Piotr Ściegienny: a Clever Priest by Daniel H. Valsecchi The aim of this article is to analyze the Piotr Ściegienny’s (1801-1890) ideas and his revolutionary activities. As a researcher, I had a difficult. A lack of clearness, e.g. books; a large number of texts (only titles). A lack of clearness concerning the interrogations…. The Trial – Orson Welles. ...Thus, I ought to construct a point of reference – compass and telescope – in order to avoid losing myself in this bibliographical whirl as in the case (mutatis mutandis) of the Captain Daland: Apart of the Norwegian coast with steeps and rocky cliffs in the foreground. 'A violent storm is raging out to sea between the rocks in is calmer except for intermittent squalls. Captain Daland has just anchored his ship to the shore, and the sailors are busy furling sails throwing out ropes atc. Daland has gone ashore; he has scaled a cliff inan attempt to recognize the country inland' (Richard Wagner – Der Fliegende Holländer – Act one, scene one). Τἀ μεγἀλα πἀντα ἐπισφαλῆ - Alles Groẞe stheht in Sturm – Martin Heidegger (Plato, Πoλιtεία 497 d, 9). 1. The method of recruiting: Testimony of P. Ściegienny before the Committee of Inquiry in Warsaw in 8 (20) XII 1844 r. "in 1834 met Jaszowski’ s family with Józef and Władysław […]. They were owners Wilkołaza. Among us friendship does not exist. Only straight acquaintance. At the beginning, subjects of conversations were religion, science. Later subject was the peasant’s situation. This subject touched my heart" This kind of conversations, has a certain similarity with the Henryk Kamieński’s method in order to recruit potential revolutionary activists. 'It is possible to use a simple technical, i.e. without any remark of the anybody’s attention. Secrets are not necessary. With an informal conversation, ie. about of future uprisings, about of love to the home country, about of freedom. This method, generally speaking, do not cause a great effect. However, can always serve to know the first soil and know the disposition of the people'1. 'It is necessary to catch and teach people who has the talent to be Apostles, to make a speech for youth, who very soon accept and spread beautiful ideas'2 Did Piotr Ściegienny read the brochure On Vital Thrusts of Polish People (Bruxelles 1844)? No. Because, firstly, he was arrested precisely in this year (October 25 th). Secondly, during the interrogation which had place in the Warsaw’s Citadel April 20th (1st May) 1845, theme was Zarębie, Lipski and Krzynicki, [one person] shows priest the quoted brochure. Afterwards he was driven to the penal servitude (Katorga κάτρα Galleon). Włodzimierz Djakow wrote: '[…] On list of historical and fiction works of Adam Mickiewicz, revolutionary journalism, starting from, Does Polish people is able to break through on the 1 2 H. Kamieński, Katechizm demokratyczny, czyli opowiadanie słowa ludowego, Paryż 1845, s. 101 [A Democratic Catechism i.e. A Story of the Peasant Word]. Op. cit., s. 103. independence (1801), ending with On Vital Thrusts of Polish People'3. Did Djakow makes a mistake? I guess not. He deliberately wanted to consolidate the revolutionary – partisan doctrine. In the Dimitri Shostakovicz’s 4th symphony in C-minor, coda: pianissimo, strings, celesta. One melody is similar to theme of the funeral march of Gustav Mahler’s 1st symphony in D-major; third movement: (Trauermarsch: Fierlich und zu scheppen). Siberia, isolation from the world, from the family. Sunday in the mine (Jacek Malczewski), sadness, nostalgia. Morendo, infinitum, Vaccum... Where is Poland? The Unanswered Question – Charles E. Ives 2. The vault of fear: The Little Golden Book – i.e. A History of Human Genre (1840 r.) The Appeal to the Soldiers: "Nobody can yours oblige to damage their neighborhood. If this, who oblige is an enemy of God and the people. Such a mam can not be. Who yours oblige? The officers in the name of the King. How many? Only us, one officer without guns, obliged soldiers to kill innocents and necessary people. Yours, only soldiers, do not want to shoot, look at that, who was yours oblige. Nobody, because you are strongest. Show only bayonets, and all of the officers will escape. Thus, the end of yours poverty and deprivation" Ściegienny raises a very important problem, i.e. obedience to the authorities. Of course, the number of the soldiers is larger than the number of the officers. However, in the XIX century, this behavior i.e. the Vault of fear, in the factories, in the schools, did not had yet a theoretical statement 4. In a Vault, every brick has a tendency to smash up. In the case of the army, soldiers, too, have a tendency to smash up i.e. insubordination. Education (drill) of the military with a system of discipline, which smother every kind of control: counter action i.e. rebellion. 