[Walmart.com Support Request] Walmart Customer Care <help@walmart.com> Vie 24/01/2020 16:14 Para: landonking_89@outlook.com <landonking_89@outlook.com> Recently you requested personal assistance from Walmart.com Customer Care. Below is our response and a summary of your request. Reference#: 200124-048813 Response email (01/24/2020 03:14 PM) Hi Cristian, Thank you for contacting Walmart.com! I understand your request for a receipt or an invoice for this order. Currently, we are not able to send you a receipt. However, while we are not able to print and email duplicate receipts, you may print one out on your account. You can follow these steps on how to print your invoice receipt: 1. Sign in to Your Account and go to your purchase history 2. Select order #2942058-902539 and then click on the See Details button next to the order. You can also directly access this at https://www.walmart.com/account/order/2942058902539 once you are logged in to your account. 3. Select the printer icon Image located in the top left corner under Order Details 4. This creates a printable PDF If there are any other concerns aside from the issue mentioned, please don't hesitate to reply and i will happily assist you. Thank you for choosing Walmart.com. I'm looking forward for our next business. Sincerely, Rodolf Jan V. Walmart.com Customer Care https://outlook.live.com/mail/0/deeplink?version=2020012003.11&popoutv2=1 1/2 [---001:001295:63835---] https://outlook.live.com/mail/0/deeplink?version=2020012003.11&popoutv2=1 2/2