Uploaded by Claire Anjelica Antonio

Measurement KWL Worksheet

ACTIVITY 1. Looking Back, Looking Forward
Fill up the first two columns of the KWL Chart below.
What I know about
What I want to know about
I know that measurements The different types of
are use in engineering,
measurements, units,
construction, cooking and devices and tools .
all other activities in our
daily lives.
What I have learned..
So what…
Where in real life do we use measurement? Why is measurement important?
In building, cooking, drawing and in making things. Measuring is important because it will
help make us make a correct design and with correct measurements in cooking we can
bake delicious goodies.
How does one know when a measurement is precise? Accurate?
They use measuring tools like ruler, measuring tape, protractor, measuring cups, and tea
spoons. Measurement is accurate if the measured value is close to a standard or known
What could be some of the consequences when measurement is not correct?
Some wrong measurements will result to big damage in properties or structures. Wrong
measurements in baking will give us bad tasting goodies.