Uploaded by Christopher Thomas

Abortion Decision: A Woman's Right | University Essay

The decision to have an abortion should rest solely with the woman
School: University of Technology
Course: Academic Writing II
Student Name: Christopher Thomas
ID#: 1800904
Tutor: Miss
Tutorial Time: Monday 7-9
The decision to have an abortion should rest solely with the woman
Topic: The decision to have an abortion should rest solely with the woman. Agree/Disagree
Narrow Topic: The decision to have an abortion should rest solely with the woman
Purpose: To persuade/convince the audience that the decision to have an abortion should rest
solely with the woman
Thesis Statement: While some may argue that the decision to have an abortion should rest solely
with the woman since it takes two to conceive a child, this action should solely rest with the
woman because she may have been sexually assaulted or the pregnancy is dangerous or bad for
your health.
Firstly, the decision to have an abortion should rest solely with the woman since she may
have been sexually assaulted.
A. The trauma of sexual assault should is very real, and there is no intention here to
downplay that. But abortion carries its own variety of trauma. (ABORTION
B. (Pirkis, n.d.) Effects of trauma include posttraumatic stress disorder and its effects may
lead to depression and suicide, flashbacks, eating disorders & sleeping disorders. (Rainn,
C. (Johnson, 2014) Assault establishes incredible real damage caused by the pregnancy.
(Effects of Sexual Assault and Rape, n.d.)
II. Additionally, since it’s the woman bearing all the risk, having the baby is dangerous or bad
for her health the decision should rest solely on her.
A. Pregnancy symptoms and complications can range from mild and annoying discomforts
to serve, sometimes life-threatening illnesses. ( Division of Reproductive Health,
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2018)
B. Maternal nutrition is an important factor responsible not only for the baby’s long term
growth. (P, 2015)
C. While still in the womb, some babies have problems with their organs and body parts
form, how they work, or how their bodies turn food into energy. These problems are
called birth defects. (Dowshen, 2017)
III. Despite evidence to the contrary, some have contended that all life is important and abortion
ought not to rest exclusively with a woman.
The decision to have an abortion should rest solely with the woman
A. Taking of a blameless life ought not to be a decision regardless of whether the child may
B. Abortion is murder
IV. The view that all life is important and the decision to have an abortion should not rest with
the woman will solve all the complex issues associated with the matter is simplistic and
impractical for the following reasons:
A. Taking of a blameless life should be a decision regardless of what child may endure.
(Lee, 2019)
B. Abortion should be a choice. (NARAL Pro-Choice America, n.d.)
The decision to have an abortion should rest solely with the woman
Division of Reproductive Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion. (2018, October 23). Maternal and Infant Health. From Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention:
ABORTION EXCEPTIONS. (n.d.). From All American League Life:
Dowshen, S. (2017). Birth Defects. From KidsHealth from Nemors:
Effects of Sexual Assault and Rape. (n.d.). From Joyful Heart Foundation:
Johnson, K. (2014, May 20). Skeletal injuries associated with sexual abuse. From NCBI:
Lee, H. (2019, September 19). 7 Ways to Make Life Changing Decisions. From Lifehack:
NARAL Pro-Choice America. (n.d.). Abortion Access. From NARAL Pro-Choice America:
P, D. (2015, November 11). Review Article Open Access Factors Affecting Early Childhood
Growth and Development: Golden 1000 Days. From Advanced Practices in Nursing:
Pirkis, J. (n.d.). APA PsycNet. From Sleep disorder, depression and suicidality in female sexual
assault survivors.: https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2001-01211-002
Rainn. (n.d.). From Effects of Sexual Violence: https://www.rainn.org/effects-sexual-violence
The decision to have an abortion should rest solely with the woman
I'm pregnant, but I'm not going to have the baby. I'm having an abortion. Abortion is a very
delicate topic people were generally strongly concerned about it and who are quite polarized. An
individual is either strongly in favor of abortion and therefore regarded as a matter of freedom or
firmly opposed to it as a crime. In recent years abortion has become a major topic of discussion
with 9 of 52 States in America passing the anti-abortion law. Abortion, as defined by Medicine
Net, is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and
placenta). It is beginning to become very clear to women that their decision not to have a child is
invalid. The controversy arises as to whether the decision to have an abortion should rest solely
with a woman such that some have argued that it would the unfair since it to conceive a child. In
spite of the controversy, the decision to have an abortion should rest solely with the woman as
she may have been sexually assaulted or the pregnancy is dangerous or bad for health.
