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Negotiation Exam: Strategies and Concepts

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) When a negotiator has reliable, thorough information about the negotiation object or service, they
are in a good position to:
A) immediately reject the counterparty's first offer
B) determine the exact midpoint between the last two offers on the table
C) refuse to make any concessions
D) open with an assertive aspiration point to anchor their offer early in the negotiation
2) Concession reciprocity refers to the tendency of negotiators to reciprocate concessions. Unilateral
concessions refer to
; bilateral concessions refer to
A) concessions made by one party ; concessions made by both sides of the negotiation
B) differential concessions ; homogeneous concessions
C) general concessions made by both sides ; specific concessions made by one party
D) consistent concessions ; inconsistent concessions
3) Negotiated outcomes will fall somewhere in the bargaining zone. The best possible economic
outcome for the negotiator is one that
, thereby inducing the other party to
, but
allows the focal negotiator to
A) greatly exceeds the counterparty's reservation point; immediately accept; rescind on the
agreement at any time
B) just meets the counterparty's reservation point; agree; reap as much gain as possible
C) exceeds the counterparty's budget; reject the proposal; walk away from the table with no loss
D) is less than the counterparty's BATNA; accept the proposal; see into the counterparty's
4) When facing risk, many negotiators do not weigh a course of action by its impact on total wealth,
rather they generally frame outcomes as either gains or losses relative to some arbitrary reference
point. Instead, negotiators should consider the impact of three types of risk with regard to their
alternatives. These three types of risk include:
A) tactical risk, strategic risk, and overconfidence risk
B) failure risk, BATNA risk, and information-sharing risk
C) strategic risk, BATNA risk, and contractual risk
D) contractual risk, overconfidence risk, and failure risk
5) When one or more parties are involved in a negotiation, the situation becomes a team or
multi-party negotiation. In a multi-party negotiation, what is meant by the term, "hidden table"?
A) The undisclosed offers that could have been made
B) Important parties who are the real decision makers are not present at the negotiation table
C) An undisclosed group of resources
D) The ultimate goal of a good negotiator
6) Regarding effective strategies for a successful negotiation outcome, why should a negotiator be
wary of the even-split ploy?
A) You can seem altruistic and cooperative by considering an even-split
B) The pattern of concessions is not always fair and the pattern of offers is not always equal
C) By accepting the even-split ploy, you will harm your reputation
D) By not accepting you can invite aggressiveness from the counterparty
7) In negotiation, a dispute is best defined as a situation in which:
A) parties fail to exchange resources
B) parties have to resort to their BATNAs
C) a claim is made by one party and rejected by the other party
D) negotiators turn down favors and rewards from others
8) Regarding some of the major shortcomings that negotiators struggle to overcome, "lose-lose"
negotiation occurs when negotiators:
A) accept all terms offered by the counterparty
B) settle for too little by making concessions that are too small
C) both parties make unwise sacrifices and fail to recognize and exploit opportunities for
mutual gain
D) do not sign a binding contract
9) Which of the following situations would lead a negotiator to be the most uncertain about his or her
A) Potential alternatives present themselves all at once, giving the person a wide range of choices
B) The person is not confident in their reservation point
C) The person is presented with a take it or leave it offer
D) Potential alternatives arise sequentially, rather than all at the same time
10) In negotiation, having your first offer immediately accepted by the counterparty is likely to lead to
feelings of what might have gone differently. Having your first offer immediately accepted can also
lead to:
A) changing your BATNA
B) improved preparation
C) hindsight bias
D) the overconfidence effect
11) Following negotiation, there are always concerns by both parties that the agreed upon terms will be
honored. It has been found that successful contract negotiations consider specific objectives when
assessing the quality of contracts. Which of the following is NOT one of those objectives?
