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Narrative Report: In-Service Training on Child Protection

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
District of Medellin
Panugnawan, Medellin, Cebu
DAY 3, DECEMBER 16, 2020
Children are the most vulnerable members of the society. They are easy victims of violence,
abuse and exploitations because of their physical and mental immaturity. These can happen anytume
and anywhere. As such, they need special safeguards and care including legal protection. Thus, in
1989, the United Nations General Assembly formulated in the Convention on the Rights of the
Child (CRC) safety measures and protection of children against all forms of violence, injury and
abuse, neglect, maltreatment and exploitations, including sexual abuse.
The same as mandated under the Philippine Constitutionwhich shall defend the rights of the
children to assistance, including proper care adn nutrition, and protection from all forms of neglect,
abuse, exploitation and other prejudicial to their development (Article VX, Section 3). Accordingly, the
Department of Education issued DepEd Order No. 40, series of 2012, also known as the DepEd Child
Protection Policy. This is a set of guidelines in ensuring the protection of school children who are
gravely threatened or endangered by circumstances which affect their normal development over
which they have no control and to assist the concerned agency in their rehabilitation.
In the said order, schools are directed to conduct appropriate training and capacity building
activities on child protection measures and protocols. In line with this, Curva Elementary School
included in the Matrix of In-Service Training for Teachers the Deped’s Child Protection Policy on it’s
3rd Day, December 16, 2020. Five active teachers namely Mrs. Maria Lourdes Ygot who discussed
and share the “Child Protection Provisions Articulated in the Convention on the Rights of the
Child” ; Mrs. Virginia Duaban explained “Framework for Understanding Child Protection” ; Ms.
Jesseca Inot go through “How do we Build a Caring and Protective Environment for Filipino
Children” ; Ms. Shanene Gaviola elaborated Legal Framework (Laws and Issuances on Child
Protection) ; and Mr. Mervin Ponpon emphasized the “DepEd Child Protection Policy and
Relevant Protocols on Child Protection-Operationalizing in the School Setting”. Meaningful
learning and enjoyable sharing of ideas was done during the third day of the School-based in-Service
Training for Teachers.