NAME: Nejedlo SUBJECT: Sociology WEEK OF: Jan 30th, 2012 MONDAY LESSON OBJECTIVE OR LEARNER OUTCOME BELL ACTIVITY THURSDAY FRIDAY TSWBATUnderstand culture, societal norms, mores, folkways and taboos TSWBATUnderstand culture, societal norms, mores, folkways and taboos TUESDAY TSWBATUnderstand culture, societal norms, mores, folkways and taboos TSWBATUnderstand culture, societal norms, mores, folkways and taboos TSWBATUnderstand culture, societal norms, mores, folkways and taboos What is an example of a more, folkway and a taboo? Collectivist vs Individualist prep activity Do you see cultural change as progess? Take handout of different cultures and begin to understand the culture given Culture Discussion What is a cultural difference between the US and another country that you know? Culture Discussion Culture discussion and activity Gender and Culture Culture roleplaying No formal assessment No formal assessment No forma assessment Culture WS No formal assessment INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT OTHER NOTES WEDNESDAY