3. The Elimination of Priest’s Celibacy: Aphorisms about Organization of the Human Society (1841-1842 r?) "[…] unmarried priests and married people, who believe in God, the majority run away from the Gospel’s path […] ‘Ściegienny affirms, that celibacy must be eliminated: Priest can not love women. Regret the natural amorous tendency, thus did not feel a necessity of love. He can not love population. He can not let nothing valuable in the future. Thus, he loves dead things: money"’5. Ściegienny anticipates the behavior of the members of the Catholic Church in the times of the Second Vatican Council. Then, a large number of priests and nuns, transgressed thoroughly DE SEXTO PRAECEPTO: non moechaberis (Thou shalt not commit adultery). First statement: "Love money". Septem peccata capitalia – Avaritia (πλεoνεξία) – covetousness. 3 4 5 W. Djakow, Piotr Ściegienny and his legacy. chapter V Społeczno – polityczne poglądy Piotra Ściegiennego i jego współpracowników. s. 129. [Social Political views of Piotr Ściegienny and his co-workers]. G. Sartori, La política la lógica y el método en las ciencias sociales. México 1984 [Politics, Logic and Method in the Social Sciences]. Part 2 point 6. Verticalidad [Uprightness] y (and) Vault of fear. Original title: La Politica: Logica e Metodo in Scienze Sociali. Milan 1979. Cz. Wycech, Ks. Piotr Ściegienny. Zarys programu społecznego i wybór pism. Warszawa 1953. [Father Piotr Ściegienny. An outline of a social program and a selection of writings. The Christian Order II, 1882 r. page. 134. Second statement: "Dead things". Ruins. The Warsaw Uprising (1944 ). General Ladislav Anders affirmed: "trigger the uprising in Warsaw in this moment was not only a foolishness but also a clear crime. If we don’t have weapons, we must not give the order of attack, specially in a place where is a large agglomeration of civilians. Uprising was on the hands of the Germans and the Russians. In my opinion, Komorowski, Pełczyński and Okulicki are commanders, who are beyond the circumstances and also reveled a huge misunderstanding of the situation in that time in Poland"6 "POLIZEIKOMIZAR: Ein guter Mord, ein echter Mord, ein schöner Mord. So schön als nan ihr nur verlagen tun Krann. Wir haben so keinen gehabt"7 "CLERK: A good crime, a real crime, a beautiful crime – a good murder as you’d want to see"8 One old woman, who took part in the uprising, affirmed: This uprising was a tragic and grandiose event. Often I see the posters: 63 days of glory (sic!). But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment. Λέγω oὲ ὑμιν πᾶν ῥῆμα ὰργὸν ὃ ἐὰν λαλήσωσιν oἱ ἄνθρωπoι, ἀπoδώσoυσιν περὶ αὐτoῦ λóγον ἐνἡμέρα xρίσεως. Dico autem vobis quoniam omne verbum otiosum quod locuti fuerint homines, reddent relationem de eo in die judicii (Mt 12-36) In Rakowicki (military graveyard): Auf Diesen Friedhof Ruhen 2750 Deutsche Soldaten des Krieg 1939 – 1945 Gedenket Ihrer un der Opfer Aller Kriege. Here lie 2750 German Soldiers of 1939 – 1945 war. In their memory and in memory of all of victims of all of the wars. Eg. MalvinasFalklands War – quaestio disputata (April 2th – June 14th 1982). At the end of the Alban Berg’s, Drei orchestestücke op. 6, Groẞhammer and (zwei pauken) [fortissimo – staccato] sound as a dry strike of a shell-bullet. Rumors of Wars – Sturm und Drang. 'A brilliant man would find a way not to fight a war' (Admiral Isoruku Yamamoto). War cripples and disables men. Eg. post traumatic stress, epilepsy, alcoholism, suicide, familiar violence, shell shock, amputations (hands, arms, legs) blindness, deafness, paralysis – after the end of the second world war, the communist regime resolved to construct very high buildings without elevators in order to prevent people with total paralysis to descend. War is also an act of insanity as in the case of a man, who destroys his own home. In Gdańsk (Westerplatte) is an script: never again war. 