NIPSC LEMERY CAMPUS Lemery, Iloilo UNIT 1 CULTURE OF SOCIETY Time Allotment: Four hours and thirty minutes (4:30) Objective: At the end of this chapter the student will be able to study culture and behavior and some issues concerning status of women. Topics: A. Difference Between Culture and Society. Sometimes culture and society are used interchangeably. While these two concepts are interdependent and interrelated, they are not the same. A society is a group of people bound together in a more or less permanent association organized for collective action. Culture is a system of behavior shared by members of a society. The culture of one society may slightly differ or entirely differ from the culture of another society. Thus, in our country, although we are all Filipinos yet, Ilonggos are culturally different from other regional groups due to our distinctive cultural traits (Baliao and Loriega, 1999). B. Characteristics of Culture. There are six characteristic of culture. The first essential characteristic of culture is that culture is learned. It is not inborn. Culture is acquired through association with other members of the society in the place where the person grow up. Thus a Genuine Ilonggo (GI) or a Full Blooded Ilonggo (FBI) whose parents are Ilonggos, was born in Iloilo but raised in Japan, will exhibit the personality of a Japanese. The same thing will happen to a full blooded Japanese who was born in Japan but grew up in Iloilo (Hunt. et. al. 41-56) Culture is shared by a group of People. Ilonggos share cultural characteristics unique to them. These can be material or non- material. Ilonggos are known to be softspoken (Malambing) while Warays are known to be combative. this characteristic of the Ilonggos can be traced to the dialect of the Ilonggos, Hiligaynon, which follows the natural rhythm of nature. The cuisine in Lapaz. It is in Iloilo where one can eat a pancit; which does not look like a pancit, does not cook like a pancit, does not taste like a pancit, but much tastier than ordinary pancit. Pancit Molo anyone? (Hunt. et. al) Culture is cumulative. Each person is provided with a mental map (brain) composed of billions of neurons which kept on constantly changing which makes the mental map of that person slightly different from that of another person. Due to a slightly different mental map, what is interesting to one person may not be interesting to another, thus learning for one may not be learning for another. Educators would say “The rate of forgetting is fastest right after learning”. A student tends to forget a significant portion of the information given by the teacher once he gets out of the classroom. The student will only retain that portion which he considers important or interesting to him which forms part of his learning. He tends to forget information which he does not consider important. What is important then to a person is not the portion he forgets but the portion he retains since this forms part of his learning. Learning is the basis for knowledge and is stored and passed on from generation to generation. What the person learns is stored in his 2.2 pounds Central Processing Unit known as the brain and accumulates through time. What the person learns served as the basis of his personality and the information he will ultimately transfer to his offspring.(Ibid) Culture is dynamic. No culture is ever in a permanent state. It is constantly changing. The dynamism of culture is manifested by the rate at which the society, its material and non- material culture change. Dyeing of hair was unheard of a decade ago. Earrings worn by both sexes now were only worn by women before. In the 70’s very few women wore trouser in the classroom, they wore micro mini (skirt). The rate of change in culture may also be determined by the economic condition of the people. The better the economic condition, the faster is the rate of change. Only change does not change (Hunt. et. al) Culture is diverse, The Ilonggo culture is a sum total of many separate cultures each of them different. It is different for one to truly identify the original traits of the Ilonggo culture since our culture is already a product of many different traits coming from different culture. Consider for example the food we eat; hamburger, pizza, spaghetti, and rice noodles to name a few, are foods introduce into our culture from other countries. It is an accepted fact that the more advanced the society the more diverse its culture. Transmission of cultural traits from one country to another is further reinforced by globalization, when we open our country’s doors to products coming from other countries (Ibid) Culture is a whole. Culture is a system with many mutually interdependent parts. Ilonggo culture should be viewed from the totality of its material and non- material traits such as food, shelter, tools, clothing, morals, laws, customs, tradition, and others which make our culture a whole. One cannot look at the Ilonggo culture in terms of the dialect alone, but in terms of its many material and non- material aspects (Ibid) A. Culture as a System of Norms. Culture is considered normative since it regulates our action and conduct. Norm is nothing but a behavior expectation. It is an idea on how people are supposed to act and behave in given situation. Students are expected to behave in a prescribe manner inside the classroom. Obviously the behavior of the student inside the classroom is different from his behavior at home or when he is with his friends. When a member of the family is dies, one is expected to mourn the person’s death. Members of the family are expected to behave accordingly. To show respect to then departed relative, each member of the Family is expected to mourn, and wear black, white or lavender clothing (Scheafer, 2005) One can cannot wear red when a family member is dead? What does red signify? Folkways refer to behavior patterns of society which has become organized and repetitive. They are commonly known as customs. A society’s folkways are the norms which the members have come to accept as the proper way of dealing with their day-to-day problems of living and interacting with each other. There many things that a student does every morning before going to school. He eats his breakfast, washes the dishes, brush his teeth, take a bath, com his hair, say hi Morning Prayer and others before going to schools. These same activities are done by the student morning after morning that they have become organized and repetitive. Mores define rules of conduct that are associated with intense feelings of right and wrong. Mores are special folkways which involve more or ethical values and involved respect for authority, marriage