April 16, 2015 Check out Animal Farm books, Utopias, Animal Farm Packet Build Your Own Utopia II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Choose a partner in building your utopia Review your original draft of your utopia together Grab a laptop (one per pair), open a Google Doc Consent to a definition of equality Revise and edit your 7 laws (These should be in depth and clear. If there are exemptions or exceptions, list them.) 6. 7. 8. Revise and edit your code of punishment Look up other legal or government documents from around the WWI and WWII era and design your documents in that fashion. There must be an adopted appearance to your documents. Submit your Utopia with both partner’s names via email to starke@ltisdschools.org Issues to Consider… 1. Once you and your partner have consented to the laws of your Utopia, go to the class website and find the document “Issues to Consider” under English II, 4/16 2. Complete in a Google Doc, submit via email to starke@ltisdschools.org HW: • Read Animal Farm Chapters 3-4 • Complete ALL fill in the blank background notes