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Taoism: History, Teachings & Practices - Presentation

World Religion & Belief System
I am Mam Hanilyn I. Non 
I am here because I love to share knowledge
Reflect for a minute
What does it mean for you?
“Doing nothing requires the
doer to do something. “
Accept everything just the
way it is.
Make an inventory of the things which
you can be found in your house
Considering the Daoist teaching
that one should acquire only the
things that we needs to survive:
Cross out the things that you
don’t consider as need to survive
in your inventory
Also known as
Historical Background
Is a Chinese Philosophy
attributed to LAO-TZU also
known as LAOZI or LAO-TZE
Lao Tzu
Old Master
TAOISM is both Philosophy
and a religion.
It emphasize doing what is natural and
 The philosophy grew from an
observance of natural world.
 The religion developed out of the
belief in cosmic balance maintained
and regulated by the Tao.
Dao or the “way of nature”
Dao is undetectable, indistinct, shapeless,
and indefinable, it is the foundation of all
Dao as the origin of all being
 Sima Qian tells the story of
Lao-Tzu, a curator at the
Royal Library in the State of
 Lao-Tzu believed in the harmony of all
things and that people could live easily
together if they only considered each
other feelings once in a while and
recognized that their self interest was
not always in the interest of others.
 Lao-Tzu believed in the harmony of all
things and that people could live easily
together if they only considered each
other feelings once in a while and
recognized that their self interest was
not always in the interest of others.
The Tao-Te-Ching
The TAO-TE-CHING has 81 chapters.
Tao/Dao – “way” “Virtue”
Life strength
Taoist though focuses on
genuineness, longevity, health.
Immortality, vitality.
The TAO-TE-CHING is an attempt to
remind people everyone could live
together peacefully if people would only
mindful of how their thoughts and
actions affect themselves, others and
the earth.
It is a book of poetry presenting
the simple way of following the
Tao and living life at peace with
one self, others and the world of
A typical verse advises,
“Yield and overcome/empty
and become full/bend and
become straight.” To direct a
reader to a simpler way of living.
Wu - Wei
Originated from China
No behavior or doing nothing it also means
“to do without doing or action less”
Go with the flow
Opposite of Yu – Wei which means
 ‘’Qin’’ or "chi"
 Natural energy/life force that sustain living
 Believed to be the life-breath of the
universe. It is within and around each
person. People are born with all the chi
they will need for their lifetimes.
Worship and Observances
Ritual initiation meant for purification and renewal in the life – cycle
and development of the human person
Daoist Priest
Selected Issue
What’s more?
Direction: Analyze the following thoughts of Lao
Tzu. Share your understanding in one idea only
per group and create a scenario which show the
following thoughts.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Creativity: 40%