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Insight Paper on Factors Guiding the Operations of Educational Planning

Insight Paper on Factors Guiding the Operations of Educational Planning
Nothing affects a school more than it’s ability to create and execute a plan. Focusing on the factors
on guiding the operations of educational planning can improve student outcomes, keep great teachers and
enhance the reputation of school leadership. Failure in planning can be tragic.
Taking in to consideration the State of a Given Economy. The state of a given economy has to do with
how financially buoyant a give country is. As Adepoju (1998) reiterated that if educational planning will
achieve its purpose, consideration should be given to the state of economy of such country.
This is such that the required capital needed for the plan is readily available. He added that if the
planning cannot be backed up with the required capital, the success of such educational plan is doubtful and
questionable. As most school funding comes from public budgets, developing effective mechanisms to
allocate this funding among competing priorities is an important policy concern for governments. School
systems have limited resources with which to pursue their objectives and using these resources efficiently is
a key aim for their activities. Efficiency alone is not the main concern of school systems but needs to be
achieved alongside the quality and equity objectives that are at the heart of schooling. The report focuses
on how school funding policies can best be designed so that available resources are directed to supporting
high quality teaching and providing equitable learning opportunities for all students. Instantaneously a wellfunded school can establish better plans for projects and programs for the welfare of their learners.
The Growth of population as a factor on guiding the operations of educational planning, schools
need a demographic profile that includes population trends and changes in the composition of the
population including age and sex, income levels, occupation, educational attainment and household size can
help identify potential learners/ enrollees in the community. Much of this information must be available
when they enroll to determine the needs and the resources that will be available for them.
Political Environment In countries where there are political instability educational plans cannot be
successfully implemented Adepoju (1998) said that the geopolitical structure of the people serves as a useful
guidance to the form of planning to be adopted. Religion, Availability of Planning Experts and Socio-Culture
Elements of the Populace are also the factors on Guiding the Operations of Educational Planning.