'Within hours of being trapped, death was our constant and familiar companion. Here I first saw men horribly mutilated, doomed to die as to a lover to give them oblivion. Death came in many ways and from all directions; death struck regardless of rank. I heard deeply religious men turn against God and curse Him for giving them birth'9 6 7 8 9 P. Dybicz (redaction), Mendacious History of the Uprising, Who assumes the responsibility for the death of two hundred thousand civilians? Warsaw 2014, passim. G. Büchener, Paralipomema: ZUM «WOYZECK». Werke und Briefe. Gesaumtausgabe. Leipzig 1953. S. 267. Woyzeck pdf (scene 25). Major-General Sosabowski C.B.E., Freely I Served, with a Foreword by General Sir Richard Gale. G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C. Nashville 1982. pages 15 and 16. Sometimes, a soldier badly injured, e.g. evisceration, calls to her mother. It must to be said, that often war is a cause of family breakups. Eg. One CO wrote a letter to his wife: 'My dear, on the front line on front our situation is tragic. I do no return. Our son needs a good father. Find a good man!' Owing to the censorship, his wife received the letter with the delay of 10 years since the end of the Second War World. "'In an obscure room in a hotel I saw him for first time since November 1939, when we said good bye at the Western Railways Station. It is difficult for me depict the scene of our encounter. These words are enough: When I opened the door of the room in the semi darkness I saw the silhouette of my son: Son! - I squeezed from constricted emotion my throat. Daddy! - I listened his soften and constricted answer. We fall into each other’s arms. Through the open door fall a ray of light. I observed his disfigured face. I quenched my tears. As a lightning an idea arises in my mind: why did not took him in order to avoid all of this? However, who knows the God’s sentence?"10 Also exists so called denial (mechanism of defense) i.e. mother is convinced that her son is still alive and sooner or later will return to the home. Sometimes, son is by his family give up for dead during a long time. When he returned family is in state of shock especially, if he suffered a horrendous injury. Where is my girlfriend!? She married an American guy that she met on vacation. My room is empty….!! Members of the Red Cross were in the Darwin’s cemetery in order to identify privates NN. From the continent an old mother arrived to the island – after 35 years of the end of the battle – to visit the grave, were is buried her son. She sat down on the chair at the grave – a sorrowful meeting – postmortem. Is a so macabre drawing as in the case of Artur Grottger’s drawings – the POLONIA cykle paper boards (the January Uprising 1863): the grove is open, and the son go out to welcome her mother. This is a perfect example of the life after death – ULTRATUMBA. 4. The utopia – model (warning): Utopia is a depiction of an imaginary world, which is beyond the real space and time. Utopia is a dispute, a query. In a view of the injustice of the real world, an idealistic reformer, gets mad and accuses people, which build this world. A very interesting type of utopia has an intention i.e. to build e.g. the project legislative. Utopia consists in: 1) Symmetrical Constructions: utopia is symmetrical, arranged with regularity as a french garden. In the villages, everything is measured with the rope. Social Classes, every institution, everything is regulated i.e. in according with the rule. Utopia is fundamentally urban, because city is a reign of the man. Is it possible to affirm, that utopia consists in the follownig fact i.e sociological and psychological problems, are considered as an architecture and urban matters. Utopia is regular as a crystal; 10 General Stanislaw Sosabowski, Leading through a fallow land. Cracow 2013. Part V After the War, my son, pages 326 and 327. 2) Uniformity: utopia fulfills the rational idea of optimum, assimilation, identity and uniformity. Although preserve a social class; the majority of them is uniform. If religion is accepted is thus obligatory; 3)Faith in the Education: uniformity entails faith. Thus education is a talisman. Another utopia is exclusively pedagogical i.e. is a wrong conception of universality, disdains locals and privates structures, isolation, whose results are a small town mentality. Pedagogical efforts in relation to the children, youth and adults are unconnected with theirs reality and psychic, environmental, intellectual, professional, cultural possibilities; 4) Hostility towards Nature: