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ASSIGNMENT 3-RN – Defining and Using Key Business
and Key Performance Indicators using Google Analytics
Updated for Summer/Fall 2020
Name: _______________________________
Date: ________________
Purpose: Define Key Business Requirements and match them up with Web Analytics Metrics
(when possible).
0. Enter the Date Range of your report
Calendar Month: __________________
Year ___________
NOTE: For question1 pretend the Demo instance is the “Great Outdoors” analytics
instance and fill out the table below with the idea that your going to evaluate the progress
of the Great Outdoors (A.K.A., the Demo instance in Google Analytics) and how it is
performing according to it’s goals – this you will answer at the end in the last question.
1. List at least 2 KBRs from the Great Outdoors Measurement Plan (see image
immediately following this question and associated KPIs – you can be creative with
additional KBRs and KPIs).
3. Example: Grow the website channel to increase
business income – one way is to Attract more users
from Audience > Demographics > In Market
Segments > Sports & Fitness/Outdoor Recreational
Equipment/Camping & Hiking Equipment
4. (optional)
5. (optional)
KPIs associated with the KBR
New Users + 15% per month
Transactions + 10% per month
Ecommerce Conversion Rate +10%
per month
2. What are the values of your KBR/KPI pairs for the current reporting period at the
Google Merchandise Store (Master View)
3. Example: Grow the website channel to increase
business income – one way is to Attract more users
KPIs associated with the KBR
New Users + 4% per month
Transactions + 0% per month
from Audience > Demographics > In Market
Ecommerce Conversion Rate +10%
Segments > Sports & Fitness/Outdoor Recreational
per month
Equipment/Camping & Hiking Equipment
4. (optional)
5. (optional)
(Note: Example report was - https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/#/report/visitorsdemographics-interestinmarket/a54516992w87479473p92320289/_u.date00=20200501&_u.date01=20200531&_u.date10=2
3. So far, based on the metrics you pulled from your report how well are the business
objectives (KBRs) being met by your KPIs? (Great/Good/Fair/Poor)? ______________
4. For the last calendar month (see 0.) reporting period when logging into the Google Analytics
Demo/Sandbox, go to the following report
Acquisition --- All Traffic ---- Channels ---- Organic Search
5. What is the top keyword for this time? (not counting, “unspecified”) - write it here
6. Take a look at the Conversions/Goals/Overview report and identify the top 5 Goals (note:
only Admin users can define or re-configure Goals) - FILL OUT THE TABLE WITH THE
MISSING INFORMATION based on my example.
Goal Name
Example: Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
Goal 4
Goal 5
Purchase Completed
Goal Completion Location
Did the page names describe (or not) the purpose of the page? (Y/N) __________
Users who consume more content on your site are more likely to see more
advertisements, so if your site earns revenue from advertising, your team might be
interested in Pages per Session as a KPI.
o The point here is that once you have a business objective define in terms
of the website then you can determine HOW they do that and choose or
define a metric to measure how much/often the objective is being
For students that went to study more about KBRs/KPIs – see the
7. Can anyone create a calculated metric (Y/N) ___________________________________
Why? _______________________________________________________________