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Acquiring New Lands: US Imperialism Notes

Acquiring New Lands:
JA’Marcus Minton Nov.17,2020
1.They spoke of them as children and set limits on their personal freedom
2.Platt Amendment,the amendment limited Cuba's rights in dealing with other countries.
3.They were angry that the United States had annexed their islands.
4.The United States wanted to trade with china
5.Imperialism was popular
Lesson 3 continued:
1.china 1900: going through Boxer Rebellion
2.china 1900: wanted to increase the sphere of trade and influence the use of their ports,new
3.china 1900: Open Door Notes; imperialist policy
4.china 1900: Boxer Rebellion
5.each great power should maintain free access to a treaty port or to any other vested interest
within its sphere
6.only the Chinese government should collect taxes on trade
7. no great power having a sphere should be granted exemptions from paying harbour dues