Utopia is non natural. His creator wants symmetry, order and regularity. He does not tolerate this fact: nature is a phenomenon spontaneous and unpredictable; 5) Top Down Direction: in the utopia, societies, liberalism is a form of anarchism. Thus, social control over the individual is intensive; 6) Collectivism: is a result of a uniform direction, road to the collective control, because family would be a nucleus of resistance. Collective State is not designed to carry out justice. On the contrary: powerfully confirmed unity, regularity and symmetry. Utopia is socialist in the SainSimon style. Gambling, disorder, free market economy, aim to organize the last statement of socialism. A desire of justice is the road to rebellion. Every kind of uprisings are strictly repressed. 7)Autarky and Isolation: a society, which is artificial must itself isolate as a breeding plant in order to be protected. Under the risk of dead, plant must not abandoned to the natural equilibrium of flora. Utopic community cannot sustain its own customs and traditions without a permanent combat against the whole of exterior influences; 8) Eudaemonism communal; εθoς of utopia is to be happy. Utopia attempts to bring happiness to the people. Εθος is neither heroic nor religious. Happiness is human in narrow meaning. Who is the receiver? The individual or the community? This last conception does not any significance; 9)Humanism: an idealist reformer is humanist stricto sensu, as a theory, as an experiment. Perhaps the final result would be something natural. A real humanistic respects the equilibrium between a person and nature. Although utopia is humanistic in one way. Humanism as an act of faith in the person. He has not faith in the transcendence. Utopia deifies person. Exist certain 'christian' utopia which is far away of the true Christianity. I must be said that a real gentile is at the same time pessimistic and optimistic. He is pessimistic because knows that will be persecuted. He is optimistic because knows that will be saved; 10) Proselytism: Utopia wants to induce in the man feeling of duty. Ściegienny’s utopia in the light of my model 1) Symmetrical constructions: Ściegienny’s utopia is not a symmetrical construction as in the case of a Phalanstère. On the contrary this utopia is rural; 2) Uniformity: there are people, who supervise basic aspects i.e. right to control the resident’s obligations to follow and behavior. Nor trivialities neither insignificant details as in the case of the classical utopia. Religion is supported; 3) Faith in Education: as a Piarist Ściegienny appreciates education. Thus a large number of instructions in order to organize teaching resources. This system does not damp the pupils; 4) Hostility towards Nature: Ściegienny’s utopia includes farmers, artisans, agronomists, foresters and gardens and its control; 5)Top Down Direction: control is not very rigid; 6) Collectivism: a certain form collectivism which is frontally opposed to the Saint-Simon’s conception. however encompass only the garden as a game; 7) Autarchy and Isolation: travel to other countries i.e .scholarships. In relation to the autarky, although is not clearly mentioned it is possible to suppose that in the case of administration of factories, schools, merchants, connectives, etc. it is assumed that exist a certain kind of selfsufficiency; 8)Eudaemonism Communal: in the Aphorisms, the words happy, happiness appeared here and there. This utopia was elaborated in order to improve the life conditions of the peasants; 9)Humanism: Utopia is humanistic, i.e. peasant as a human being; 10) Proselytism: Ściegienny attacks all enemies of the peasants. They read his text, which serve as a pedagogical tool. To enlighten them of their situation of oppression. One word: a human utopia. 5. Society and Community It is possible to analyze Aphorisms… from the sociological point o view. The difference between Society and Community. In 1887 Ferdinand Tönnies (1885-1936) wrote a book: Community and Society – Dissertation of Communism and Socialism as an Empirical Forms of Culture 11. Ściegienny in his Aspirations, obligations and the destiny of the christian people written for the rural and the urban people (1876)12 depicted certain social situation using statements which have a close similarity with the statements of the German sociologist. 