Artist In Kitchen : Chefs Art can be very subjective but only in a few points, such as new and controversial works.On the other hand, the act of cooking continues since the dawn of humanity, and it isn’t controversial. For example, you can like or dislike a piece of art but if you don’t know anything about art history, you can’t criticize what you are seeing. Therefore, when you taste a food you need a lot of information about cooking to criticize the food properly. Because it is a unique work of a chef, cooking provides every aspect to be a field of art. A group of so-called artists reported that the act of cooking requires no emotion, you are doing it because you have to or when you eat from a restaurant you probably eat there because you can’t cook that food you want to eat. Maybe you realize that the same food tastes different in every restaurant, this situation happens because the chef’s intention at that moment can be just for their job, not love of making food or trying new recipes. This affects your food’s taste greatly. It is just like when two artists paint the same view they are going to use different kinds of brush and different color palettes, and choices that they made changes due to their personality and growing conditions. I would like to point out some similarities between witchcraft and cooking. With certain ingredients for certain situations the result can be magical. For example, imagine you are sad ,therefore, you need sugar to boost your happiness hormones. So, you may make a cake and you become happy for two reasons : accomplishing something which everyone couldn’t do and as i say before sugar. Art is a witchcraft in a way. You are using certain colors for certain emotions just like I mentioned or if you are a sculptor your thoughts on something can be real in a marble form. For example, in ancient greek sculptors were great storytellers because their art of marble forming provided their stories became tangible. To sum up, art is formless. It is whatever you want it to be. Cooking is a basic need for us but we studied it and it got deeper. Actually art is a basic need, but in our modern society art is only for the rich, and other parts of the society can’t express themselves because of this situation. Due to this misunderstanding, a huge part of the society is like a ticking emotional time bomb ready to explode. I think everyone should express themselves in every way for their and for people’s sake.