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Lesson Plan: Juan Tamad, Reading, Grammar, Sequencing

Lesson Plan in Four-Pronged Approach
Prong 1: Genuine Love for Reading
A. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
a. realize how laziness may lead them to trouble;
b. recognizes cause and effect relationships;
c. using noun that are plural in form but singular in meaning
d. sequencing events through guided question.
B. Subject Matter
Selection: Juan Tamad Sells Rice Cake
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, cartolina, manila paper
Reference: Teaching Literacy in the Elementary Grades through literature,
Ferdinand Bulusan
page 32-33
C. Procedure
1. Pre-reading Activities
a. Developing Concepts/Vocabulary: (Unlocking Difficulties)
i. Have the pupils identify the meaning of the italicized words in the
b. Developing a Purpose for Reading
i. Motivation Question: Do you know Juan Tamad? Do you know any
story about Juan Tamad?
ii. Motive Question: What is peculiar (strange) in the story?
2. During Reading
a. Have the pupils listen to the story. Let them take down important details
about the story.
Prong 2: Critical Thinking
1. Post-reading Activities
a. Pre-engagement Question
i. Answer motive question
ii. What gives you the idea that Juan is lazy?
What did his mother ask him to do?
b. Engagement Activities
i. Group 1: Lights, Camera, Action
Choose the part that you like best in the story. And tell why do like it?
ii. Group 2: Write a song
Identify the moral lesson of the story.
iii. Group 3: Story Grammar Organizer
Have the pupils complete the story grammar organizer.
iv. Group 4: Draw me
Draw Juan and one of the animals in the story. Make a dialogue between
the two.
Prong 3: Grammar and Oral Language Development
A. Procedure
1. Introduction
a. Let the pupils read the following words. (frog, butterfly, bird, princess, piano,
b. Show those in plural form.
2. Presentation
a. Explain the meaning of noun, singular and plural number.
b. Let the pupil write the plural form of the following nouns.
c. Have the pupils read the following words (aeronautics, physics, civics, news,
series, species). What are the numbers of these nouns?
3. Guided Practice
Have the pupils read the following sentences. What are the underlined words in
the sentences? How do these words end? What are the number of these nouns?
4. Independent Practice
Let the pupil underline the correct verb form in each sentence.
5. Evaluation
Write the correct form of verb in the parentheses to complete each sentence.
Prong 4: Transfer Stage
A. Procedure
1. Introduction
a. Ask the pupils on how they feel when they failed in fulfilling their
2. Presentation
a. Have the pupils read the paragraph given. (The Fox and the Grapes)
b. Let the pupils answer the following questions.
c. Ask the pupil how do we arrange the story?
d. Explain what is sequencing.
e. Let the pupil read the examples of sequence clue words.
3. Evaluation
a. Have the pupils recall the story “Juan Tamad Sells Rice Cake”.
b. Let them sequence the story by answering the question given.
Read your book on page 41 and answer those following question.