6. Sociology – a Case Study Ściegienny points out his brightness to evaluate a social problem. In this case poverty and abjection: 'willingness to be rich and have a decorations, a high level in the society and a great standard of life. In the world lie a cause of open extort, steals, assassinations, permitted by the Lords, whose victims are the peasants, the townsmen and the public treasure. In the poverty and in the abjection lie the cause of secretive steals and aggression in the streets. This a real risk for the peasants and townsmen. Legislator copy the same punishment for crimes and offenses. In order to eliminate the this calamities is necessary to destroy the cause i.e. poverty and abjection. We assure for everyone respectable status of life. And so, steal and armed robbery will disappear' 7. The word Kakistocracy: Thinks, which facilitate understanding the Jesus Christ’s science (1843?) This a word which pertains to the vocabulary of the old Greek language: Κάκοκράτόϛ, literally 'the government of the evil'. A bad mixture, a bad consistence, a bad composition (blood). Κράτος i.e. 11 Original title: Gemeinshaft und Gessellshaft Abhandlung des Communismus als Empirischer Cultuformem, Leipzig 1887. 12 Cz. Wycech, Op. cit., s. 191-193. power, domination. Its antithesis, Áριστοκρατíα, Aristocracy i.e. the government of the best layer of the society. This word was coined in the XVII century. In 1644 Paul Gosnold during a sermon used the word kakistocracy. Certainly, in the Piarist’s order was a library. Among the books one dictionary Greek-Polish. In 1944 Michelangelo Bovero, Professor in the faculty of political philosophy (Turín’s University), ‘coined’ this word (Dictionary of Sociology, New York). In Argentina, García Venturini in 1974 claimed the right to ‘coined’ this word in order to depict the government, which dominate the country in those days. 20 years later in the web www.lahistoriaparalela.com wrote: neither Michelangelo Bovero nor García Venturini coined this word. In the United States of America, in 1981, the word kakistocracy was used to criticize the Ronald Reagan’s administration. W 2009 conservative Glen Beck, used this word to criticize the Barack Obama’s administration. W 2016 this word returned. The Newspaper The Chronicle, suggested, that after the victory of Donald Trump, again this word must be used. Merrian-Webster Dictionary, refers the search of this word. Washington Post, refers this word in 13th April 2018. 8. Did Ściegienny was a forerunner of Theology of Liberation? Firstly, the Bunch of Polish People. This bunch roughly criticizes the Catholic Church. Church, according to this bunch, serve the interests of rich people around the world. Christian are convert in a priestly caste, who is an enemy of the people. In writings and texts of this bunch, the idea of Salvation posthumously is replaced by the Salvation in the world: Σωτηρία οριζόντιος [soteria horizontal]. Therefore, socialism is a Gospel in action. Socialism adopts sacredness. If we consider Εσχατοςλόγία as e.g. Zygmunt Krasiński in his drama Yridion is a follower of action revolutionary basing himself on ΑΠΟΑΛΥΨΙΣ ΙΩΑΝΟΥ [John’s Apocalypse]. Krasiński interprets this text in according to the sign of new last times (παρουσία). His beloved Kornelia Mettela does not understand this last new times. Bishop Wiktor lives in this world comfortably despite the sufferance and injustice which reign in it. ϴεολογία (theology) ή έπαλλαγή (salvation - liberation) is a genre of ideology i.e. a revolutionary democracy. Express the aspirations of no urbane proletarian mass of people, first of all a landless peasants and sub proletarian urban. Theology of liberation is the first theology(sic!), which was born in South America at the end of 60’ years. Several factors had influence in the creation of this theology. Political, economical factors and the default of the model of progress. The influence of the Cuban revolution, the grow of consciousness of the popular mass in this region of the world. Also the intellectual influence on the inside of the South American Church. A fundamental, dramatic influence has the Second Vatican Council. Firstly: it must to be said that the theology of liberation is not a true theology. Veritable theology investigates God and Divine Things. This theology does not liberate. However, theologian of liberation used the Holy Bible. In order to consolidate his statements and used Marx’s theory as a weapon i.e. Fight of Class. Conflict and