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Liberal Studies Module 5 Theme 2 Notes

Module 5- Public Health
Theme 2- Development of Medical Technology and Controversies
Development of Medical Technology
1) Medical Technologies (Prevention)
a) Vaccines
- Prevent possible diseases
- Mass ‘infection’ (Friend of Boris Johnson’s policy)
b) STD & Colorectal Cancer Checking
- Govt. advertising (Further reach)
- Educate public
- Stages and screening
2) Medical Technology (Diagnosis)
a) Cardiac Catheterization 心導管
- Small, flexible, hollow tube (Groin/arm/neck)
- Threads through vessels ➝ Aorta ➝ Heart
- Diagnose & evaluate common heart/vessel problems
b) X-Ray ➝ CAT/CT ➝ NMRI/MRI
- Computed (Axial) Tomography (CAT/CT)
- (Nuclear) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (NMRI/MRI)
- Expanding organ images
- Depict complex pathology
3) Medical Technologies (Treatment)
a) Cancer Therapies
- Chemo (Given as an infusion into a vein intravenously)
- Immuno (Uses the immune system to attack cancer cells)
- Radiation (High doses of radiation to kill cancer cells)
b) Microsurgery/Keyhole Surgery 微創手術
- Minimally invasive surgery
- Small incision (Speedy recovery)
- Laparoscope & small surgical tools
c) Artificial Organs
- Cultivate stem cells
- High ethnic controversy
☆ Medical Technology: Organs, Equipment, Drugs
Module 5- Public Health
Theme 2- Development of Medical Technology and Controversies
Medical Problems
1) Abuse of Antibiotics
a) Use of Antibiotics
- Help eliminate/prevent the growth of bacteria
- Reduce illness/stimulate growth in poultry
- Humans & livestock keeping industry
b) Impact of Abuse of Antibiotics
i) Creating Superbugs
- Antibiotics ➝ Bacteria (Not virus/pathogens)
- Improper use ➝ Drug-resistance
- No effect in the future
- Multi-drug resistant ‘superbugs’: Difficult to eliminate
Eg: Superbug NDM-1
Threatening Food Safety
- Anti-resistant bacteria stay in animals
- Uncooked meat ➝ Infected
- Increased risk of food safety
c) Solutions
i) Accelerating the Dev. of New Drugs
- Intensification of resistance ➝ accelerate ineffectiveness
- A lot of experimental procedures
Catch up w/ evolution speed
- High cost of R&D ➝ Less profitable ➝ Undermine dev. motiv.
☆ Pace of dev. Antibiotics is slow ➝ ‘There is no drug to cure.’
Strengthening Regulation of Law
- Purchased w/ doctor’s prescription
Restrict use of antibiotics in animals
- Tighten regulations ➝ Require veterinary prescription
iii) Providing Education and Guidelines
- Publicity & Edu.
- Knowledge & understanding the problem
- Provide Family doctors w/ clearer guidelines
- Reduce unnecessary prescriptions
Eg: Evidence-based notices: Infections in daily medical consults
Module 5- Public Health
Theme 2- Development of Medical Technology and Controversies
Medical Problems
2) Difficulties in Organ Transplants
a) Importance of Organ Transplant
- Organ is wholly/partially transferred by surgical means
- Replace damaged/failed organs
- Living/Deceased donor
- Ethically controversial
Eg: Traditional Chinese concepts (Intact body)
b) Challenges of Organ Transplants
i) Shortage of Organs
- Technological advancement ➝ Ageing population
- Misconceptions on organ donation
Eg: Consider oneself too young/old
- May not realise family’s rejection after death
Controversies of Allocation Caused by Waiting
Eg: Get in line earlier/worse health
Effects of transplant on patient & factors
Allocated to unhealthy people
- Different principles ➝ Distribute organs = Different results
iii) Criminal Activities from Organ Transplants
- Increasing demand for organs
- Limited supply in legal channels ➝ Illegal organ trade market
- Immoral/Unethical
Eg: Not a commodity to be bought/sold
c) Solutions
i) Encouraging Organ Donation
- More convenient registration ➝ Attract people
- Centralized Organ Donation Register
- Authorised people will know the will of deceased
Prohibiting Illegal Trade or Organs
- China: Commercial Organ Transplants
- Strengthen monitoring
- Prohibit illegal trading & forced harvesting from living people
iii) Changing the Organ Donation Mechanism
- Opt-in VS Opt-out
- Opt-out may no longer reflect selflessness
- Consider local social environment