Reading Topics Ch. 27 Part 2 Visuals 1 magazine cover 641… bbox

Reading Topics Ch. 27 Part 2
1 magazine cover 641… bbox 641…show’s Uncle Sam…cheering USA’s success in the “splendid little
war”…and claims a New Jingoism>>> What is “Jingoism?”
2 a photo 642 shows “insurrectionists”…in 1899 with which acquisition do we fight a horrific war in
order to “liberate them?”
3 photo 643 shows an American Missionary, Grace Roberts, in 1903, teaching…Where?
4 Gold/Brown/Tan pages 644-45 Subject? 2 pics show workers, where?
5 What state bans inter-marriage between Asians and Caucasians until 1948?
6 What Asian Nation sends the most immigrants to America today?
7 bbox 646 Two conflicting opinions on Imperialism…give one point for each side..?
8 photo 647 shows a Pres. Giving a speech in NC ….Who?
9 photo 648 shows TR on a huge crane..where? Why is this siginificant in American history?
10 PC 649 shows TR, pants rolled up stomping around a pond… What is he holding on his shoulder? Why
is this a symbol of his presidency??
11 VV 653… subject? Why did America become a World Power? Note at least 3 reasons postulated by
Historians of various periods.
New Horizons in Two Hemispheres
12 Who named the Sp-Am War….” a splendid little war?”
13 Various effects of above mentioned war? (4)
14 “Heel of Achilles?”
“Little Brown Brothers” in the Phillipines
15 Why was there an “insurrection” against the USA in the Philippines?
16 Who led the insurrection?
17 How many Troops did the USA Send?
18 Water Cure? Concentration Camps? ( look up General Jacob H. Smith on Wikipedia)?
19 Who is Appointed Civil Governor of the Philippines in 1901?
20 What does he call the Filipinos?
21 Describe “Benevolent Assimilation?”
22 In what year do the Philippines get their Independence?
Hinging the Open Door in China
23 What other Countries beside the USA & GB stake a claim to China? (spheres of interest?)
24 Who pens the OPEN DOOR NOTE(s) I & II
25 Do all of the “Great Powers” agree to it?
26 A rebellion against “Foreign Devils” arises in 1900 in China…What Group leads this rebellion?
27 After the Rebellion China is forced to pay an “indemnity?” what is that?
28 What does the USA do with a large portion of its share ?
29 The OPEN DOOR NOTE #2 is issued in 1900…What does it add to the original note…? Which Country
violates this agreement in 1931, in Manchuria?
Imperialism or Bryanism in 1900
30 Who becomes the VP running mate for McKinley & the Republicans in the election of 1900? What
was his job before becoming VP? Why is Hanna concerned about him?
31 Who was the democratic nominee for pres. In the election of 1900? What was their key issue?
32 McKinley/TR win the election of 1900…BUT the text claims it WAS NOT a mandate for Imperialism,
but for the 2 P’s…What are the 2 P’s?
TR: Brandisher of the “Big Stick”
33 How does TR become President? (42?)
34 who is the youngest president ever to serve as president? Youngest elected?
35 “flubdubs” & ‘mollycoddles”?
36 What was TR’s pet proverb?
37 it is said by Historians …That TR created the “Imperial Presidency,” Complete this statement…”the
President may take any action in the general interest that is not ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____?
Building the Panama Canal
38 Now that the USA possesses colonies in the Pacific…The idea of an EFFICIENT 2 Ocean Navy becomes
mandatory…How do we solve this “efficiency” problem?
39 Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 1850 ?
40 Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 1901?
41 What two countries were considered as possible choices for an Isthmian canal? Which does Congress
42 What country controlled “New Granada,” were they willing to sell?
43 In 1903 a rebellion occurs supported by the USA…where? What is the significance?
44 Hay-Buneau-Varilla Treaty, 1903 ?
45 How long did the canal take to be built? Who was the Army engineer who led the project? @What
total cost?
46 What problem occurs in many Latin American Countries that causes TR to issue his “Roosevelt
Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?
47 “Preventative Intervention?”
48 What action would the USA take…according to the R.C. ?
49 What was the 1st Latin American nation taken over temporarily due to the RC in 1905? How long was
the USA in control? What was the 2nd nation taken over? How long was the USA there?
50 What action by the USA did more than any other to promote a “BAD NEIGHBOR” policy in Latin
Roosevelt on the World Stage
51 War in 1904 gives TR the opportunity to become a “Global Statesman?”
52 On what city do the Japanese launch a surprise attack in 1904?
53 which Country asks the USA and TR to intervene and sponsor peace negotiations in 1905?
54 Was either Country happy with the Result? Why?
55 Who wins the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906? For what?
Japanese Laborers in California
56 What Asian Country begins to send a large # if Immigrants to the USA in the early 1900’s?
57 “yellow peril?”
58 What Pacific city suffers from a massive earthquake and devastating fire in 1906?
59 what action does the SF school board take in the aftermath of the earthquake and fire…?
60 Between what two countries is their a “Gentlemen’s Agreement?” How does it solve the problem?
61 In 1907, What does TR send around the world?
62 Thousands of Japanese schoolchildren sing the star spangled banner in 1908…in response to what?
63 Root-Takahira Agreement, 1908….details…what two countries? Terms?