A) How to maximize the likelihood of reaching a good agreement
B) How to reach an agreement that will need several ratifications by other parties to refine terms
C) How to reach an agreement that will last
D) How to reach an agreement that fulfills the intended purpose
12) People often struggle with which negotiation strategies to use in short versus long-term
relationships. If a negotiator believes that a negotiation is a single-shot situation and that they
won't need to interact with the counterparty in the future, the negotiator will often use:
A) an aggressive negotiation strategy
B) a passive negotiation strategy
C) a contingent contract
D) an agent to represent themselves
13) Agent Scott Boras, who represents many of the highest-paid baseball players in MLB, brings an
encyclopedic-sized binder with the accomplishment details of every one of his clients, and when
negotiating for a client's contract with a team, he includes obscure charts of the players' potential
impact on that team's bottom line. By bringing this binder to a negotiation, Mr. Boras is engaging in
A) subversion
B) substantiation
C) amplification
D) authentication
14) Negotiators often struggle with several shortcomings that trap them into achieving less than
optimal negotiation outcomes. When a negotiator rejects a proposal that is demonstrably better
than any other option available, the negotiator is being trapped by:
A) settling for too little
B) hubris
C) the agreement bias
D) the winner's curse
15) When we delve into managers' theories about negotiation, we often find that they operate with
faulty beliefs. Which of the following is a myth that negotiators often hold about negotiation?
A) A good negotiator should always approach a counterparty as if they were of equal status
B) Good negotiators play it safe and do not take risks
C) Good negotiators rely on intuition
D) Whatever is good for one party must be good for the counterparty
16) Many negotiators approach a negotiation from the perspective of having to choose between:
A) being aggressive toward the counterparty or being legalistic with the counterparty
B) the lesser of two evils
C) getting what they want or being liked
D) a choice that puts them in a weak position or a choice that might strengthen them in the
future but has an uncertain probability
17) In a positive bargaining zone, negotiators' reservation points overlap. If the parties fail to reach an
agreement when a positive bargaining zone exists, the outcome is _
A) uneven; of the chilling effect
B) unilateral ; negotiators will have to exercise their BATNAs
C) a suboptimal impasse; the negotiators left money on the table
D) even; both sides can walk away
18) Negotiators often use two types of rationales when discussing the value of an item or service. One
of these is called a constraint rationale and is best exemplified/demonstrated by the following
A) "I see other cars on the lot that are this year's models and are selling for less than you are
asking for this 2016 model".
B) "I can't pay more than $35,000 for this car—that's all the budget I have!"
C) "If you will look at the rust hidden on the underside of the wheel wells, you will see that this
car is not worth more than $15,000".
D) "I had a prospective buyer come by yesterday and was offering to pay $30,000".
19) Effective negotiation preparation encompasses three general abilities: situational awareness,
perspective-taking, and:
A) location assessment
B) team assessment
C) self-assessment
D) financial assessment
20) Anytime you cannot get what you want without the cooperation of others, you are negotiating. In
simple terms, negotiation is best described as:
A) the process of compromise so as to instigate conflict, with one side coming out the victor
B) an interpersonal decision-making process necessary whenever people cannot achieve
their objectives single-handedly
C) a contest of wills between opposing parties
D) a third-party mediation
21) Negotiators often believe that if they make a personal sacrifice in the hopes of securing a business
relationship rather than pushing to attain things that are important to them hope their personal
sacrifice will be remembered by the counterparty and rewarded in future negotiations. This
strategy is NOT advisable because:
A) team members and the counterparty are not to be trusted
B) the relational sacrifice a person makes today may not be remembered or reciprocated by
thereceiving party tomorrow
C) the only strategy of consistent success in a negotiation is being aggressive, holding
one's ground, and making very few concessions to the counterparty
D) the personal sacrifice may make them look weak to the counterparty
22) There are many other ways to demonstrate trust and build a relationship, short of revealing your
BATNA. Revealing information about a BATNA or a reservation point:
A) is a pie-expanding strategy
B) reduces a negotiator's power in a negotiation
C) increases the counterparty's propensity for strategic risk taking
D) improves the negotiator's odds of getting what they want
23) The magnitude of a negotiator's concessions is a powerful communication device. What advice is
considered best when making concessions with a counterparty?
A) Make large concessions to show the counterparty you are interested in quickly coming to
B) Start out by making a minimal concession, then slowly increase the magnitude of your
concessions as you approach your reservation point.
