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Silicon Oxidation in Microfabrication

EE-527: MicroFabrication
Oxidation of Silicon
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Silicon Dioxide (SiO2)
• The single thermodynamically stable oxide of silicon.
• Essential to the fabrication of MOS devices.
– Creates extremely high electronic quality gate oxides.
• Essential to the patterning of silicon for high temperature
– Photoresist cannot handle temperatures much above 150C.
– Patterned SiO2 can be used for masking diffusions, etches, and
other processes up to temperatures of >1400C.
• The extreme purity and perfection of the Si/SiO2 interface
is the ultimate reason why silicon has been the #1
semiconductor for microelectronics.
– And is likely to remain so…
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Oxidation of Silicon
• Carried out at temperatures of 900 – 1200C.
• Dry oxidation: N2 carrier gas + O2
– O2 must diffuse through the growing SiO2 layer.
• Wet oxidation: N2 carrier gas + O2 + H2O (sat. vapor)
– H2O must diffuse through the growing SiO2 layer.
– Diffusion of H2O is much faster than O2; wet oxides grow faster.
– H2 must diffuse back out; usually very rapid and not a limiter.
• SiO2 grows from the SiO2/Si interface:
– Oldest SiO2 remains on the surface.
– Youngest SiO2 finishes at the SiO2/Si interface.
O2, H2O
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Deal-Grove Model of Oxidation - 1
B. E. Deal and A. S. Grove, J. Appl. Phys. 36, 3770 (1965).
A fairly simple and very descriptive model of silicon oxidation from a
gaseous source (O2, H2O), modeled after that for the oxidation of metal
Based upon the assumption of gaseous diffusion of the reacting species
through a stagnant film adjacent to the growing oxide.
Exhibits both transport-limited and reaction-rate-limited regimes.
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Deal-Grove Model of Oxidation - 2
Stagnant Film Model for Dry Oxidation with O2:
concentration in gas
O2 concentration
concentration in solid
supply gas
stagnant gas film
growing SiO2
Si wafer
position, x
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Deal-Grove Model of Oxidation - 3
Surface reaction of O2 with the silicon:
(C g  Cs )  hg (C g  Cs )
F2 
(C0  Ci )
F3  k s Ci
In steady-state, the oxygen fluxes must be equal:
F1  F2  F3
F1 
Diffusion of O2 through the stagnant film:
Diffusion of O2 through the growing oxide:
Henry’s Law relates the concentration at the
surface to the concentration in the vapor above it
(H = Henry’s constant):
Flux of O2 in the stagnant film can be expressed
in terms of equivalent concentrations in the oxide:
Algebraic solution of the above produces:
Ci 
Co  HPs  HkTCs
C*  HPg  HkTC g
F1  hg (C g  Cs )  h(C * C0 )
k kx
1  s  s ox
k s xox
Co 
k s k s xox
1 
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Deal-Grove Model of Oxidation - 4
The flux of O2 leads to a growth of the SiO2 layer and a consumption of the Si surface:
F   N Si
ksC *
 N SiO 2 ox 
k kx
1  s  s ox
This is a nonlinear differential equation for xox(t) which can be solved by separation of variables:
xox2  Axox  B(t   )
 1 1
A  2 D  
 ks h 
xi2  Axi
2 DC *
N SiO 2
xox (t  0)  xi
The oxide thickness as a function of time becomes:
xox (t ) 
 1  2 t     1
2 
xi is the initial oxide thickness
(t   )
short time limit:
xox (t ) 
long time limit:
xox (t )  B (t   )
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Deal-Grove Model of Oxidation - 5
surface reaction rate limited:
linear regime
xox (t ) 
(t   )
diffusion transport limited:
parabolic regime
A/ 2
xox (t )  B(t   )
general case
xox (t ) 
 1  2 t     1
2 
t 
A2 / 4 B
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Deal-Grove Model of Oxidation - 6
The diffusive transport rate constant B shows an Arrhenius temperature dependence with an
activation energy EAt:
EAt = 1.24 eV for dry oxidation with O2
 E At / kT
B  B0 e
EAt = 0.74 eV for wet oxidation with H2O
The reaction rate constant B/A also shows an Arrhenius temperature dependence with an
activation energy EAr:
EAr = 2.00 eV for dry oxidation with O2
B  B   E / kT
A  A  0
EAr = 1.96 eV for wet oxidation with H2O
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Deal-Grove Oxidation Parameters
For wet oxidation starting from bare silicon, use  = 0.
For dry oxidation starting from bare silicon, note that  > 0 must be used.
