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Trade Policy Problem Set: Comparative Advantage & Factor Endowments

Trade Policy Problem Set 1
Question 1
a. A country has an absolute advantage over another in the production of a good if it can
produce the same good with fewer resources than the other country. Country B has an
absolute advantage over Country A in producing Goods X and Y respectively.
A country has a comparative advantage if it has a lower opportunity cost in its
production, relative to the other country.
Opportunity cost for producing Good X in Country A: 50/40=1.25 Good X per Good Y.
Opportunity cost for producing Good X in Country B: 25/20=1.25 Good X per Good Y.
The PPF shows that there are no gains from trade, therefore there is no reason for the
countries to trade.
b. The new OC of producing Good X in Country A = 25/40 = 0.625. Thus, Country A now
has a Comparative Advantage in producing Good A, therefore the two countries will
trade because trade is beneficial.
Question 2
a. Increase in the specific factor endowment of capital (K bar) will affect one sector
because the other sector has no use for it in its production.
Increase in capital will increase the PPF of Good X (because it uses capital production).
It will not have an effect on Good Y because Good Y doesnt use capital in production
(capital is specific to sector X).
shifts right because there is a greater amount of Good X being produced. Because capital is an
immobile factor, there is no change to the production of Good Y.
The increase in specific factor capital will lead to the returns of the specific factor in Good Sector
X and Good Y sector decreasing, but the return of labor, our mobile factor, will increase.
b. Increasing the mobile factor labor will add a small increment to output, as per the law of
diminishing marginal returns. The production possibility frontier (PPF) will show the
increased opportunity costs because expansion of labor in one industry is possible by
transferring labor out of the other industry, which will contract. Due to diminishing returns
to labor, each additional unit of labor switched will have a smaller effect on the
contracting industry.
Increasing the mobile factor labor leads to an increase in the production of Good X and Y. The
wage rate will fall, while the returns of specific factors (land and capital) will increase.