C) Make a small number of large concessions rather than a large number of small concessions
D) Match but don't exceed the concession magnitude of the counterparty
24) People who view negotiation as a challenge and believe that negotiation ability can be improved
with experience and practice:
A) are more successful when they approach negotiations aggressively
B) are naïve and achieve lower-quality deals than naturally gifted negotiators
C) achieve better deals when they see the negotiation as fixed-sum
D) are more successful in reaching high-quality deals
25) Improving your skills in your pursuit to become a successful negotiator depends on:
A) always letting the other party share their interests first
B) learning how to "outsmart" the counterparty
C) taking advantage of the counterparty's lack of preparation
D) seeking feedback, analysis, and focused practice
26) A key to successful preparation is assuming the counterparty is as smart, informed, and motivated
as you are. What is the name of such a perspective?
A) The fixed-pie bias
B) The fraternal twin model
C) The optimizing model
D) The satisficing model
27) Sometimes negotiators state a range as an offer rather than a specific number, also known as a point
offer. Which of the following types of range offers has the highest success in anchoring the
counterparty closest to a negotiator's reservation price?
A) Backdown-range
B) Balancing-range
C) Bracketing-range
D) Bolstering-range
28) Information technology provides special opportunities and challenges for negotiators. One of the
main challenges for negotiators is:
A) troubleshooting system security issues
B) training employees in new software programs
C) working in a culture of 24/7 availability
D) disposing of old equipment
29) Negotiation is a mixed-motive enterprise, which refers to the fact that parties:
A) use both deliberate thought and intuition
B) have incentives to cooperate as well as compete
C) balance rewards and costs
D) manage both economic and psychological dimensions
30) Many negotiators prepare for a negotiation by setting goals for their negotiated outcomes. When
setting goals, each of the following statements are true possibilities for their negotiation, EXCEPT:
A) negotiators who set nonspecific goals tend to lead to better optimized, win-win agreements
than those negotiators who set very specific goals
B) it is advantageous to a negotiator to set a high, somewhat difficult aspiration point early
inthe negotiation
C) high aspirations for the negotiation tend to exert a self-regulating effect on a negotiator's
D) the highest negotiated outcomes are associated with a combination of high goals and
31) In some negotiations, the bargaining zone may be nonexistent or even negative. A negative
bargaining zone indicates that:
A) parties should keep negotiating to find a positive bargaining zone
B) there is no positive overlap between the parties' reservation points
C) the counterparty's first offer was not accepted
D) parties are worse off by not reaching agreement than by reaching agreement
32) Negotiators who have developed a bargaining style that works only within a narrow subset of the
business world will suffer unless they can:
A) broaden their negotiation skills across businesses, industries, and cultures
B) act more cooperatively
C) take risks
D) act more competitively
33) Besides differences in language and currency issues, one of the main challenges that globalization
presents for negotiators is:
A) influencing the economic forces within the foreign country
B) learning and adjusting to different norms of communication between parties
C) finding housing for employees
D) the tendency of people to see what they want to see when appraising their own performance
34) When making a precise offer, it is important to consider how precision affects the proposer as well
as the recipient of the offer. Greater offer precision works when the recipient is an amateur, but can
backfire when the recipient is an expert, unless the negotiator:
A) acts very confidently and signals they have a better BATNA option
B) has influence with the counterparty's hidden table
C) can provide the expert a legitimate rationale for their offer precision
D) has information they can use as leverage against the counterparty expert
35) Negotiators may have a manager who directs them to either "maximize their gains" in the
negotiation or "minimize their losses". As compared to negotiators who focus on maximizing gains,
negotiators who focus on minimizing their losses are more likely to:
A) accept a sure thing
B) minimize their strategic risks
C) make few concessions and reach fewer agreements
D) reach agreement
36) In a job interview situation, when the prospective employer asks about your desired salary, what is
the recommended response to use?
A) Present a variety of different combinations of highly attractive offer packages that are
of equivalent value to yourself
B) Make an extreme offer and negotiate your way back down to your acceptable BATNA range
C) Give a salary range that would meet your needs in order to seem less fixated on a particular
D) Make a take-it-or-leave-it offer
37) Negotiators whose first offer is accepted by the counterparty have more likely to do all of the
following EXCEPT:
A) become reluctant to make the first offer again
B) prepare longer for a subsequent negotiation
C) are not usually satisfied that their first offer was accepted and feel regretful
D) distrust the counterparty (or feel very confident in their efficiency as a negotiator)
38) When negotiators' reservation points overlap, mutual settlement can be profitable for both parties.
