DIFFERENCES IN CULTURE 1. 1ST QUESTION • How do cultural differences influence the international business? • Language • Customs and Taboos-All cultures have their own unique sets of customs and taboos. It is important for marketers to learn about these customs and taboos so that they will know what is acceptable and unacceptable for their marketing programs. • Values The role of values in society is to dictate what is acceptable or unacceptable. Values are part of the societal fabric of a culture, and they can also be expressed individually, arising from the influence of family, education, moral, and religious beliefs. Values are also learned through experiences. Not surprisingly, values can influence consumer perceptions and purchasing behavio 2. 2ND QUESTION • What are the most important cultural issues a company going abroad must consider? • A firm handshake accompanied with smile and appropriate greeting is normal in a business setting. • Direct eye contact is important. • Some women may not shake hands with man, although this is becoming less common. • Chileans stand very close when conversing. • Always use surnames and titles-wait to be invited to use someone’s first name. • Business cards are exchanged on the initial meeting at the very start. • Try and have one side translated into Spanish. • Keep cards in good condition-a tatty card will reflect badly on negotiation staff. 3. 3RD QUESTION • How does culture affect the negotiation process? • • • • • • 1. Negotiating goal: Contract or relationship? Negotiators from different cultures may tend to view the purpose of a negotiation differently. For deal makers from some cultures, the goal of a business negotiation, first and foremost, is a signed contract between the parties. Other cultures tend to consider that the goal of a negotiation is not a signed contract but rather the creation of a relationship between the two sides Personal style: Informal or formal? Personal style concerns the way a negotiator talks to others, uses titles, dresses, speaks, and interacts with other persons. Culture strongly influences the personal style of negotiators. It has been observed, for example, that Germans have a more formal style than Americans Form of agreement: General or specific? Whether a negotiator’s goal is a contract or a relationship, the negotiated transaction in almost all cases will be encapsulated in some sort of written agreement. Cultural factors influence the form of the written agreement that the parties make. 4. 4TH QUESTION • Did you ever feel that culture affects business negatively?