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Full Gospel vs. Taoism: A Comparative Religious Study

World Religions, Wk 21 –
Comparing Full Gospel to
Taoism (‘dowism) beliefs
WELCOME! Coffee,
donuts and snacks are
available in the Lobby!
But First, Changes to Our classes!
• December 01 – Taoism
• December 08 – Judaism
• December 15 - Islam
• December 22 – Open. Christmas Party? Giving out certificates
• December 22 – Evening Service; Photo Year in Review by Dad
• December 29 – No class – only 1 service, and then Pastor Arnie’s
Retirement Luncheon after the 10:45 AM Service.
• No evening Service
Taoism is a Philosophy
• Taoism (or Daoism) is one of the main strands of traditional Chinese
• Taoism is often listed as one of the major world religions, but many of
its adherents don’t consider themselves to be followers of a
“religion.” This has caused some debate about whether Taoism
should be considered a philosophy or a religion
• It gets its name from the idea of the Dao, which means “the way,”
which is the reality beyond human perception, a reality that Taoists
strongly associate with the yin-yang sign, which symbolizes the Taoist
belief in matched opposites: light and dark, hot and cold, wet and
dry, masculine and feminine.
• In Taoism, good and evil are illusions.
Chinese Believe in a Mixture of Both.
Questions asked by both:
• How can justice and social
• What is the true nature
order be preserved?
of existence?
• What are our duties and
• How can we find inner
responsibilities in life?
• What does it mean to be a
good parent/student/friend, • What can people do to
be happy?
History of Taoism
• Taoism was founded by a philosopher named Laozi (LAO-dzuh)
who supposedly lived in China some time around 400 BC; believed
to be a human being without any divinity.
• It isn’t even completely clear that Lao Tzu really existed; he may be
a figure of legend only.
• Taoism became the official religion of China for over a thousand
years, ending in 1911.
• Taoism suffered a serious blow in 1949, when Communists came to
power. They believed that traditional Chinese culture needed to be
erased so that China could be reborn for a new age
History of Taoism - II
• After 1949, many Taoist temples were ripped down, monks were arrested, and
ancient copies of the Dao De Ching were burned.
• Today, however, Taoism is slowly recovering from this violence, and it continues
to be influential in traditional Chinese culture.
• Now, only about 12 million Chinese follow Taoism. (33M profess Christianity)
• CIP: Star Wars shows many influences from Taoism, especially in the teachings
of Yoda.
• For example; “No, no, there is no why! Nothing more will I teach you today.
Clear your mind of questions!” (Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back)
• Newer Thoughts have been added; “Empty your mind. Be formless. Shapeless.
Like water. When you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water
into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot – it becomes the
teapot. But water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” (Bruce Lee)
Taoism’s Holy Books
• Dao De Ching has been an important religious text for the people of
classical China.
• It is a small book of less than one hundred short sayings, poems, and
aphorisms.(aka, general truths)
• It doesn’t talk in any detail about gods or goddess, the afterlife, or other
important religious topics.
• It has many old quotes, such as:
• “A bowl is most useful when it is empty.” (Laozi)
• “The clouds above us join and separate. The breeze in the courtyard leaves
and returns. Life is like that, so why not relax?” (Lu Yu)
Teachings of Taoism - I
• In Chinese culture there is no philosophical or religious Taoism
• There’s just Taoism, and the philosophy and rituals are all part of the same
• The Cosmic Dao, or the Way of the Cosmos, is an indeterminate force or
principle that latently contains all things and spontaneously generates the
universe through its constant rhythmic fluctuations. Humanity will flourish
only if its dao, or “way,” is attuned with this natural order
• Taoism can be summarized as simply as:
• Taoism is acceptance of your life.
Taoism is following your breath to find peace.
Taoism is opening up a smile to enable possibility
Comparing Christianity to Taoism (SMP)
• Christians believe the ideal life is
found in living in accord with the will
of God, with His grace and help
• For Christians, Jesus was both fully
human and fully divine and; and was
historical person
• Christians embrace the existence of at
least some absolute moral values
• The existence of evil, rather than
being a part of a larger, perfect
harmony, is evidence of satan; and
human sinfulness.
• In Taoism, the ideal life is to
live in harmony with the Tao,
the great Way of nature
• They believe that all values
are relative. (changeable)
• Taoism insists that true
harmony, a true balance that
reflects how the universe is a
constant interplay of yang and
Biblical Evaluation (Boa)
• There is no personal Creator/God in any form in Taoism.
• It is polytheistic and animistic
• Instead is involved with nature, mysticism and impersonal principles
• Sin and morality are minimized in Taoism
• There are many heavens and hells
• Salvation is achieved by following Taoism (the way). A person must
commit themselves to Taoism and live a life of simplicity and quietness.
• But, Taoism has degenerated into a system of magical practices and
• It’s priests sell charms against demons and evil spirits of the dead.
Christians pray against such things.
•This it for today!
•Have a great Sunday, week, and month!
•Next week, we will discuss Judaism in more
depth than in Week 2
• Boa, Kenneth, Cults, World Religions, and the Occult (Pages 44-50)
Victor Books, SP Publications, 1990
• Daoism, Chinese Philosophy & religion, Retrieved on November 29,
2019 from https://www.britannica.com/topic/Daoism
• https://www.smp.org/resourcecenter/resource/10374/
• Religions & Beliefs in China, retrieved November 29, 2019 from