Classification of Matter What is Matter? Matter is defined as anything that has: air_are considered matter; light is not Matter is Made up of Particles The particle theory states: 1) All matter is made of up tiny ____particies_______________ Matter is Made up of Particles 3) Particles are always _moving_ The more energy the particles have, the _faster they move (the more heat involved, the faster the movement) 4) There are attractive forces between particles. The closer the particles are, the stroger_ these forces are Weaker forces Stronger forces The 3 States of Matter: Solid Molecules are very tightly packed __weak attactiver forus Have a def__________________ shape and volume Very _iltltle__ movement of particles: they will only vibrate Cannot be compressed; has a _very strong attractivier fouser shape and volume The 3 States of Matter: Liquid Molecules are not very tightly packed ________________________ Have a _________________ volume Do not have a _____________ shape (liquids will conform to whatever container they’re put in) Particles _____sprend and move it_____________each other easily The 3 States of Matter: Gas Molecules are very far apart from each other __________________________ ____________ have a definite volume or shape Particles can ____________________________ Particles can _____________to fit a container Video Here’s a guy with a cool British accent to explain it to you in video form: State Changes By adding or removing energy from a substance, we can change its state Solid Liquid Gas State Changes Gas Solid Liquid Wake Up! Indicate the state or states that apply to the following statements: Has a fixed volume but can change shape l Most empty space between individual particles a Particles are only able to vibrate s Particles can be compressed Particles can move against the force of gravity How Do We Classify Matter? pure sub mixter h m/s h m Pure Substances Pure substances are substances that only contain _1 kind o___________________ There are two types of pure substances: 1) Elements 2) Compounds Pure Substance #1: Element Elements are pure substances that cannot be ___broken down_into a simpler form They will always have the __________________ (i.e. every piece of sodium in the world behaves the same chemically) Every element has its own __________________ ***Hint: If you can see it on the _____________ it is an element!*** Examples of Elements Al Al Al Al Al Al Aluminum Hg Mercury Hg Hg Hg Hg Hg Notice that both elements are only made up of one particle but the particles for each are different. This also makes their ____________________________________different too! Pure Substance #2: Compound Compounds are pure substances that contain _2 or more________elements chemically combined together They will always have the _same compsition____(i.e. water is always H2O; its formula is always the same) A compound’s properties are _very differnt than the properties of the elements that make it up A compound can only be separated into its individual elements through __chemical Examples of Compounds H O H H O Water 1 water (h2o) partical 2 hyadngons Na Cl Salt Salt Na Cl H Element or Compound? Magnesium (Mg) e Glucose (C6H12O6) c Sulfur (S) e Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Neon (Ne) Steel (Fe3C) c Mixtures Mixtures involve the physical combination of ___________________ There are two types of mixtures 1) Homogeneous aka solutions 2) Heterogeneous Mixture #1: Homogeneous Contains only 2 or more pure substanices__ The pure substances are blended together so that they look like ____one singlesubstansices You can separate the substances in a mixture using a _________________________________ (dissolving, evaporating, etc.) Examples of Homogeneous Mixtures / Solutions Many pure substances physically mixed together to appear as one single substance (water, sugar, etc.) Coffee Many pure substances physically mixed together to appear as one single substance (water, sugar, etc.) Apple Juice Mixture #2: Heterogeneous Contains __2 or more visible substansice ______________________________ The pure substances are combined in such a way that all of them are still separately visible to the eye You can separate the substances in a mixture using a __physical chage (dissolving, evaporating, etc.) Examples of Heterogeneous Mixtures Water and oil physically mixed together (you can see multiple components in this mixture) Water and Oil Many pure substances physically mixed together where you can see multiple components Pizza Homogeneous or Heterogeneous? Bubble tea (with tapioca) Granola bar Blood he ho ho ho Gatorade Orange Juice (without pulp) Orange Juice (with pulp) hoom he Summary Homework ***Quiz – ___________________________ Physical/Chemical Changes Classification of Matter