Uploaded by Kim Princess San Diego

Case 2 Blood Bank

A 55-year old man, was administered with an intestinal obstruction. The following results were recorded by the
blood bank technologist:
a. What tests/examinations/steps would you take to confirm your suspicion?
b. Principle of each test or procedure. Explain the phenomenon that caused this pattern and briefly describe the
processes by which this can occur.
c. Relevance of the test to the case. Why it is necessary? Is the Antibody screening useful? Why or why not?
d. Make a flow chart of the method of the test:
I. Manual
II. Automated (For example: Flow cytometry)
e. Give the expected results. Is there a discrepancy? What is his probable ABO type?
f. What have you learned about the case.
g. Site your references (apa format)