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CSR Strategic Plan Assignment: Business Ethics

Compulsory Studies
MPU3333 Business Ethics
Assignment 3 (Pair Assignment)
Nowadays, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is part of corporate needs. CSR will cover a
holistic approach in creating value for each organization in terms of workplace, marketplace,
community and environment. To make it reality, strategic planning on CSR should be draft
and communicate well with the organization’s stakeholders. As a newly appointed CSR
Manager of a listed company* (choose from the following list), you are required to prepare
the strategic plan of your CSR program and present it to the Board of Directors.
Mah Sing Group Berhad
Prestariang Berhad
Sunway Berhad
IOI Corporation Berhad
AirAsia Berhad
Your CSR strategic plan should describe precisely on 4 areas such as workplace,
marketplace, community and environment.
You can refer to other existing sustainability report in the industry and be creative.
Estimated word count
Relevant count within maximum 15 pages
Submission & Presentation Date
30th June 2015
Presentation Duration
15 – 30 minutes (including 15 min Q&A session)
End of Question -
SSC/AS/MPU3333/Assignment 3/May2015