Uploaded by Brigette Washington

Native American Creation Myth Assignment

Writing a Myth or Origin Story
Lesson: Native American Creation Myths
Course : American Literature
Objective: Students will identify the characteristics and purpose of creation myths using prior knowledge
Essential Question: How do Native American myths explain the creation of the world?
Background information: As we know, Native Americans had their own way of explaining how things were
created. We have reviewed power points covering information regarding the beliefs and the origin stories of
Native Americans. Myths and origin stories help to provide a unifying framework for the people who believe,
either literally or figuratively, in this shared account of how things originated.
Directions: You are going to write your own myth or origin story. This is intended to be a fun and creative
assignment, so use your imagination.
Brainstorming activity: Think about the myths we watched in class as examples of creation/origin
myths. Now, try to generate ideas that could be used as the topic of your myth if you choose not to use the
topics listed below. Please click the link below to view the myths that we viewed in class.
2. Write an original creation myth/origin myth. Compose a story to tell how something happened in the
world or how something was created or made.This is not a scientific paper; it is just an
assignment which offers a different way of understanding and explaining the world around us.
a. Choose a topic from the list below or give your explanation of another phenomenon.
1. Explain why we have thunder, lightning, rainbows, snow or rain.
2. Explain why we have four seasons.
3. Explain why the sun goes down and the moon comes up.
4. Explain how the mountains came to be.
5. Explain why turtles are slow.
6. Explain why fish live in the water.
7. Explain why wolves howl at the moon.
b. Include some of the basic characteristics of the Native American creation myth*
1. Belief in the Great Mystery, Creator or Great Spirit.
2. Interplay between the sacred and the natural world
3. Assistance of animals such as turtles, loons and ravens.
4. Key roles that women play in the myths — Earth Woman; Spider-Woman; Fair
Weather Woman.
5. Explanation of how the universe evolved (often depicts bending or breaking of the laws of nature.)
Format for writing assignment:
Your creation/origin myth should be 3 paragraphs in length.
Each paragraph needs to be a minimum of 5 sentences.
Use your Language Arts knowledge in regard to the following aspects of an essay:
Introduction paragraph
Body paragraph
Conclusion paragraph
4. Use proper punctuation, capitalization, and usage
Your final draft is due: Friday, August 27, 2021 @ 11:59 PM