groups be organised? Will the
classroom need reorganised? How will resources be
distributed/collected? What classroom management
strategies will you plan to use that are particular
for this lesson? Are you seeking to develop any
social, emotional or behavioural skills?
By support
By extension
By intervention
By resources
By alternative tasks
By time allowed
By grouping
By learning preference
 Other (specify)
Working with other adults
Risk Assessment (Hazards > Risks > Precautions)
What is their role? What do they need to know?
Do you know all the hazards? What are the risks and
who will be at risk? Have you minimised all the risks?
What precautions are needed (including PPE)?
Pupil Activities
Teacher’s Activities and Role
Are the episodes of the lesson clearly indicated?
Is there a clear beginning and end?
Are timings realistic?
Is there a variety of tasks and activities for students to do?
Have you considered how you will open-up and close-down activities?
Have you thought about transitions between one activity and the next?
Would the lesson plan give an observer a clear picture of the lesson?
Do you need to
add rows to help
structure your
Extended Learning/Homework
How does the activity
facilitate learning?
Monitoring of learning
and interventions.
Can you explain how
each activity
addresses the pupils’
learning in terms of
knowledge, skills and
Have you planned for
how to make sure that
students have made
progress at key
Have you considered
anything that you may
need to do to respond
to the emerging needs
of individuals or