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Educational Policy Document

Introduction to Educational Policy
DepEd Order No. 13. s. 2015 (Establishment of a Policy Development Process
at the Department of Education)
DepEd Order No. 44 s. of 2015 (Guidelines on the Enhanced School
Improvement Planning (SIP) Process and the School Report Card)
DepEd Order No. 03 s. 2018 (Basic Education Enrollment Policy)
DepEd Order No. 29, s. 2018 (Policy on the Implementation of Multi-Factored
Assessment Tool)
DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 (Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for
the K To 12 Basic Education Program)
DepEd Order No. 36, s. 2016 (Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition for
the K To 12 Basic Education Program)
DepEd Order No. 55, s. 2016 (Policy Guidelines on the National Assessment of
Student Learning for the K To 12 Basic Education Program)
DepEd Order No. 29, s. 2017 (Policy Guidelines on System Assessment in the K
To 12 Basic Education Program)
R.A. 10157 (Kindergarten Education Act 2012)
Republic Act No. 10618 (Rural Farm Schools Act)
Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022
DepEd Order No. 10, s.2016 (Policy and Guidelines for the Comprehensive
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene In Schools (Wins) Programs)
DepEd Order No. 13, s.2017 (Policy and Guidelines on Healthy Food and
Beverage Choices in Schools and in DepEd Offices)
DepEd Order No. 28, s. 2018 (Policy and Guidelines on Oplan Kalusugan sa
Department of Education)
DepEd Order No. 30, s. 2018 (Preventive Drug Education Program Policy for
Curriculum and Instruction)
DepEd Order No. 66, s. 2017 (Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of OffCampus Activities)
Prime HRM
RA 11032 (Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery
DepEd Order No. 35. s. 2016 (The Learning Action Cell as a K To 12 Basic
Education Program School- Based Continuing Professional Development
Strategy for The Improvement of Teaching and Learning)
DepEd Order No. 25. s. 2020 (National Adoption and Implementation of the
Philippine Professional Standards for Supervisors (PPSS)
DepEd Order No. 24, s. 2022 (The National Adoption and Implementation of
the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH)
DepEd Order No. 13 s. 2018 (Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of
Remedial and Advancement Classes During Summer for the K to 12 Basic
Education Program)
R.A. 11206 (Career Guidance and Counseling Program for All Secondary
DepEd Order No. 41, s. 2015 (Senior High School Career Guidance and Early
Recruitment Policy)
Republic Act No.10687 (The Unified Student Financial Assistance System for
Tertiary Education, or UniFAST)
R.A. No. 10647 (Ladderized Education Act of 2014)
Alternative Learning System (ALS)