OVERLAPS AND FEEDBACK Snowflake School OVERVIEW •What is feedback •The importance of feedback •Benefits of frequent performance feedback •Rules when deciding when to deliver feedback •Feedback formula •Types of training provided at Snowflake •Example feedback sheets (overlap forms, competency sheets, overlap record) •Behavioural Skills Training •Lead tutor feedback guidance WHAT IS FEEDBACK? Write down a definition of feedback “ Information about their past or current performance to improve, maintain, or change their future performance” Word feedback has been paired with bad news WHY IS FEEDBACK IMPORTANT? Feedback is one of the most powerful tools leaders have to impact the performance of their staff Just about everyone gives feedback, but few get the intended results Simply providing feedback is not enough; it must be provided correctly to have actually have a positive effect on performance. When feedback isn’t provided or is provided incorrectly, leaders actually spend even more time on performance problems. Therefore learning to provide effective feedback and then doing it consistently can actually decrease time spend on putting out fires and addressing problems When performance is good, positive feedback acts as a reinforcer, increasing or continuing the behaviour. When performance is corrected, feedback acts as a prompt for the correct behaviour. Feedback is the information transfer from a mediator to a performer about the performers behaviour or action. The information being transferred is meant to impact the performers behaviour in some way. Daniels and Bailey (2014) defined performance as a situation where one or more behaviours, tasks, and results are combined to produce a specific accomplishment. FREQUENT PERFORMANCE FEEDBACK CAN HELP ENSURE THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ARE CLEAR FOR EMPLOYEES 1. Why does my job exist? Employees want to know what they are doing matters. This understanding creates motivation and value. 2. What am I supposed to achieve daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly? Exact tasks and outcomes- expectations should be made clear- increases efficiency 3. How can I best utilize my time to achieve my job mission? 4. How does my behaviour impact others behaviour? CTD. 5. What behaviours can I change to achieve better outcomes? The only way to ensure a different error is not made is to provide information regarding the right thing to do. Feedback should include solutions and expectations for behaviour that will lead to the right solution 6. What is the quality of my relationships with my managers, colleagues, and others We tend to perform highest when led by someone we know, like, and trust. Behaviourally speaking, those we like and trust are most likely to serve as reinforcers. When our leaders are effectively reinforcing, we do things to get noticed by them, we highly value their feedback, and we will continue behaviours that result in positive feedback because that feedback is a reinforcer. SOME IMPORTANT RULES TO REMEMBER WHEN DECIDING WHAT SHOULD RESULT IN FEEDBACK Rule 1: Provide feedback on accomplishments and goals What are the company goals which the employee is helping the company achieve Rule 2: Provide feedback on the behaviour or the results of the behaviour Focus feedback on the actual things a person did (the behaviour and actions) If you aren’t able to observe the actual interaction or work, focus on the results or accomplishments. Rule 3: Provide feedback on the things the person can control Rule 4: Provide feedback on things that are measureable FEEDBACK FORMULA EFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE FEEDBACK= (The Behaviour/Action/Outcome) + (The Person) + (The Number of People) + (The Type of Feedback) + (The Temporal Location) + (The Medium) + (Privacy) + (Formality) + (Physical Environment))/(Context + Delivery) We will be doing futher training on feedback looking at all these factors that effect performance feedback TYPES OF TRAINING DELIVERED AT SNOWFLAKE •On the spot training •Overlaps (modelling, feedback and coaching during sessions) •Training without pupil present (Induction training, Tuesday trainings etc.) •Competencies EXAMPLE FEEDBACK SHEETS To be filled in and scanned to Tara every Friday afternoon Both Supervisors and Lead Tutors OVERLAP FEEDBACK AND TARGETS Fill out after overlaps (I generally type) and just share on one drive to staff member Keep folder on t:drive e.g. TaraStaff- staff member and save there for future reference. Recurring targets/patterns/progress COMPETENCIES BEHAVIOURAL SKILLS TRAINING BST teaches a person what to do — that is, what behaviours to engage in under a particular circumstance. It allows for practice within the program so that the person can become fluent with the skills. It is an effective train-the-trainer procedure. BST Instruction – Provide a description of the skill, its importance or rationale, and when and when not to use the skill. Repeat this step as necessary. Modeling – Show your participant how to perform the skill. In-vivo modeling is recommended. Rehearsal – Practice, practice, and practice! Allow the participant opportunities to practice the skill. Recent research suggests that participants should be able to practice in-situ. The trainer should record data on correct and incorrect responding during this step. Feedback – The trainer should provide positive praise for correct responding and some form of corrective feedback for incorrect responses. Some requirements before you can implement a BST program include: •the person receiving the training must have the pre-requisite skills required for the behaviors you are teaching •the skill must include a chain of behaviors (a number of skills) •you must be able to role-play or video model the skills. LEAD TUTORS PROVIDING COACHING Document any topics you provided coaching/training on (use competency as a guide) Always feedback to supervisor about feedback given or areas where a tutor may need additional training/support If asked a question where you are unsure of answer always speak to your supervisor and let the staff member know you will be sure to get back to them ASAP Take brief notes of any targets/areas to work on.