Note that wet oxidation rates are significantly faster than dry rates.
Type / Temperature
A (m)
B (m2/hr)
B/A (m/hr)
 (hr)
Wet @ 1200C
Wet @ 1100C
Wet @ 1000C
Wet @ 920C
Dry @ 1200C
Dry @ 1100C
Dry @ 1000C
Dry @ 920C
Dry @ 800C
Data from Wolf and Tauber, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., p. 277.
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Thin Oxides - 1
For dry oxides less than ~35 nm, the rate of oxide growth is much
faster than that predicted by the Deal-Grove model.
Proper fit to the Deal-Grove characteristics require the use of a
fictitious initial thickness of ~20 nm = xi. ( > 0)
linear regime
~ 20 nm
actual oxidation characteristics
oxidation time
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Thin Oxides - 2
• Native oxides formed from air exposure:
– Grow in a step-wise manner.
– Usually saturate at about 0.8 nm for lightly doped silicon, or about
1.3 nm for heavily doped silicon.
• Boiling DI water can be used to create very thin oxides.
– Can be used to strip away a few 10s of nm of Si for surface prep.
• Thin dry oxides are used for MOSFET gates.
– Usually the best quality oxide that can be produced.
– Empirical growth rate model:
• First term with A,B is the standard Deal-Grove term.
• Second and third terms correct for faster initial growth rate.
 C1e  xox / L1  C2 e  xox / L2
2 xox  A
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Thin Oxides - 3
• Modern MOSFETs require gate oxides with thicknesses of
only 2-5 nm! (usually called ultra-thin oxides)
• Controllable growth of oxides this thin requires:
– Reduced temperature growth
– Reduced pressure growth
– Rapid thermal oxidation (RTO)
• Pure O2 at 1 atm
• ~1050C for 40 seconds, via quartz lamps
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Use of Chlorine
Increases the oxidation rate.
Improves the oxide quality:
Reduced mobile ionic charge (Na+ gettering)
Increased minority carrier lifetime in underlying silicon
Increased oxide breakdown voltage
Reduced interface and fixed charge density
Reduced oxidation-induced stacking faults
Chlorine sources:
Chlorine gas, Cl2
Hydrogen chloride, HCl
Trichloroethylene, TCE, Cl3CCH
1,1,1-Trichloroethane, TCA, Cl3CCH3
Trans-1,2-Dichloroethane, DCE, Cl2CCH2
Oxalyl Chloride, OC, Cl2C2O2
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
High Pressure Oxidation (HIPOX)
Approximately linear dependence of Deal-Grove B and B/A rate
coefficients with oxygen pressure.
HIPOX systems usually operate at PO2 ~ 10-25 atm.
Approximately, each atm of pressure is equivalent to 30C in
temperature to keep the oxide growth rate constant.
Usually needed to grow oxides thicker than 1.5-2.0 microns in a
reasonable period of time.
– Thick field oxides
Gasonics is one well-known vendor for HIPOX systems.
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Consumption of Silicon by Oxidation
Atomic & molecular weights:
– Si: 28.09 g/mole = mSi
– O: 16.00 g/mole = mOx
– SiO2: 60.09 g/mole = mSiO2
xSi = 0.462 xox
– Si = 2.328 g/cm3
– SiO2 = 2.30 g/cm3
original surface
new surface
silicon wafer
Atomic densities:
– NSi = NASi/mSi = 4.992 x 1022 cm-3
– NSiO2 = NASiO2/mSiO2 = 2.305 x 1022 cm-3
Oxide growth:
– xSiNSi = xoxNSiO2
– xSi = 0.462 xox
SiO2 grows 46% downward and 54% upward from the original surface.
SiO2 is under compressive strain of ~ 300 MPa = 43,500 psi.
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Local Oxidation of Silicon (LOCOS) - 1
• A fundamental method for isolating MOSFETs on an IC.
– Used for most MOS/CMOS processes down to ~0.5 m geometries.
– Used to define the active region of a MOSFET from the isolation areas.
• Active region: thin gate oxide, ~2-200 nm, depending upon technology node
• Isolation region: thick field oxide, ~0.5-2.0 m, depending upon tech. node
– Limited by bird’s beak encroachment, stresses, and dopant redistribution.
• Typically, bird’s beak encroachment is comparable to field oxide thickness.
ACTIVE layout layer
POLY layout layer
FIELD OXIDE is where ACTIVE is not.