However, if a negotiator desires to maximize their outcomes in a positive bargaining zone, which
of the following best describes the challenges a negotiator has when approaching the negotiation?
A) To gain all of the bargaining surplus
B) To have the counterparty leave defeated
C) To reach a settlement that shares the pie equally with both parties
D) To reach a settlement that is most favorable to oneself and does not give up too much of
the bargaining zone
39) Many negotiators do not think carefully about what they want before entering negotiations. One
type of problematic negotiation behavior known as reactive devaluation refers to:
A) a negotiator who does not know what he or she really wants other than not wanting what
the other party is offering
B) a negotiator who overvalues the counterparty's offer
C) a negotiator who sets the target point too high and refuses to make any concessions
D) an negotiator who opens the negotiation by setting their target too low
40) Be careful when the counterparty discloses their BATNA at the outset of the negotiation. When the
counterparty discloses his or her BATNA at the outset of the negotiation, negotiators often respond
with all of the following actions, EXCEPT:
A) make less demanding offers
B) disclose more truthful information
C) settle for less profit
D) make more extreme demands for money and time
41) Some negotiations involve the exchange of pleasantries and other conversation before offers are
tendered, in other negotiations, people immediately initiate a volley of offers. In most situations,
first offers are more likely to lead to agreements that meet parties' interests as compared
first offers, even when controlling for the overall duration of the negotiation.
A) indirect; direct
B) late; early
C) direct; indirect
D) early; late
42) Concession aversion refers to the tendency for some negotiators to be disinclined to make
concessions. Negotiators show stronger concession aversion and ultimately claim more value when
negotiation proposals:
A) are presented late in the meeting
B) are framed to highlight their own resources
C) are framed to highlight the counterparty's resources
D) are presented early in the meeting
43) In a situation in which you have good information about the negotiation object or service and your
counterparty is believed to also have done their research and is knowledgeable about the
negotiation, what is recommended as the best, next action to take in the negotiation?
A) Wait or allow the counterparty to make the first offer
B) Do more research and improve your knowledge of the counterparty
C) Make your first offer your final offer
D) Make the opening offer
44) An important component in determining whether a person feels they made the correct decision is
counterfactual thinking. What is meant by counterfactual thinking in negotiation?
A) A negotiator who plays the devil's advocate with the other party
B) A negotiator who focuses intensely on what outcome they want
C) A negotiator who considers whether the other party will follow through on the terms of their
D) A negotiator who thinks about what might have been but did not occur
45) Even though negotiators may make concession in a back-and-forth method, this exchange does not
always go smoothly or lead to equal concessions. One method that helps parties avoid escalating
conflict to reach mutual settlement within the bargaining zone is the
which is based on
the reciprocity principle, calls for one party to make a concession and invites the other party to
reciprocate by making a concession.
A) Anchor point model
B) Negotiation dance
C) Practitioner-researcher paradox model
D) Graduated reduction in tension (GRIT) model
46) As a negotiator, if you have not properly prepared, you might be influenced by the counterparty's
persuasive appeals. However, a person's BATNA should change as a result of:
A) persuasive arguments by the counterparty
B) objective facts and evidence
C) rumored workplace layoffs
D) the counterparty's time constraints
47) In negotiation, people hold tightly to several false beliefs about the process. Of these, the fixed-sum
perception is defined as:
A) the assumption that capitulating to the other negotiating party's demands is the best way to a
win-win agreement
B) the assumption that attacking the other party is the best way to get most of the pie
C) the belief that whatever is good for one party must ipso facto be bad for the other party
D) the assumption that sticking to your demands and refusing anything but the majority of the
pie is the best way to get most of the pie
48) A more accurate model of negotiation is to approach it as a decision-making enterprise that is best
described as a
, which involves both
A) mixed-motive enterprise; cooperation; competition
B) self-assessment; focus; introspection
C) grass-is-greener negotiation; selectiveness; restlessness
D) strategic risk; aggressiveness; gambling
49) Negotiators who have high situational awareness have knowledge about:
A) the counterparty's interests
B) how the counterparty feels about the negotiations
C) the certainty of future events
D) linkage effects, norms, and time constraints
50) The bargaining zone, or zone of possible agreements (ZOPA), is the range:
A) between negotiators' target points
B) above the seller's focal point and above the buyer's aspiration point
C) below the seller's reservation point and above the buyer's target point
D) of overlap between negotiators' reservation points
51) Within organizations, people are increasingly interdependent both laterally and hierarchically.
