Uploaded by Aimah Lane

Ethical Dilemma in Nanotechnology: Article Analysis

Describe the ethical dilemma faced by the author of the article. Do you agree with
her decision to turn down her boss’s job offer? Why or why not?
The problem she was facing is choosing between herself or the people. She had a
battle with her own self, her pride and competence as an engineer rose up
considering that the project would have greatly contribute in the field of
nanotechnology. However, since she knew her limits and the risks that cannot be just
taken for granted, she declined her boss’s offer. In which, I agree. As a chemical
engineering student, myself, the field of nanotechnology is beyond and completely
different from what we are studying. Yes, nanotechnology does involve chemical
reactions but its just been recent that there’s a chemistry law which specifically says
that only chemists can work on laboratories and any processes in the lab should
undergo and be authorized by a chemist. Yet again, even a chemist would not suffice
the facts because nanotechnology observes and investigate the behavior in a
supramolecular scale. That is why, I think if it is going to be led on by a professional,
it should be someone whose expertise completely align the project.