MOSFET channel is defined by the overlap
of ACTIVE and POLY layout layers
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Local Oxidation of Silicon (LOCOS) - 2
LOCOS process steps:
50 nm pad oxide
150 nm CVD nitride layer
Pattern and etch nitride
Channel stop implant
Wet oxidation of field oxide
150 nm Si3N4 oxidation mask
50 nm SiO2 pad oxide
channel stop implant (B)
silicon wafer (p)
• Typ. 1000C for 4-10 hours.
• HIPOX often used for this.
– Strip nitride
– Strip pad oxide
"bird's beak"
locally oxidized silicon
~1-2 m field oxide
silicon wafer
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Shallow Trench Isolation (STI) - 1
• Key features:
– Silicon trench is etched around active areas for MOSFETs,
– Deposited dielectric is backfilled into trenches, and
– CMP is used to planarize the result.
• Used for nearly all submicron MOS processes (L < 0.35 m)
Eliminates the bird’s beak encroachment of LOCOS.
Supports the use of implants for retrograde wells.
Channel stop implants not needed for sufficiently deep trenches.
Reduced mechanical stress from LOCOS nitride bending.
Reduced channel stop dopant redistribution.
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Shallow Trench Isolation (STI) - 2
STI process steps:
50 nm pad oxide
150 nm LPCVD nitride layer
Pattern resist layer
Etch nitride and pad oxide
400-500 nm deep anisotropic
trench etch, 70-80 sidewalls
Strip resist
50 nm thermal oxidation of
trench side walls
CVD insulator to refill trench
CMP planarization down to
Dielectric densification ~900C
Strip nitride
150 nm Si3N4 trench mask
50 nm SiO2 pad oxide
CVD trench refill insulator
thermal trench oxide
silicon wafer
after CMP planarization:
silicon wafer
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Crystallographic Orientation Effects
Most oxide growth rates are quoted for the (100) planes of Si, which is
most common for microelectronics processing.
Surface reaction rate depends upon the density of Si atoms on a given
surface and the orientation of the bond angles to that surface.
(111)Si has a greater density of atoms than (100)Si.
– This is a subtle point, often argued, and ends up depending upon which
plane is chosen to cut through the crystal.
– Note that the average surface density of Si atoms is the same for all
(111)Si has perpendicular surface bonds, while (100)Si has surface
bond angles that are oblique to the surface (~54 from normal).
Experimentally, the B/A rate constant is found to be a factor of 1.65 –
1.75 larger for the (111) planes over the (100) planes.
This is responsible for the “corner-pinch” effect observed for where
(111) planes meet (100) planes in an etched pit.
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Oxidative Sharpening
Compressive stress and transport limited oxidation rate cause the oxide
to grow less on both internal and external corners:
interior corner
exterior corner
Tip radii < 10 nm can be achieved, which are useful for AFM and
LVFE tips:
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Oxidation of Doped Silicon
Oxidation of doped silicon (B, P, As):
– The dopant becomes incorporated into the oxide.
– The dopant enhances the growth rate of the oxide when present in high
concentrations (~ > 1020 cm-3).
Uptake of the dopant by the oxide is controlled by the segregation
coefficient m:
[ N ]Si
[ N ]SiO2
– If m < 1, the oxide will absorb the dopant during oxidation.
– If m > 1, the oxide will expel the dopant during oxidation.
– The segregation coefficient becomes an equilibrium matching condition
for the Si/SiO2 interface.
Diffusion of the dopant within the oxide can be either faster than or
slower than in the silicon.
– This determines the ability of SiO2 to serve as a mask for dopant diffusion.
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Dopant Redistribution During Oxidation
Boron: m ~ 10-2
Phosphorous: m ~ 102
oxide growth absorbs boron;
boron is depleted at the Si surface.
oxide growth expels phosphorous;
phosphorous piles up at the Si surface.
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Structure of SiO2
• SiO2, silica, is normally a glass:
– Short-range order due to SiO4 tetrahedral structure
– Limited long-range order due to amorphous, random
interconnections of the SiO4 tetrahedrons
Silica Tetrahedron
O-O: 2.27 Angstroms
Si-O: 1.62 Angstroms
from Wolf & Tauber, p.267
Quartz Crystal (simplified)
 = 2.65 g/cm3, n = 1.55, H = 7
Silica Glass
 = 2.15 – 2.25 g/cm3
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Silica Glass
• Unit building block is the silica tetrahedron: [SiO4]4• Two silica tetrahedrons are connected by sharing an apical
oxygen that forms a bridge between the two tetrahedra.
• If each tetrahedron is bridged to 4 other tetrahedrons, the
system becomes charge neutral, and the overall chemical
formula becomes SiO2.