When negotiators are described as being interdependent, that means those people need to know
how to:
A) integrate their interests and work across functional areas
B) be self-sufficient and self-focused
C) develop different norms of communication
D) have similar incentive structures
52) The process of negotiation is best described as a
_, which involves both
A) grass-is-greener negotiation; selectiveness; restlessness
B) mixed-motive enterprise; cooperation; competition
C) self-assessment; focus; introspection
D) strategic risk; aggressiveness; gambling
53) In negotiation which of the following statements is generally NOT true when it comes to a
negotiator's BATNA?
A) Negotiation terms less than your BATNA should be accepted
B) The counterparty has an incentive to minimize the quality of your BATNA
C) It is dynamic and constantly changing
D) It is determined by the negotiator's available options
54) In some negotiation situations, one or both parties may require the counterparty to sign a
nondisclosure agreement in advance of any projects they might do together. In this situation, both
parties are taking a contractual risk, which means:
A) one party might not honor the terms of this nondisclosure agreement
B) one party might accept the first set of agreeable terms and sign the contract immediately
C) the counterparty might have different private valuations for the value of the assets in the
D) one party might use risky strategies at the bargaining table
55) Some negotiators reveal their reservation point to demonstrate good faith. If you reveal your
reservation point during the course of negotiation:
A) you will get a bigger slice of the pie
B) parties will reach an impasse
C) the other party has little or no incentive to offer you any more
D) the counterparty will reveal their reservation point
56) In order to reach a successful negotiation outcome, the negotiators must understand that their
A) able to be modified by persuasive offers
B) determined by objective reality
C) not time sensitive
D) the outcome that the negotiator wishes to achieve
57) Concerning the multiple methods of fair resource division, which of the following statements is
TRUE regarding the equity rule?
A) The resource should be divided equally
B) The equity rule prescribes that outcomes are distributed without regard to inputs
C) Distribution should be proportional to a person's contribution
D) Benefits should be proportional to need
58) Once a negotiator puts an offer on the table, it is time for the counterparty to respond to the offer,
however some negotiators make premature concessions. What is meant by a premature concession
in negotiation?
A) Concessions that leave the negotiator wondering "what could I have gotten if I had done
things differently?"
B) When the counterparty gives up on offering concessions before agreement is reached
C) Concessions that are not offered in a timely fashion
D) When a negotiator makes multiple concessions before the other party responds
59) The Boulwarism strategy, named after a former CEO, often engenders hostility from the
counterparty because it prescribes that negotiators should:
A) lie about their reservation point
B) make their first offer their final offer
C) manipulate the counterparty's reservation point
D) immediately reanchor the negotiation if the other party opens first
60) Negotiators should assess themselves and their resources before commencing negotiation. One
question a negotiator should ask is, "What are my sunk costs?" A sunk cost is best defined as:
A) a contractual cost
B) the yield expected from a stock price
C) money you expect to be paid at the completion of a service contract
D) money you have invested, that is for all practical purposes, spent
61) Which of the following is an example of a transactional negotiation?
A) A buyer needs their car fixed, but the seller refuses to fix it
B) A seller says that a buyer still owes her money and the buyer disagrees
C) A buyer pays a seller money for services rendered
D) A buyer asks a seller for the price of an item
62) Because negotiations are costly to prolong, it is in both parties' interests to determine whether a
positive bargaining zone is possible. If the negotiators discover that no positive bargaining zone
exists, what is the recommended action they should take?
