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amal abortion

1. Once in a lifetime mistake should not cost a woman’s whole life.
Young girls in school end up being pregnant and they do not have the ability to take care of a
child. They are still immature and growing and I think it is going to be very hard for them to give
birth to a child and be parents. The. Choice of abortion should be fair to these young girls so that
they can continue with their school and have a build their future. Another one is in the case of
rape, they had no choice in the conception and I think they have a choice in terminating their
pregnancy. It is really depressing to carry to give birth the child of your raped victim and the
only easier way for them to go over it is by aborting the child . By legalizing abortion, it can be
able to prevent needles death and safe the many women who lost their life due to illegal abortion.
In developing countries 4.7%-13.2% of all maternal death are due to not having access to legal
abortion and 7 million women are hospitalized yearly. If we were to make it illegal, we will these
situation as well because if it is made illegal women will still find other dangerous ways to end
their pregnancy. (WHO, website) Those who are against abortion say they are caring about the
child life, but the truth is that the child will suffer if brought into the world since the parents are
ready to take the responsibility. No child deserves to come to this world unwanted and not loved
by their parents.
In countries where abortion is illegal women who have low income suffer the most because they
cannot afford to take care of the child .Taking care of a child one should be financially stable and
low Income women cannot afford it and that is why most abortion patients are women below the
poverty line(https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/06/10/what-life-when-abortion-banned ,
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/may/19/abortion-ban-alabama-women-of-colorpoor ) . 2.
By denying them access you are discriminating against the poor .If they are forced
to bear that child he will not grow up in environment that will set him up for better future
therefore continuing the cycle of poverty. By criminalizing abortion also discriminates against
the poor because women who are financially fit can be able to travel and get their abortion safely
to places where it is legal hence it is like burdening the poor because you are not giving them the
option to do the abortion. A study found that women who were denied abortions are three times
more likely to be below the poverty line are more likely to become unemployed and end up
taking welfare. Those same women were more likely to stay in abusive relationship because they
cannot afford alone to take care of the child so they would rather be in harmful environment for
the financial support.( https://abortion.procon.org/) By denying women safe abortion you are
setting them and their offspring a hard life.
Pro-life argue that abortion is morally wrong as they argue that foetus is human being and
should not be murdered. I am against that because the foetus is not a person. One can be called
“person” when they could think and are included as a part of the world. For instance, in
developed countries foetus are not counted when carrying out Census till the time they are born
hence this indicates that foetus are not human. By criminalizing abortion, the foetus should also
have the same as grown up human and they should give them names and all the right of the other
human being.
“A person’s age is calculated from birth date, not conception, and fetuses are not counted in the
US Census. The majority opinion in Roe v. Wade states that “the word ‘person,’ as used in the
Fourteenth Amendment [of the US Constitution], does not include the unborn.” [49”
Finally, I think everyone should the right to do whatever they want with their body, the
government should not legislate to take away that right. I think it is personal choice of the
women when pregnant to either deliver the baby or end it. It is disheartening to force a woman to
carry pregnancy for nine for a conception they are not willing to. The foetus should not have a
right over the woman who already has right and is supposed to be protected by the government.
The other thing is that the foetus is in the mother’s womb and is part of the mother’s body hence
she should have the right to either continue carrying her pregnancy or decide to end it.
1. women have a right to decide what
2. __The government has no right to dictate what happens to womens
Section 7: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the
right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with fundamental justice.