violence. A Cuban revolution for a large number of people was a new form of government. Pope John XXIII (Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli) inaugurated the Council wide opened the doors of the Vatican. Way of entrance of many doctrinal errors. On his deathbed John XXIII whispered: stop the Council! In his encyclical letter Populorum Progressio 26 III 196713, Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio María Montini) sharply condemned capitalism and imperialism. However, did not condemn communism, which torment a several nations of the West Europe. It is necessary to take 13 AD Anno Domini – nostri Iesu Christi. It was eliminated in the times of the Second Vatican Council. into account that the NATO was founded in 4 th April 1949. For the people, who are in the current – also atheists – they consider that the lack of condemn communism was an infamy. In one of the paragraphs of this encyclical letter the pope justifies the revolutionary war: "[31] Est quidem res permota, seditionis et motus – visi agatur de tyrannide aperta ac diuturna, qua primaria iura personæ humanæ laedantur et bono communi alicuius civitatis grave iniungator detrimentun – novas ingere inæqualitates, ad novas strages homines accendere. Malum autem, quod revera est, non ea licet condicione propulsari, ut maior inducator calamitas" [Every knows, that revolutionary uprisings – except where is manifest, longstanding tyranny 14 which would do great damage to fundamental rights and dangerous harm to the common good of the country – engender new injustices, introduce new inequities and bring new disasters. The evil situation that exists, and it surely is evil, may not be dealt with in such a way that an even worse situation results] Therefore, 'theologians' and partisan fighting in the Guerilla Warfare frequently make us of this papal letter. Even though affirm that this theology is an spiritual wisdom and a systematic knowledge, which want to be a theology of emancipation, in order to transform the history of the humanity in a gift of Reign of God it is necessary a definition of the word 'liberation'. Is it possible to understand this term as a liberation from the sin and from the situation of evil. Sin in itself is a deprivation of the proper being. Secondly, it is another concept of theology of liberation from the social political point of view as a fundamental strategy in the middle of the XX century. One word: destroy the enemy i.e. the dominant class. Exist a type of liberation which has an anthropological meaning i.e. to create a new man, who is able to liberate himself from all of kinds of alienation. It is also a traditional theology which affirm that the man deserves to Eternal Life in the Reign of God. Theologians of liberation criticize this idea because for them it means go away of the world and its problems. Theologians of liberation underline the historical dimension, i.e political liberation. Sometimes military. War of liberation has a priority among another forms of resistance. The Reign of God cannot itself limit to the ageless history. The Reign of God concerns the world. Theologians of liberation forget the Catholic Town (Civitas Dei). In contradiction with the Reign of God, which is unknown and elusive, the Catholic Town strives to be better. Person, who pertains to the Catholic Church, knows that is a sinner, weak, has also tendency do evil. Thus all of his enterprises will be a fruitless attempts. In the texts of theologians of liberation is ignored this important matter. Sin for the theologians of liberation is social or structural. In every situation, 'person' is the protagonist. In the case of the structures the same. When a theologian of liberation steps out against of the traditional understanding of the sin distorts the real concept of the individual sin. Sin offends God and his Majesty. Theologian of liberation, to reduces the scope of the sin. QUINTO PRAECEPTO: NON OCCIDES. [you shall no murder]. This reduction is the cause of the following fact: only the state and the dominant class are sinners. Thus, the war of liberation is in state of grace (gratia plena). In relation with the rulers of spirituality, theologians of liberation affirm, firstly, that war of liberation does not lead to revenge and hate. E pur si muove...Well known are the acts of cruelty perpetrated in this wars of liberation. Conflict thus is a result of structural injustice i.e. assassinate people. Every structure is composed by persons. It is necessary patient and perseverance in order to overcome the causes of the conflict in develop. 