A) Increase the group size of both negotiating parties
B) Continue negotiating
C) Stop negotiations and pursue other alternatives
D) Take a break
63) One of the major shortcomings in negotiation occurs when negotiators make too-large concessions
resulting in a too-small share of the bargaining pie. This negotiation trap is called:
A) egocentrism
B) the winner's curse
C) the confirmation bias
D) the mixed-motive negotiator
64) If the counterparty presents the opening offer, you are now in the position of responding with a
counteroffer. Counteroffers accomplish two things; first they signal your willingness to negotiate,
and second:
A) they establish your reputation
B) they diminish the prominence of the counterparty's initial offer as an anchor point
C) they indicate your acceptance of the counterparty's anchor point
D) they help you save face
65) When formulating counteroffers and concessions, negotiators need to consider four things:
A) the impact, the size, the relative value, and the timing of endowment effects
B) the starting value, the end value, the median value, and the magnitude of concessions
C) the fairness, the misuse, the distribution, and the pattern of concessions
D) the concession reciprocity, as well as the pattern, the magnitude, and the timing
of concessions
66) Prior to beginning negotiations, parties are advised to really assess their BATNAs. What is the best
way for parties to leverage the power of their BATNAs?
A) By privately unpacking their multiple alternatives, negotiators can make more
aggressive opening offers, and ultimately achieve better outcomes
B) By consolidating their BATNA alternatives to a single option, negotiators can keep
negotiations simple and speed up conversations towards a final agreement
C) By building a trusting relationship with the counterparty, a negotiator can best leverage their
BATNA by telling the counterparty about their options and working together on a mutual
D) Negotiators should come up with some true BATNA options and a few false ones so as to
leverage the counterparty's uncertainty and use them to pressure them into an agreement
67) A key reason why business people need negotiation skills is due to the increased specialization of
skills. This skill specialization increases the need for negotiators to understand the motivations
behind another's behavior because:
A) people are less dependent on each other for project success
B) people are more dependent on each other in the workplace
C) managers must customize incentive and punishment structures for all employees
D) people are becoming less competitive with one another in the workplace
68) In the bargaining zone, the negotiator's surplus is the positive difference between:
A) the bargaining surplus and the settlement outcome
B) negotiators' reservation points
C) the best and worst possible economic outcomes
D) the settlement outcome and the negotiator's reservation point
69) Frequently, parties in a negotiation are composed of people who are on the same side, but have
differing beliefs. When parties are referred to as being "monolithic", this means that:
A) they will approach the negotiation from the fixed-pie perception
B) they are in agreement with one another concerning their negotiation interests
C) the group lacks alignment
D) they have differing values, beliefs, and preferences
70) In negotiation, buyers and sellers may adopt differing bargaining positions for an object, but their
private valuations for the object should not differ as a consequence of who has possession. This
situation is termed the endowment effect and is best described as:
A) the intrinsic value we associate with a certain outcome
B) the difference between what sellers demand and what buyers are willing to pay
C) saving money instead of purchasing goods
D) a tendency for people to value an object more once they own it
71) Most negotiations are
, meaning that if parties work together, they can create more joint
value than if they are purely combative.
A) fixed-sum
B) variable-sum
C) focal-point based
D) win-lose
72) In any negotiation scenario, a negotiator needs to determine what would constitute an ideal
outcome, however, problems often arise such as the winner's curse. In negotiation, the winner's
curse occurs when:
A) a negotiator makes an offer that is immediately accepted by the other party
B) a negotiator sets his/her aspirations too high
C) the counterparty demonstrates retaliative behavior
D) no one can be trusted
73) Your BATNA is time sensitive and is subject to market forces, thus negotiators should constantly
attempt to improve their BATNAs. One strategy for improving one's BATNA in negotiation is to:
A) revise it in reaction to progress of the negotiation
B) discuss it in explicit terms with the counterparty
C) identify several alternative options before going to the negotiation table
D) replace it with an aspiration point
74) A negotiator's BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) determines the point at which
a negotiator is prepared to:
A) reject the terms of and walk away from a negotiated agreement
B) identify the counterparty's alternatives
C) keep options open
D) make larger concessions
75) In negotiation it is important to optimize one's strategies by attempting to achieve as much as
possible. Regarding this aspirational outlook, Nobel Laureate Herb Simon distinguished
optimizing from satisficing. Satisficing is best defined as:
A) doing just enough to reach one's minimum goals
B) setting high aspirations
C) helping other people
D) negotiating a slice of the pie that is much larger than your original aspirations
Answer Key
Testname: 20222_EMBA565_EXAM_TB
Answer Key
Testname: 20222_EMBA565_EXAM_TB