After being sexually abused the decision to have an abortion should rest solely with the
woman. According to the All American Life League, there's no intention of downplaying the
trauma of sexual assault. Be that as it may, abortion conveys its very own assortment of trauma
(ABORTION EXCEPTIONS, n.d.). (Pirkis, n.d.) States that illnesses such as posttraumatic
stress disorder a how the effects of chronic sleep fragmentation may exacerbate depression and
suicide. Memories of pain from the past appear during a flashback as though it is occurring at
this time. Eating disorder including body sensations and power thoughts and sleeping disorders
which include having difficulty falling or sleeping, sleeping at odd times of the day, or sleeping
longer or shorter than normal (Rainn, n.d.). (Johnson, 2014) A woman may face extremely
difficult and bodily pain after a sexual assault or rape, bruising and other soft-tissue injuries are
the most common injuries (Effects of Sexual Assault and Rape, n.d.). I want to stress that sexual
The decision to have an abortion should rest solely with the woman
violence stands in the way of peace and security, preventing women from engaging in
democratic and peaceful processes and in reconstruction and reconciliation after conflicts.
Since it is the woman bearing all the risk, pregnancy decisions should be rest solely with
the woman even if the pregnancy is dangerous or bad for her health. Pregnancy side effects and
confusions can run from gentle and irritating inconveniences to the extreme, in some cases lifethreatening, illnesses. Now and then it very well may be hard for a woman to figure out which
side effects are typical and which are most certainly not. Issues during pregnancy may
incorporate physical and mental conditions that influence the soundness of the mother or the
infant. These issues can be brought about by or can be aggravated by being pregnant. Numerous
issues are gentle and don't advance; in any case, when they do, they may hurt the mother or her
infant ( Division of Reproductive Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and
Health Promotion, 2018). Nutrition is the most important non-genetic factor in fetal development
before and during pregnancy. People with good body mass index (BMI) preconception tend to
gain a sufficient amount of weight during pregnancy and people with BMI below 19.1 have
increased fivefold in the delivery of a baby with low birth weight. Maternal undernutrition is a
risk factor for limiting fetal development and perinatal adverse effects. Inadequate intake of poor
nutritional status of the mother during pregnancy indicates a reduction in intrauterine growth,
which affects brain development (P, 2015). Before conception, low maternal weight is associated
with an increased risk of low birth weight and limitation of symmetrical development and loss of
pregnancy. Many infants, while still in the womb, have trouble with how their organs and body
parts are shaped, how they function, or how their bodies convert food into energy. Such health
issues are known as birth defects (Dowshen, 2017).
The decision to have an abortion should rest solely with the woman
Despite evidence to the contrary, some have contended that all life is important and
abortion ought not to rest exclusively with a woman. Taking of a blameless life ought not to be a
decision regardless of whether the child may endure. Everyone has the right to life. This implies
no one, including the Legislature, can attempt to take your life. It likewise implies the
Legislature should take suitable measures to defend life by making laws to protect you and, in
certain conditions, by finding ways to protect you if your life is in danger. Public authorities
ought to likewise consider your entitlement to life when settling on choices that may place you in
peril or that influence your future. So with that being said abortion is murder, no matter how you
look at it. The study of embryology expresses that from the moment of conception, a person is
formed. The DNA it has isn't just human DNA but the DNA of an individual particular from that
of either parent. In measurable criminology, DNA is utilized to recognize one individual from
another. So the DNA of a developing life shows that the fetus is an individual.
Regardless of what people are made to think, the reality of the issue is simply this. The
profound consequences of decision-making are often not understood by many people. Still, we
go through life wondering what thoughts and actions we are doing (Lee, 2019). A woman
decision to have an abortion should rest with her there’s no doubt about. The privilege to choose
abortion is basic to guaranteeing a woman can decide for herself if (NARAL Pro-Choice
America, n.d.).
The decision to have an abortion should rest solely with the woman