Uploaded by Pamela Mcfadden

STP Conversions (1) (1)

Standard Temperature and Pressure Conversions
Use the notes from class to make the following temperature and
pressure conversions:
1. What is standard temperature in Kelvin? How do you convert a
temperature in degrees Celsius to Kelvin?
2. What is standard pressure? List it 5 ways.
Change each of the following to Kelvin:
3. 85​o​C
4. 200​o​C
5. -37​o​C
6. 0​o​C
Make the following pressure conversions. ​Show your work!!!
7. 285 kPa to mmHg
8. 502 mmHg to atm
9. 751 torr to mmHg
10. 235 kPa to psi