• Non-bridging oxygens (NBOs) carry a −1 charge and will
collect around unbound cation impurities.
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Silica Glass Structural Defects
Network formers: also form glasses, e.g. B2O3, P2O5
– substitute for Si in the tetrahedra:
• Boron, B3+, eliminates one bridging oxygen, weakens the network
• Phosphorous, P5+, creates one bridging oxygen, strengthens the network
Network modifiers: do not form glasses by themselves
– interstitial impurities: Na, K, Pb, Ba
Network terminators: hydroxyl groups: OH−
from Revesz (1965)
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
• Quartz is crystalline SiO2
– 2nd most common mineral on Earth (after feldspar).
– Rhombohedral crystal structure: a = b = c,  =  =  = 60.
– Silica tetrahedra are organized into rows and planes with 3-fold
rotational symmetry for the  phase.
– Note: fused silica is often called “quartz” or “quartz-ware,” but it is
really pure silica glass.
Low Quartz ( phase)
from Hurlbut & Klein, p.152
High Quartz ( phase)
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Low Temperature Glasses
• Examples:
LTO = Low Temperature Oxide
PSG = Phospho-Silicate Glass
BSG = Boro-Silicate Glass
BPSG = Boro-Phospho-Silicate Glass
• All are deposited by CVD or LPCVD processes.
• Are used extensively for inter-level dielectrics in back-end
• Low temperature refers to a low glass transition
temperature which allows the deposited glass to be
reflowed and densified at temperatures which are
compatible with the interconnect metals, usually < 400C.
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Spin-On Glasses (SOG)
Used for inter-level dielectrics in back-end processing.
Usually have viscosities and wetting characteristics which allow them
to fill in recesses and flow away from high spots, providing a degree of
planarization for the next metal layer.
Based upon organic-siloxane compounds:
– Methyl siloxane polymers
– Ethyl siloxane polymers
Can be easily applied by spin-coating to thicknesses in the range of 50
to 300 nm. Thicker films can be obtained through multiple coats.
Resulting SiO2 layer after curing is of lower quality than that of a
thermally grown oxide:
– More porous, less dense, lower refractive index.
– Higher etch rates in HF and BOE.
– Too many surface states and trapped charge to be useful as a MOS
– Lower breakdown voltage.
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Spin-On Glass Curing Schedule
The concept is to spin cast the film, evaporate off any coating solvent,
polymerize the siloxanes, and then decompose and evaporate the
carrier organics.
Typical curing schedule:
– 80C for 1 minute on a hotplate.
– 250C for 1 minute on a hotplate.
– 425C for 2 hours in a box furnace with 5-10 SCFH of N2 cover gas.
While the electrical characteristics of a SOG film are not the best, the
ease of application makes it attractive for many instances where a thin
film insulator is required.
SOG films are also particularly useful as dopant sources.
– Boron and phosphorous SOG sources are available.
– They offer much simpler and safer alternatives to gas source or solid
source dopants.
– Process recipes usually have to be adjusted to accommodate them.
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Oxides of Other Semiconductors
• Germanium
– GeO, GeO2:
• Unstable at high temperatures
• Water soluble!
• Gallium Arsenide
– GaO, Ga2O3, GaO2, As2O3, AsO2:
• A mixture of several oxides with differing properties
• Unstable at high temperatures
• Oxide grows backwards:
– As and Ga are more volatile than O2, so they diffuse out through the
growing oxide, rather than O2 diffusing in.
– Oxide is loosely attached to the GaAs surface; it can often be shaken or
rubbed off.
• Si and SiO2 are very unique and ideal for microelectronics!
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013
Oxides of Metal Surfaces
Oxidation of some metal surfaces also follows the Deal-Grove model:
– 4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3
– Ti + O2 → TiO2
Iron (III) oxide (ferric): (hematite)
– 4Fe + 3O2 → 2Fe2O3
Iron (II) oxide (ferrous):
– 2Fe + O2 → 2FeO
Iron (II,III) oxide: (magnetite)
– 3Fe + 2O2 → Fe3O4
Because the oxidation process
involves the diffusion of oxygen
through the growing oxide layer,
the process becomes self-limiting
and the oxidation passivates the
metal surface.
The red, gelatinous rust of iron or
steel is a hydrated form of ferric
oxide, Fe2O3·H2O.
Copper (II) oxide (cupric) (black)
– 2Cu + O2 → 2CuO2
Copper (I) oxide (cuprous) (red) (a semiconductor!)
– 4Cu + O2 → 2Cu2O
R. B. Darling / EE-527 / Winter 2013