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Field Study: Teaching-Learning Principles & Objectives

Course Description
This Field Study course 2 is designed to provide FS students with opportunities to
connect teaching-learning theories and principles discussed I the six-unit courses in Principles of
Teaching 1 and 2 with actual classroom practice. It is intended to help the FS student observe
how these principles of teaching and learning are applied by the resource teacher to make the
teaching-learning process interactive, meaningful, exciting and enjoyable
Field Study can be anchored on the following Professional Education subjects.
Principles of Teaching 1 and
Principles of Teaching 2
Educational Technology 1 (partly)
1. Arrive at an experiential knowledge and understanding of the principles of teaching and
2. Reflect on the application of the principles of teaching and learning for meaningful and
lasting learning
3. Determine how the guiding principles in lesson objective formulation are applied in the
teaching-learning process
4. Acquire the skill in developing cognitive skill and value lessons meaningfully and
interestingly by an in depth treatment of the subject matter and by integrating thinking
5. Apply the guiding principles in the selection of teaching strategies.
6. Identify the teaching approach employed.
7. Trace the logical development of a lesson.
8. Identify effective questioning and reacting techniques.
Name of FS Student______________________________________________________
Course________________________ Year & Section____________________________
Resource Teacher 1_____________ Signature_______________ Date
Resource Teacher 2_____________ Signature_______________ Date
Resource Teacher 3_____________ Signature _______________ Date
Cooperating School______________________________________________________
My Target
When I observe three different classes. I will be able to identify application of the
principles of learning in the teaching-learning process.
Observation Sheet
Name of the Resource Teachers Observed: Muriel Criselda Delmo
School Address: B 1 L3 Panorama Ville Mariquita Sta Rosa City Laguna
Grade/Year Level: Kinder 1
Principles of Teaching
1. Learning is an experience which occurs
inside the learner and is activated by the
2. Learning is the discovery of the personal
meaning and relevance of ideas.
3. Learning is a consequence of exercises
4. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative
Teaching Behavior of the Teacher/ Learning
Behavior of the Learner as Proof of the
Application of the Principles of Learning
1. The teacher lets the learner do the learning
2. This is somewhat the same with principle
number one. Learners can easily understand
concepts if these are relevant to their needs
and problems. Hence, as teachers, we must
relate the lesson to the learners' needs,
interests and problems.
use experiential learning as much as possible
Learners will learn more if they are given
chances to work together and share ideas.
Make use of group activities.
5. Learning is a evolutionary process
Learning especially if this means a change in
behavior does not happen in a click. This
requires time and diligence. So as teachers, is
patient? Be patient. Be patient. Be patient.
6. Learning is sometimes a painful process
This means that learning requires sacrifice,
hard work, study time. Let the learners realize
this okay?
7. One of the richest resources for the learning Let's not be too "centered" upon ourselves.
is the learner himself
Let's draw the discussion not only on our own
experiences as teachers but on the learners'
experiences as well. Listen and let the learners
share their prior knowledge, stories,
information, etc that can enrich the learning
process. Encourage free sharing inside the
8. The process of learning is emotional as well Learners can't learn that much if they have
as intellectual
something that is bothering their minds. These
can be problems and worries they have either
in or out of the classroom. Thus, as teachers,
let us be sensitive to our students' problems.
We can't teach learners with empty stomachs
9. The process of problem solving and learning Make use of different teaching strategies that
are highly unique and individual
can cater multiple intelligences and learning
My Analysis
1. What is the impact of the resource teacher observance of these principles on the teachinglearning process and on the learners?
2. Which learning principles was applied most?
3. Which learning principle was applied least or not applied?
Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that they are always
My Reflection
1. My reflections on my observation of my teacher’s observance of these principles. Did my
Resource Teacher adhere to these principles.
2. Lesson I have learned from my observations on the classroom application of the principles of
Name of FS Student______________________________________________________
Course________________________ Year & Section____________________________
Resource Teacher 1_____________ Signature_______________ Date
Resource Teacher 2_____________ Signature_______________ Date
Resource Teacher 3_____________ Signature _______________ Date
Cooperating School______________________________________________________
My Target
In this Episode, I must be able to:
Deduce the lesson objectives after observing my Resource Teachers teach.
See how the guiding principles in the formulation of lesson objectives are applied
Realize the importance of a clearly defined lesson objective.
1.As I observe a class, I will use the observation Sheet for a more focused observation.
Observation Sheet
Name of the Resource Teachers Observed: Muriel Criselda Delmo
School Address: B 1 L3 Panorama Ville Mariquita Sta Rosa City Laguna
Grade/Year Level: Kinder 1
Guiding Principles in Determining and
Formulating Learning Objectives
1. Begin with the end in mind
Teaching Behavior which prove/s Observance
of the Guiding Principle
1. The resource teacher began her lesson by
starting her objective
2. Share lesson objective with students
3. Lesson objectives must be in the 2 or 3
domains – cognitive, skill and affective or
cognitive and affective or skill and affective
4. Work on significant and relevant lesson
5. Lesson objectives must lead to the
development of critical and creative thinking
2. After observing your resource teacher teach, write down what you think was/ were her
lesson objective.
3. Ask permission from your resource teacher for you to copy her lesson objective for the day’s
lesson. Copy it here then compare it with your answer in #. Are they the same? Different?
My Analysis
1. If answer in # 3 above is different, what is your conclusion regarding written lesson objective
and actual lesson development? Are the lesson objectives in the lesson plan always followed?
Do they really serve as guiding star?
2. Why did you find it easy/ Difficult to write down the resource teacher’s lesson objective for
the day? Did he mention it at the beginning of the lesson?
3. Did you find the lesson objective SMART? Why or why not?
4. Was the lesson objective in the cognitive or psychomotor or affective domain? Or was it in
two or three domains? Support your answer.
My Reflections
Any lesson learned or insights gained from your observations focused on lesson objective?
Write them down here. Are lesson objectives truly the guiding star in the development of a
lesson? Or are lesson objectives sometimes forgotten as the lesson develops.