Lesson Plan AY 2020-2021 Session Duration: Date: Year Group & Section: No. of Students: BL/DL Class Profile CAT 4 Summary EVB MVB MoVB Subject Teacher: Students of Determination Yes _____ No _____ ESB MSB MoSB NB Class Attainment Level Session Topic: Learning Objective: Learning Outcome: Resources: Differentiation Real Life Application/Cross Curriculum Links Provisions for Students of Determination Learning Social Medical (AA) Refer to Healthcare Plan Engage & Explore Teacher Activities: Hook Generating Questions Guiding Questions: How will you engage students to evoke their curiosity and thinking? Student Activities: What questions will you pose, based on your objective, that students will seek to answer while activating prior knowledge? Provide opportunities to students to actively discover information that will help them answer the question posed earlier What questions or prompts will you be prepared to use with students while they are “exploring”? 2 Timing Explain & Elaborate Explain and model Review Build Use challenge for students to share what they discovered and connect to content terms/explanations Teacher Activities: Student Activities: Guiding Question: How will students articulate understanding through the use of higher order thinking at this stage (e.g. A common practice in this section is to pose a What If Question for an unfamiliar scenario) Build in opportunities for students to ask questions Evaluate Learning Check: Assess & Support Guiding Question: How will students have an opportunity to summarize the big concepts they learned and express clear understanding of that? Post Lesson Reflection Notes: How will you use student outcomes to judge who needs more feedback or support. prepare next assignments that build on knowledge. Inform your planning for the next lesson 3