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Mongol Conquest: Rise of Genghis Khan & Empire

Conquest of Mongol
• The Steppe, or
grassland area, north
of China
*Members of hunting and gathering societies primarily
survive by hunting animals, fishing, and gathering plants.
*When the animals moved, plants died and rivers dried up,
they moved to another area with resources.
Mongolian Nomads
*Agricultural societies use technological advances to cultivate
crops (especially grains like wheat, rice, corn, and barley) over a
large area.
*Increases in food supplies, led to larger populations and resulted
in towns becoming centers of trade for various leaders.
Chinese farmer
Nomadic life or Farming. Which is
best and why?
Mongolian Nomads
Mongolian Steppe
• Lived on horses
• Followed their herds
of sheep, living almost
totally on meat and
• Have very long life
Mongolian Gers
*Designed to be cool in the
summer and warm in the
*The materials used are
wood, felt, and ropes made
of animal hair
*It is easy to take apart or
• Reputation as fierce
• Organized in clans,
which fought each
other continuously
Genghis Khan
• Born in 1162, named
• Father was poisoned
when he was a boy--he
was taken prisoner and
• Got revenge for
father’s death
Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan
• Intelligent and charismatic
• By the time he was 45 was
elected supreme ruler
(Khan) of the Mongols
• Directed their strength
outward--and conquered
the largest land-mass
empire in history
Mongol Empire
Division after Death of Genghis
Kublai Khan
• 1276 Mongols invaded
and captured China-capital city of Hangzhou
• Kublai Khan, the leader,
declared himself to be the
emperor (Mandate of
• Gave the dynasty the
name of Yuan
Kublai Khan by
Chinese artist
Issue: How should Mongols rule
From movie “Mongol”
• Nomadic, loved hunting
and being on horseback
• Those who had fought felt
that they were owed some
of the good land in China
for their herds
• What to do about the land-give to supporters, keep
the farmers in place
Issue: How should Mongols rule
• Issues of relationships
with Chinese, particularly
the scholar-officials who
ran the government
• The Chinese had a system
already in place--could the
Mongols take over, or
should they use the same
Chinese scholar-official
Issue: How should Mongols rule
• Issue of a capital: should there be a permanent
capital as the Chinese always had?
• Or should it move around, to different places
depending on the seasons