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CSR Activities: 147 Examples for Corporate Social Responsibility

31 categories containing 147 specific CSR activities
(A)Leadership , Vision and values
 Defining and setting purposes , values and vision
Incorporating CSR into enterprise’s purpose
Incorporating CSR into enterprise’s values
Incorporating CSR into enterprise’s vision
Aligning purpose, value, and vision
Involving relevant stakeholders
Gaining commitment from key constituents
 Translating it into policies and procedures
7. Developing business principles/code of conduct
8. Developing policies
9. Integrating CSR into strategies
10. Integrating CSR into corporate governance
11. Integrating CSR into management system
 Putting it into practice including empowering and embedding
12. Empowering people
13. Providing necessary training and development
14. Instilling the culture of responsible business practice
15. Aligning remuneration
16. Using value based leadership
 Ethical Leadership and Championing
17. Defining a clear position on political on contribution
18. Lobbying transparently
19. Combating corruption and bribery
20. Refraining from aggressive tax avoidance
21. Being a leader and advocate
(B) Market place Activities
 Responsible customer relations including marketing and advertising
22. Avoiding misleading marketing and advertising
23. Providing good and clear product information
24. Providing offensive advertising
25. Promoting diversity
26. Screening customer for acceptable behavior
27. Engaging in cause related marketing
28. Listening and responding to customer feedback and complaints
29. Involving customer and improvements
 Product responsibility
30. Ensuring product safety
31. Addressing potential misuse of products
32. Protecting vulnerable customers
33. Considering product life cycle
34. Incorporating CSR impacts in product innovation
 Using CSR product labeling
35. Marketing environmentally friendly products
36. Marketing organic food products
37. Marketing products respecting human and labor rights
38. Marketing fair trade products
 Ethical competition
39. Avoiding anti-competitive behavior
40. Ensuring fair prices
41. Ensuring affordable prices
42. Avoiding aggressive selling practices
 Making markets to work for all
43. Ensuring accessibility
44. Engaging in “base of the pyramid” activities
 Example of market place activities
45. Happy customers
46. Dansk Kaffekompagni
(C)Workforce Activities
 Employee communication and representation
47. Respecting rights to free assembly and collective bargaining
48. Listening to and involving employees
49. Ensuring grievance resolution
50. Enable whistle blowing
51. Combating harassment and bullying
52. Respecting privacy
 Ensuring employability and skills development
53. Provision and training and development opportunities
54. Planning career development
55. Promoting knowledge management and organizational learning
56. Conducting job appraisal
 Diversity and equality
57. Promoting a diverse workforce
58. Promoting non-discrimination
59. Providing equal access to employment opportunities
60. Ensuring career development for the disadvantage
 Responsible/fair remuneration
61. Paying employees fairly
62. Ensuring equal benefits paying a living/minimum wage
 Work/life balance
63. Addressing work/life balance
64. Offering flexible working
65. Providing stress management
 Health, safety and well being
66. Promoting health and safety promoting health and wellbeing
67. Enabling child care, elder care and caring for employees
68. Providing support programmers
69. Dealing with HIV/AIDS in the workplace
 Responsible restructuring
70. Consulting on restructuring
71. promoting job-sharing
72. promoting voluntary redundancies
73. Applying planned restructuring
74. Providing support
(D)Supply chain activities
 Being a fair customer
75. Listening to and working with a supplier
76. Agreeing honest and fair terms with suppliers
77. Ensuring fair pricing
 Driving standards through the supply chain
78. Screening suppliers for compliance with social and environment standards
79. Monitoring social and environment performance of suppliers
80. Applying CSR standards throughout the supply chain
81. Promoting fair trade
82. Setting targets for suppliers
83. Embedding policies to exclude child and forced labor
 Promoting social and economic inclusion via the supply chain
84. Providing access for suppliers run by minority groups
85. Providing access for small and local suppliers
86. Stimulating a sustainable local economy
(E)Stakeholder Engagement
 Mapping key stakeholders and their main concerns
87. .Mapping stakeholders
88. Using available knowledge
89. Prioritizing stakeholders
90. Planning consultation
 Stakeholders’ consultation
91. Engaging in employee consultation
92. Ensuring customer feedback
93. Establishing complaints procedures
94. Conducting stakeholder’s surveys
95. Engaging in local community liaison
96. Conducting focus groups
97. Communicating and liaising with business partners
98. Participating in public policy debate
99. Partnering with public authorities
(F) Community Activity
 Practical activities
100. Supporting charity
101. Engaging in partnership for social investment
102. Applying commercial initiatives
 Giving cash (CCI)
103. Donating
104. Sponsoring
105. Providing loans
 Giving employees time (CCI)
106. Allowing employees volunteering
107. Encouraging part time project assignment
108. Using full time secondment
109. Co-ordinating giving of employees’ time
 Giving gifts in kind(CCI)
110. Providing facilities
111. Loaning facilities and assets
112. Giving assets
 Being a good neighbor
113. Liaising with local communities
114. Promoting social cohesion in the community
115. Minimizing adverse effects of local operations
(G) Environmental activities
 Resource and energy use
116. Running awareness initiatives
117. Using green technologies
118. Improving energy efficiency
119. Purchasing green materials
120. Using locally generated renewable energy
121. Considering land use and biodiversity
 Pollution and waste management
122. Treating emission
123. Re-engineering process
124. Reusing and recycling
125. Managing localized environmental pollution
 Environmental product responsibility
126. Managing the supply chain
127. Assessing impacts in product life cycle
128. Certifying and labelling products
129. Reducing packaging
130. Using products take-back schemes.
131. Addressing GMO issues
 Transport Planning
132. Reducing goods transport
133. Reducing employee travel
134 Applying home working
135. Using teleconferencing