and sex behavior and other practices. It is normal for a woman to have a boyfriend but not when she lives with her boyfriend under one roof without the benefit of marriage. The act is immoral (Hunt, et. al) In our society some of our mores have been formalized or legalized. Not all laws are necessarily mores, nor are all mores part of the legal code. The manufacture, sale and use of firecrackers were illegal; but Filipinos cannot imagine how lonely our new year will be without the use of firecrackers. Now, the manufacture, sale and use of firecrackers are legal. Before cock- fighting and mahjong were forms of gambling listed in a decree issued by former President Ferdinand Marcos. Later cockfighting and mahjong were deleted from the list and now cock- fighting is a sport and mahjong is a parlor game (Aberia, 2010) Technicways refer to social adjustment to technological change. It represents a type of cultural change almost the exact opposite of folkways and mores. Technological changes are designed for the people. Technology makes the life of people easier and more convenient for them to go about their activities. The introduction of a new technology affects the taste and preferences of people. Many people always want to lay their hand on the newest technology that’s why necessary adjustment has to be made by the user relative to the product (Oma-as est. al) Folkways and mores develop without conscious planning over a long period of time. Technic ways are the result of purposeful scientific analysis of social needs and may be made effective in a short span of time. One gadget which has become a necessary expense on the part of many students is the cell- phone. In fact the Philippines is now considered the texting capital of the world. Fifteen years ago, cell- phone was bulky, costly, expensive to maintain, cannot be used for texting and a limited range and area of coverage. Now cell- phone is a very important gadget for people, used for varied purposes Aberia, 2010) D.Manifest and Latent Aspects of Culture. Culture maybe classified as manifest and latent aspects. Manifest aspects of culture are those which are intended and applauded. They can be considered positive aspects. Latent aspects are those not intended, they are hidden and obviously not applauded. They can be considered negative aspects. The manifest aspect of not legalizing divorce is to keep the family intact valuing the sanctity of marriage. It is known fact however that not all couples are happy in their married life. Although there is legal separation and annulment of marriage but the former does not give the former couple the chance to remarry while the later is a long and costly process. The latent aspect of not legalizing divorce is the querida/ querido system which may result to another latent aspect, the couple producing illegitimate children (Hunt. et. al). E. Basic or Universal Culture Patterns. Culture may vary or differ tremendously from place to place as to its content. There are certain basic patterns common to all cultures around the world. These are known as universal cultural patterns. Wissler, an American Anthropologist, who first use the phrase/ universal culture patterns, set up these categories: a. Speech and Language b. Material traits c. Art d. Mythology and Scientific knowledge 1. food habits e. Religious practices 2. Shelter f. Family and Social System 3. transportation g. Property 4. dress h. War 5. Utensils, tools, etc. i. Government 6. weapons 7. Occupation and industries F.Organization of Culture. Culture trait represents a single element or a combination of element related to a specific situation. It is a cultural element which can no longer be broken down into simpler components. Taking a bath is an example of a culture trait since it can no longer be broken down into simpler components. Taking a bath like many traits, follows a ritual. It has a definite start and end. One cannot cut the ritual or process in the middle, doing so will not enable one to finish what he’s doing (Oma-as, When culture a complexes are set in routine to achieve a goal, the term is Culture Pattern. The goal of a student is to obtain a college degree. Thus for four years he follows a similar routine, before going to school, in school and after school. The pattern might be temporarily or permanently disrupted depending on the situation. When a student gets sick and advised by the Medical Doctor to rest for one semester, the disruption is only temporary since the student can return to school the following semester. If the student however got pregnant in school, decided to get married and quit school, the disruption might be permanent (Baliao and Loriega) Alternatives allow the individual to select two or more possibilities. Every person has always an alternative in life. He can even choose to or not to. A student may choose what course to enroll in college based on his intellectual strength and weaknesses. He may shift to other courses if he wants to or find that the course he is enrolled at present is not what he likes (Gender Roles, FPOP, Bulletin) Specialties are shared by some but not all groups within a society. Breastfeeding specialty of women. Men cannot breastfeed even if they want to. Women are more analytical than men. They have a higher threshold of pain than men. (Gender Roles, FPOP Bulletin) Assessment: 1. Can you name other traits unique to Ilonggos? Do you believe Ilonggos are soft spoken? 2. What makes you different from your classmates, your brother and sisters? 3. Do you believe women are more powerful than men? Why? Why not? 4. Can you cite cultural practices we borrowed from other cultures? Enumerate American influence to our culture. 5. Cite the examples of our culture’s material and nonmaterial traits. 6. Can you cite examples the things you do before going to sleep each night? 7. Cite examples of our cultural practices which can be considered moral, ethical, right and legal. 8. Is there a possibility that numbers game like daily double and last two digits legalized? Explain your answer. 9. Describe the important of cell- phone to you as student of NIPSC LEMERY CAMPUS. 10. Cite an Example of manifest and latest aspects of culture. 11. Cite examples of a culture trait based on what you do as a student of this Collage. 12. Name a complex of activities you do every morning before going to school. 13. When do you expect to graduate from college? Do you have a career plan? 14. Do you have your alternatives? Can you choose your future partner in life? 15. What can you do that others cannot? To do activities a. Gender Roles Influence Attitudes to Fertility. b. Empowerment and Status of Women c. Women More “Productive” than Men.