Name: Tac-an, Jessa P Date: 09-19-2022 Yr/Cr/Section: 2nd /BSAccty/ A Score: 1. Identify the major pressures in the business environment and describe the major organizational responses to them? Provide sample.. 600 words It is impossible to run a business without pressure. Pressure comes from all directions and sources. The business environment is never static. Even in the same industry, there will always be new pressures and innovations that need to be identified, explored and used. Because of this constant shifting, it is important for an organization to have the appropriate tools at their disposal to manage those pressures. In the business environment there are several pressures being mentioned in our previous discussion. The business environment consists of a variety of factors—social, technological,Legal, economic, physical, and political (see Huber, 2004). Significant changes in any of these factors are likely to create business pressures on organizations. These business pressures are market pressures, technology pressures and societal pressures. First is the market pressures. In a competitive environment like the world of work, it's difficult for businesses to outperform their competitors. This is especially true for small businesses usually because they have less capital and are not able to make strategic decisions about market or cost improvements that would be worthwhile for a larger company. Despite these difficulties, small companies do have access to methods of improving their performance that can contribute significantly to business success. Examples of this market pressure are; Global Economy and Strong Competition, Need for Real-Time Operations. Changing Nature of the workforce, and Powerful Customers. Market Pressure. Market pressures caused by the presence of the global economy, the stronger the competition, the changing nature of labor and the strength of the customer. Globalization is an integration and interdependence in the economic, social, cultural and ecological life, through the rapid advances in information technology. Author of the book “The World is Flat”, Thomas Friedman explained that the technology has leveled the field for preorganization competition, by making it more “flat”. The changing nature of labor. Labor, especially in developing countries, are now experiencing diversity. Increasing the number of women workers, single parents, minorities, and people with disabilities can work in various positions within an organization. Powerful of customers. Level of intelligence and customer expectations have increased, along with the easy they are to get information about the products / services they want to buy. Customers can use the internet to search for detailed information about the products / services, compare prices and buy goods by means of an electronic auction. Aside from market pressures, we also have Technological pressure. There are two main factors that cause stress in the field of technology. The first is technological innovation and obsolescence. The rapid discovery of new technologies and the improvement of technology (technology improvement), can encourage the creation of substitute products, the choice of alternative services and quality improvement. For example, the speed of circulation of the new version of the smartphone. The second factor is redundant information. The amount of information available through the Internet, the average increased by doubling each year, and most of the information is provided free of charge. As a result, the managers as decision makers in an organization, have difficulty in sorting out the required information. Last is the Societal Pressure. There are several factors that led to a pressure of society / politics / law, the first is social responsibility. Some companies and individuals willing to set aside time and money belonging to them to address various social problems. This effort is known as organizational or individual social responsibility social responsibility. One of the critical problems in the field of information technology known as green IT. The second factor is, adjustments to various government regulations (compliance with government regulations). Governments of various countries, have varying regulations in the areas of health, safety, environmental protection and gender equality. Government regulation of business tend to view such as the imposition of costly expensive. The next factor in the pressure society / politics / law is protection against terrorist attacks (protection against terrorist attacks). Since the events of 9/11 terrorist attacks, the organization improve its protection against possible terrorist attacks. Information technology can help these businesses by providing protection systems and the identification of patterns of behaviour that are connected with terrorist activities, one of which is the cyber attacks which will be discussed in the material Ethics, Privacy and Information Security. Latter factor is ethical issues. Ethics related to the general standardization of right and wrong in the practice of information processing. Ethical issues is essential for dealing with the image of an organization. The use of information technology raises a variety of ethical concerns, including e-mail monitoring of employees to protect customer data stored in the private and public databases. Organizations are constantly responding to business pressures in an attempt to do more with less. The first response is through human resource reforms such as outsourcing and automation which help organizations cut down on costs and work hours lost from company-wide interruptions such as maternity leave or vacations. Organizations’ major responses are divided here into seven categories: strategic management and systems, customer focus, continuous improvement, restructuring, make-to-order and mass customization, business alliances, and e-business. These are the seven categories used by the organizations to mitigate business pressures 2. Describe the role of information technology in supporting the functional areas, public services, and specific industries? Provide sample. 600 words As the world’s population becomes more overworked, technology has sprung up to solve many of the everyday struggles that accompany modern life. Information systems support people in a number of different ways, helping them manage their workloads and address problems. This article discusses how information technology supports the functional areas, public services, and specific industries of our society through communications networks, facilitated by cloud computing. Information technology (IT) has become a vital and integral part of every business plan. From multi-national corporations who maintain mainframe systems and databases to small businesses that own a single computer, IT plays a role. The reasons for the omnipresent use of computer technology in business can best be determined by looking at how it is being used across the business world. The first and most obvious way information technology supports people is through communications. People can use computers to send emails, text messages, chat, and much more. Through these means people can collaborate with others and share information. For example, following a string of hurricanes, local governments were able to coordinate an evacuation effort through their own websites as well as coordination sites including NOAA's Urgent Message System (UMS). ICT makes a business more efficient, effective and promptly respond to customers’ needs. ICT can assist business activities including design, manufacturing, R&D, distribution and sales and feedback. Prof.Nassef reports that “contrary to the prevalent predict that ICT will decrease the demand for face to face communication and will result in greater dispersion of economic activity. She suggests that ICT promotes industrial agglomeration”. In addition, Prof.Nassef argues that “The search of job and recruitment via the Internet offer potential efficiency gains to the labor market and the economy through reducing transaction cost and providing better matching between workers and vacancies by diffusing information about job widely”. Innovation in computing, information, and communications technology is at the heart of nearly every large-scale socioeconomic system. Computing underlies and enables systems that affect our lives every day—from financial and health systems to manufacturing, transportation, and energy infrastructures. One important consequence is that advances in computing are critical enablers of change for addressing the growing sustainability challenges facing the United States and the world. Regardless of the job, an individual from an IT division works with others to take care of innovation issues, both of all shapes and sizes. With information technology (IT) going mobile, thanks to the deployment of faster and more reliable broadband networks, we are experiencing yet another technology driven transition. Technology (-based) businesses can be referred to as businesses that engage in technology related products, processes and services. They may be low-, medium- or hightechnology. One area of the economy which has seen significant growth is that focused on new technology-based products and services and the high-technology sectors are perceived as major sources of future economic prosperity and employment growth. Business owners once had very few tools at their disposal: little more than a basic adding machine and paper records. Today’s business owners can complete their duties much more effectively than their predecessors with an array of technological tools at their disposal. By using these techtools, companies and employees enjoy a number of business-related benefits. We know that the business sector produces products and services for profit. Information technology describes any technology used to create, process and disseminate information that is critical to business performance. Information technology is important to the business sector as a management tool to optimize the processing of information to produce goods and services for profit. Automation improvements achieved by deploying information technology usually decrease the number of personnel required. Economies of scale gained through the deployment of information technology reduce the overall cost for businesses to produce products and services. This has an overwhelmingly positive effect on the financial goals of a business. Information Technology not only has a huge impact on how business is run and what can be done, but it also impacts the economy in general. For example, if there wasn't that IT support to keep every business running smoothly then what would happen? There's no telling how much more chaotic our society would be if businesses were going by the old "if you ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality. I personally think that IT is really important for all types of businesses.