Welcome to Algebra 1 Honors Hi! My name is Mrs., I am looking forward to a great year at CRSHS. Please take the time to read through this document. If you have any questions let me know. Thanks, and welcome to the 2020-2021 school year!! 2020-2021 Algebra 1 Honors Course Syllabus Instructor Email Office Location & Hours Name here Building Course Description: In this class you will develop the algebraic concepts and skills necessary for further math study. You will use properties to evaluate expressions and operate on polynomials. You will also solve linear equations and systems as well as factor quadratic equations. Grading: Tests: 4 grades, Units of Study: Quizzes: 2 grades Classwork: 1 grade Homework: 1 grade *EOC: 30% total grade Expectations and Goals Be present and on time Come to class prepared Take responsibility for your own learning … Policies: Absent students are responsible for making up work missed and scheduling a make-up time for any quizzes or tests as soon as they return. classwork and lessons will be available on Teams. Unexcused absences are scored as a zero and cannot be made up. Students will have the opportunity to retake quizzes and some tests upon request & approval. Ask for help when needed Stay focused during work time Complete assignments on time Respect yourself, your peers and teacher(s) wt. Appropriate language and behavior at all times. Supplies: Computer/laptop wt. Internet connection Calculator Folder (digital & physical) Graph paper, pencils & erasers Protractor, ruler, compass set Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand all the content outlined in the course syllabus. Student name & Signature: _____________________ ________________________ Period: _____ Parent/Guardian name and signature: ______________________ Email: ________________________ _________________________ Best Tel. number: __________________________ “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new” – Albert Einstein