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Taoism Overview: Origins, Doctrines, and Evolution


Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Taoism One Pager


• Taoism is a belief system that emphasizes the natural cycles of the universe

• Many historians do not agree on several ‘facts’ about the origin of Taoism due to contradictory evidence


One of the most favorable theories among scholars is that Taoism was founded during or soon after the warring

States period

• The first and main book of Taoist belief is known as the Tao-Te-Ching, meaning “Classic of The Way of Virtue”

• The Philosophical proverbs were written by a semi-legendary figure, often referred to by the names Lao-Tzu or Laozi

• Lao tzu usually depicted as archive keeper in the imperial library who compiled the Tao-te-Ching Before leaving west

• archaeologists discovered over 800 bamboo slips in the Jishan District’s tomb complex


These bamboo strips are called the Guodian-Chu Strips


Among these slips is the very first version of the Tao-Te-Ching in recorded history.


This caused a controversy among historians because many of them had previously claimed Lao-Tzu lived during the Han dynasty, which did not exist until 206 B.C.E


• Unlike many other belief systems, Taoism does not dictate how disciples should live their day to day lives

• Lao-Tzu’s doctrine of Wu-Wei describes the futility of man's attempt at control, it directly translates to “inaction”

• A commonly held misconception about Taoism is that Taoists worship the Tao similar to how other belief systems would worship a god. However, Tao does not describe a singularity,

• The birth of new life out of the Tao is known as Yuan-Qui

• Taoism was originally created and absorbed into Chinese culture as a reaction to the Increasing influence of Legalism and Confucianism.


Legalism is a system of governing that claims man is inherently evil so strict legal codes must be put in place to keep order in China.

Absorption/evolution over space and time


This inspired the spread and advancement of Taoist thought as opposition to the Legalist movement.


As Taoism spread, it sought to replace existing religions.

• However, this was di ffi cult because classic Taoism o ff ers little organized worship or ritual so it does not usually fulfill the same needs some people have when looking for a religion.


Many Monasteries across the world function as both Buddhist and Taoist centers of worship


There was a split in Taoism, on one side it remained a way of Philosophical thinking known as Tao-Chiao but as it spread, Taoism blended with local polytheistic/animistic cultures creating religious Taoism.


Wherever Taoism spreads it flows into the current culture seamlessly leaving little to no trace of its infiltration.
