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Walmart Business Strategy & Enterprise Systems Analysis

Business Strategy and Enterprise Systems Exercise
1.1 Company Name, Location and URL
1.2 Business Products or Services (What does your
business do?)
1.3 Mission Statement (What is its mission?)
1.4 Value Proposition (How does it adds value?
1.5. Business Model (How does it generate
2. 1 Business Strategy (Which one of the Porter’s
generic business strategies is your business pursuing?
2.2. Justification of the above choice
2.3. Value Chain Analysis (Which of the value chain
activities should your company focus on to increase
the value of its products/services for customers?)
2.4. Justification of the above choice
 Walmart
 9975 S Tamiami Trail, Estero, FL 33928
 https://www.walmart.com
 Walmart is a one-stop shopping experience that sells everything from grocery stores
goods, bakery, deli, dairy products, electronics, clothing, merchandise, home furnishings,
furniture, tool, paint, among many others.
 Walmart also has a tire center
 “We aim to build a better world, helping people live better and renew the planet while
building thriving, resilient communities. “
 Walmart adds value through pricing its products at which most would consider low,
affordable prices. This allows Walmart to have greater control of the retail industry in
comparison to that of competing companies.
 Revenue is generated by directly selling products and services to customers.
 Cost Leadership
 Walmart specifically focuses on cost leadership. Walmart pursues cost leadership
because this is a competitive strategy in which a company focuses on achieving low costs
for the consumer. Walmart and maybe Amazon are the top two companies in retail that
pursue cost leadership.
 The activity I believe is very crucial to increase the value of Walmart, is the service
 Services include activities that maintain longevity of products and enhance the customer
experience. These can include activities such as customer service desk, maintenance,
repairs, refunds, and exchanges. In my personal experience, while walking back
Walmart’s customer service desk, I have frequently heard customers arguing with
employees about some return that is needed/exchange or refund. I believe if Walmart
improved this area of the company, along with its reputation in this area, the value
added to the company would be immense. I didn’t choose the marketing and sales
activities because I believe that Walmart (like Amazon) is worldwide known and does not
necessarily need an “all out” commercial or advertisement.
3.1. Possible Use and Impact of ERP
3.2. Possible Use and Impact of CRM
3.3. Possible Use and Impact of SCM
3.4. Possible Use and Impact of ECM and/or other
Enterprise Systems
 The addition of ERP systems allows Walmart to have what is considered a competitive
edge over other companies. The integration of ERP systems allows Walmart to improve
efficiency of supply chain management and it allows Walmart to. More easily connect
with its suppliers have maintain a smooth flow of business inventory.
 For the most part, Walmart relies on Big Data to understand how customers are feeling,
and what their expectations/wants are. They don’t use CRM. The use multichannel and
omnichannel for customer relationship management. Multichannel helps people shop
online and collect their packages if not delivered. They have created their website in such
a way that it allows Walmart to learn all about customers and what their preferred
choices are, as well as possible future recommended products.
 The use of SCM for Walmart in particular, allows the company to streamline fulfillment
and cut down on costs. Due to Walmart recently creating and using their own software,
they have gained more control in regard to their logistics network.
 The implementation of ECM at Walmart would allow the company to save time and keep
track of all information. The more information processes, the longer it takes, and for
Walmart, there is a continuous amount of processing due to the amount of customer
use. An ECM integration can also organize data, which Walmart has a lot of. This will
make all documents centralized and easily searchable. Each document will be
automatically linked to the appropriate accouits, leading to a smooth experience.
 The enterprise system I would select to implement in the business is ECM.
4.1 Recommended Enterprise System (Which one of
the above four enterprise systems would you select
to implement in the business to support the value
chain activities and the generic business strategy?)
4.2. Justification of the above choice (Why? How does  This is because nowadays, in the modern age, technology is how most people shop for
your choice fit to the business model, focused value
items. Having software that can understand predict future customer behavior is key to
chain activity, and/or chosen generic strategy within
generating revenue and continued growth. ECM would only benefit the company more
the characteristics of the industry?)
as it would aid Walmart is collecting, organizing and maintain all information on a
centralized database, making anything easily searchable.
5.1 Would you recommend to use own data center
 I would recommend Walmart using its own data center
(on-premise) or cloud services (if cloud, which one of
SaaS, PaaS or IaaS) to implement the enterprise
system you chose for 4.1?
5.2 Justification of the above choice (Why?) by
 This is because Walmart has the funds needed to purchase just about any software
elaborating both pros and cons.
known to man. This being said, the ability to own the software, and the data with it,
provides Walmart with a massive competitive advantage.