14 Tyrant τύραννoϛ – Tyrannos. This is similar to the lengthy wars by Mao Tse Tung created. Without measurement of time in order to oppress, persecute, destroy (physically and bodily) totally the enemy. Eg. if we are fare away we ought to simulate that we are near. If the enemy attacks we ought to withdrawal. If the enemy stands still we ought to attack its weak points!. If the enemy wants to avoid the battle we ought to pursue it further! The attack can be transformed into defense and defense into attack. Breakthrough can be transformed into a withdrawal and withdrawal into breakthrough. Resistance forces can be into assault forces. And these assault forces into resistance forces. This is the essence of this kind of war. It must be said that Mao Tse-Tung read The Art of War written by Sun Tzu (Sunzi too) – the master of the military methods. Thirdly, in Cuba, revolutionary troops affirmed: 'in this battle death or victory'. Fourthly, spirituality of the theologians of liberation is based in oration, meditation and the cross. On the contrary: Theologians depreciate oration, meditation as a factor of alienation. The method of theology of liberation. The first step: to watch the reality of the world. The second step: to judge that reality in the light of the Holy Bible. The third step: to act (to be in operation). Towards to this method, watch is a task for sociologist. Theologian of liberation does not have cognitive tools to perform it. Useless is quote the Holy Bible because is not a handbook of sociology. "Judge" is a theological and juridical word. Priest does not have right to interpret biblical texts. Frequently interpretation is out of context. Furthermore, more that once ὲξήγησις [exegesis] is an interpretation under the catchword of the Karl Marx’s dialectical materialism. Act (to be in operation) can be a tendentious religious instruction, a social action or a battle. Commit a great mistake this, who thinks that the object of theology of liberation is to construct the Kingdom of God in the earth, to construct a new form of utopia. We don’t know what is this socialism and its projects. Actually theologians of liberation (not everyone) were 'chaplains' of the revolutionary forces. An "spiritual" help. Among the ideas of Bunch of Polish People and the ideas of Ściegienny are similarities with the statements of the theology of liberation. Both the Bunch of Polish People and Ściegienny affirmed that the construction of the Kingship of God in the earth is possible. Ściegienny watches and describe the peasant’s situation in the Little Golden book, in the Letter of Holy Father Gregory… and in the Aphorisms… Ściegienny judges harshly Kings, Lords and Priests. Attack to gentry in the Golden Little book. In Aphorisms violently attacks Priests. Ściegienny acts, but does not propose any priesthood as in the case of the theologians of liberation. He wants to carry out a war of liberation as in the case of Golden little book… call to the uprising take the form of fight of class sui generis. In his Short and veritable lecture of the Jesus’s science action is justified by the gospel of Saint Matthew. Frequently Ściegienny distorted fragments of the Holy Bible. It must be said, that Ściegienny works out Xριστολογία [Christology] against of the magisterium of the Catholic Church. Human being must not suffer in the earth. The Knight of God is situated in the world. Anymore is another theology i.e. a theology of earthly realities. Instead of contemplating heaven – over there is a Deus otiosus. Thus all of facts in the world are ignored. All rights of the people are buried. In a word: theology of liberation was a bastard daughter (κόρη χήρο filia spuria) of the Second Council Vatican which was a Shwerpunkt in the history of the Catholic Church. A final result was the dislocation of the magisterium. Why did I choose as a subject of this article Father Piotr Ściegienny? Because when I was in Buenos Aires (Argentina) professor Roberto J. Brie (1926-2003), some day said to me: if you want to choose a matter in order to write a dissertation you ought to search something original or search a matter which during a lot of time was ignored. And he that seeks finds – et qui quaerit, invenit [και ό ξητὡν εύρίσκει] (Lv, 11.10)