Uploaded by Von Christopher Chua

Information Age & Nanotech Exam

Midterm examination:
1.Discuss the history of information age.
-The information age began around the 1970s and still going on today. It is also known as a new
media age. This era brought about a time period in which people could access information and
knowledge easily. The following is the timeline of information age created by Daniel Marb;
1981-Obsorne 1
1983-First laptop computer
1988-Digital camera etc.
2.Who are the contributors of the technological advances of information age?
-These are the important scientists whose discoveries paved the way of modern tools,
inventions and innovations, Galileo, Copernicus, and Sir Isaac Newton.
3.What are small ways that you think could promote safekeeping our biodiversity?
-Preservation of habitat and wildlife
-Plant more trees.
-Proper waste disposal through 5r
Final Examination:
1.What are the contribution of nanotechnology for the improvement and sustainability of our
-Nanotechnology products, processes and application are expected to contribute significantly to
environmental and climate protection by saving raw materials, energy and water as well as by reducing
greenhouse gases and hazard waste. Using nanomaterials therefore promises certain environmental
benefits and sustainability effects. However, that nanotechnology currently plays a rather subordinate
role in environmental protection.
2.Make a summary about the recent innovation and nanotech in different countries.
Nanomedecine and Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
-Nanotech detector for heart attacks.
-Super flexible chips
-Creating biodegradable electrodes
-Silver nanoparticles
-Nanoparticles and nanotubes.
3.What should be the significant contribution of the society as well as the government in mitigating the
hazards caused by climate change?
-Firstly I think society must grapple with the many hazard issues its going to be effected by, and
have informed discussion so as to reach consensus before government at local regional and national
levels can develop proposals that can be enacted in law. Example. Regulatory restriction of the uses of
fossil fuel powered machines in private use, buildings, industry, farming etc.