Uploaded by Zachary Tedesco

Sociology Culture Project

Cooperative Learning Activity
Culture Project
Groups will complete a project (the format is up to
you…creativity counts) explaining the cultural
aspects of a cultural group in the world. Discuss the
non-material and material culture: language, values,
norms, folkways, mores, taboos, beliefs, technology,
material objects, gestures, symbols, behaviors, laws,
superstitions, communication, and ideal verses true
culture, of this society. Include what you believe to
be the most important culture pattern of the culture
(and its corresponding complexes and traits).
Other suggestions: What does this society eat? How
do they treat marriage? Feel about dating? When
does an individual become an adult? What
ceremonies are important? Why? What negative
pressures are there on society (racism?), and how
are these pressures resolved? Is the culture